Landscape Design: School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University/Atelier DYJG
Jiang Yang Fan Eco-park, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, 2010
Landscape Design: School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University/Atelier DYJG
1 栈桥和生境岛围栏的水平线条与柳树的垂直线条形成对比/The boardwalk and low fences of Habitat Island highlight the horizontal elements, creating an exquisite contrast with the vertical lines sketched by the woods.
项目信息/Credits and Data
项目主持/Principal in Charge:王向荣,林箐
设计团队/Design Team:王向荣,林箐,阳春白雪,李洋,张铭然,肖起发,季义力,钟春玮,华锐,郭巍,李倞
项目规模/Area:19.8 hm2
设计时间/Design Period:2007-2009
建设时间/Construction Period:2009-2010
摄影/Photos: 明和摄影,王向荣,孙国栋,任鲸
2廊架不仅提供了休息区域,也为人们带来丰富的视觉体验/The pergola not only offers a rest area, but also brings visitors a rich visual experience.
Design In dialogue with nature
The project is located in a valley named Jiang Yang Fan south of Hangzhou’s West Lake. A decade ago, about 1000000 m3of silt dredged from West Lake were pumped into the reservoir in the valley. Ten years passed and this abandoned place changed dramatically-seeds deposited in the silt were gradually germinating and growing, turning the site into a lush woodlands swamp. The miraculous changes captured people's attention and a proposal from the local government to create an ecological park and a museum was accepted.
Over the past ten years, the site has vividly demonstrated how natural regenerative processes take place after human intervention, and revealed the force of the natural succession process. The park should communicate the story of Jiang Yang Fan and present these magical aspects of nature in a proper way.
Starting with clearing the site of dead wood and some detrimental sprawling vines. After that, areas of well-growing plant communities were preserved and kept as living samples of the site's natural succession. Then, for the rest of the site, a moderate thinning of weak plants followed to promote the healthy growth of the woodland and provide sunlight for understory plants. Subtle landform adjustment was applied next in order to direct, collect and discharge it into the shallow swamp zones. Finally, understory plants were introduced at appropriate locations. These regenerated plant communities make the landscape more attractive, and provide a favorable habitat for small mammals, insects and birds.
A floating boardwalk system guides visitors to explore the wonderful environment. The 1-km-long boardwalk punctuated with polymorphous green pergolas, long benches and punched guardrails, brought visitors a rich visual experience and offered a series of observation desks and rest areas. The guild system and the story of the site's creation was well designed by landscape architects who made the park an outdoor museum of natural history .
By adopting regenerative design strategies, the landscape architects stimulated the creativity of a unique natural ecosystem and created a distinctive, low maintenance ecological park. Jiang Yang Fan Ecopark not only represents the original characteristics and successional processes of the site and enhances its biodiversity, it also provides ecological education opportunities and a unique aesthetic experience.
3 总平面/Master plan
4 场地现状/The existing site
5 设计结构/Design structure
6 蜿蜒的栈道吸引人们去探索自然/A floating boardwalk system guides visitors to explore the wonderful environment.
7 人工引入的植物与场地原有植物很好地融合,形成自然朴野的气氛/The introduced species are well blended with the existing plants and create a wild atmosphere.
DING Liyang: In a stable ecological system the process of natural succession is slow and relatively imperceptible. Interestingly, this park's site is a new generic system. It has been recently created by human intervention, an act that, in turn, enormously accelerates the pace of the succession process. By handling water, soil and planting systems, the designer is trying to achieve a state of ecological balance-to create near autonomy for the natural systems, requiring only the minimum intervention of man. As a result, the park provides opportunities for close observation both of its method and the interactions of these simply "natural" systems. It is also strangely intimate.
QUE Zhenqing: Ten years ago, a million square meters of silt (dredged out of Xihu) gave birth to the valley swamps. Pristine and full of vitality, mysterious and enlightening, Jiang Yang Fan is reminiscent of the deep New Hampshire wilderness described by Henry David Thoreau. Designers of the eco-park skillfully re-organized the habitats, strengthened the vitality of the situation and made Jiang Yang Fan a fertile example of the infinite possibilities of nature. In the park, boardwalks run along carefully selected routes and putting tourists in touch with the forces of nature. The story of life unfolds over space and time. The designers understand, appreciate and respect the wilderness and they communicate this fact with sensitivity. The Jiang Yang Fan Ecological Park demonstrates that it's possible to "design with nature" in the lightest way.
9 穿越生境岛的栈道/The boardwalk winds through native plant communities
10 栈道穿越花海,隐于树林/The boardwalk goes through wild flower meadow and woods.