

世界建筑 2014年7期




1 外景/Exterior view




51N4E的建筑师所做的只是改变了混凝土和砖的经典角色: “砖以一种能承担所有墙体重量的非常坚固的方式相连接,形成一种华夫状的结构,两面墙能够相互连接在一起,更增强了墙体的稳定性。这是一个解决结构问题的非常简单的方法。”而在新的隔墙的处理上,建筑师选择了一种与既有材料非常协调的面材:一种像佛兰德西部地区的土壤颜色般的黄色砖。“因为曾在过去被改造和重建过许多次,现有建筑中有15种不同的砖,我们考虑了与地板颜色的协调性,觉得这种颜色与其搭配非常漂亮。”此外,这种颜色也与周围的红砖建筑形成了一种对比关系。

对于各种现有材料的成功翻修和对新材料的恰当选择形成了紧凑而大气的空间,而建筑体现的粗糙朴素的特质则呼应了建筑最初让人们单纯地聚在一起创造东西的建造初衷。这是一座让人身处其中而非让人在外欣赏的建筑。(司马蕾 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 科特赖克市政府/City of Kortrijk

建设周期/Construction Period: 2011 - 2012

使用面积/Usable Floor Area: 3900m²

建筑用途/Building's Purpose: 艺术家工作室,艺术中心/ Artists' ateliers, art centre

用砖类型/Brick Type: 面砖/Facing bricks

摄影/Photos: Wienerberger AG/Filip Dujardin (Fig.1,2,6,7), Paul Steinbrueck (Fig.3,9), Mathieu Bayart (Fig.8)

2 庭院/Courtyard

The Buda quarter of Kortrijk is enclosed by the two arms of the Leie river. This is the heart of the Belgian town's rich but idiosyncratic history. Over the centuries, Buda offered refuge to the sick and indigent, and eventually the island also became a thriving centre of water-based industries. In a strange way, these two incongruous roles are still very much in evidence today, even though the poorhouses have long given way to hospitals and nursing homes, and the old industrial spaces are now used for cultural purposes. These days the island of Buda is suffused by an atmosphere of unfettered, anything goes experimentation, with Kortrijk missing no opportunity to court the limelight, particularly in matters of design.

The latest example of this striving is the Buda factory, a former dye works dating back to 1924.The building is of no particular historical or spatial note; its one distinction lies in its being convertible at extremely low cost to unusually large spaces with a broad cultural application. The programmatic infill is deliberately ancillary; the priority lay in making the solidly built structure suitable for workshops, a purpose in line with its original manufacturing use.

A pentagon closely inscribed in the row of existing buildings creates a forecourt open to the sky with a stimulating series of indeterminate niches and lighting moods. A second pentagon within opens up exhibition spaces, studios and workshops that communicate with their surroundings via a terrace erected on the existing factory roofs.

51N4E Architects just changed the classical roles of concrete and brick: "The brick is made in such a way that it can takes all the forces and is stable enough. So it's a kind of waffle structure where the two walls are connected to each other and this gives it stability. And it's a very simple way to solve this issue." For the new separations the architects chose a facing brick that went particularly well with the existing material: a yellow brick characteristic of the loam soil of western Flanders. "There were 15 different bricks used in this building because it has been renovated and rebuilt many times, and I think together with the colour of the floors that we found, this color matches very beautifully." Outside, there is a tension with the neighbouring red-brick buildings.

The successful refurbishment of the various existing materials and the fitting choice of new ones has resulted in a dense, atmospheric ensemble whose rough-hewn simplicity recalls a building in which people simply come together to create things. It is a building for looking, not a building to look at.

3 鸟瞰/Aerial view

4 区位/Location

5 平面/Floor plan


维拉·亚诺夫辛斯基(荷兰):这是一座旧厂房建筑,而建筑师在其中使用了现代建筑的设计手法。项目对砖的使用采用了北方国家的常规做法:体现了砖作为发展完善、工业化和模数化程度很高的理想建材的特质。砖砌的结构和其建造的方式都极好地体现了材料的特性,也非常适合这座建筑。其设计成果并不是一座传统或是常见的建筑,而是因为将砖作为如丝绸般的表皮材料使用而形成了独特的效果,最为明显的特征就是建筑表面色彩的细微差异。建筑在空间设计和材质使用上都形成了新与旧之间的和谐结合,我认为这种同时创造出和谐与张力的设计非常优美,其中也穿插了一些与新的和谐形成对比的手法。其中给我留下最深印象的是建筑体现的设计者智慧与敏感性的结合。我认为建筑师通过材料的使用与成熟的设计方式让建筑达到了最佳的效果。(司马蕾 译)

Jury Statement:

Vera Yanovshtchinsky (the Netherlands):It is an old factory and the architects designed interventions for it using modern architecture. This project used brick the way we often use brick in the northern countries: as a highly-developed, industrial, modular, perfect building product. The masonry, the way of building it, suits this building. The result, however, is not a traditional or common one. The result is unique, because what you get is brick that becomes almost fabric-like. It has some of the qualities of silk, a material in which color nuances are often the most striking feature. The building is a harmonious combination, of both space and material, and between the old and the new. I find it a very beautiful way of creating harmony and tension at the same time. It combines what seemed like opposites into a new harmony. I was very impressed by the building's combination of intelligence and sensitivity. I have the feeling that they have achieved all that was possible to achieve by pushing the materials and the design with such sophistication.

6 通道/Corridor

7-9 内景/Interior view





HU Yue: An old dye factory has been transformed into an art center. At first glance this project may seem a bit bland, but the building's blandness is actually what impresses me the most. Although the function of this building has changed greatly from its original use, the designer tries to maintain its original characteristics, namely its spaces and materials. Such plain and simple qualities provide many more possibilities for new building functions. The application of multi-toned bricks is the truest representation of the building's design concept.

FAN Lu: Two pentagonal voids form the nuclei of the Buda Art Centre project. The first pentagonal nucleus organizes the art center and its surrounding buildings and is made of pure brick walls which open to the sky. Organizing interior spaces, the second nucleus takes the preserved concrete support components as a frame and infills new bricks. Surrounding stairs in the inner void connect different levels and lead to the roof terrace. In the second void, the concrete frame and part of the brick walls are painted white, indicating the spiral circulation and direction of lights as well. The first nucleus gives a foretaste of the presence of the second one inside. But when people climb up the top of the second nucleus, they can look back at the first one. The volumes and spaces of the Buda Art centre are integrated and driven by its bi-nuclear plan. A kind of pale-yellow brick is used in both voids. The new color is different from those of existing 15 kinds of bricks, and activates all their colors.

Category Winner in Public Re-Use: Buda Art Centre, Kortrijk, Belgium, 2012

Architects: 51N4E Architects


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