

植物保护 2014年5期

周 涛, 杨普云, 赵汝娜, 师迎春, 原 锴, 范在丰

(1. 中国农业大学植物病理学系,北京 100193;2. 全国农业技术推广服务中心,北京 100125;3. 北京市植物保护站,北京 100029;4. 北京市房山区植物保护站,北京 102488)



周 涛1*, 杨普云2, 赵汝娜1, 师迎春3, 原 锴4, 范在丰1

(1. 中国农业大学植物病理学系,北京 100193;2. 全国农业技术推广服务中心,北京 100125;3. 北京市植物保护站,北京 100029;4. 北京市房山区植物保护站,北京 102488)


番茄褪绿病毒; 脉间褪绿; 粉虱; 防治措施

1989年美国佛罗里达州温室栽培的番茄(Solanumlycopersicum)上出现“黄叶紊乱”(yellow leaf disorder)症状,怀疑为生理或营养失调、农药药害或者病毒侵染所致;1998年,该病原被鉴定为番茄褪绿病毒(Tomatochlorosisvirus, ToCV)[1]。ToCV侵染番茄导致番茄叶片脉间黄化,部分区域变红,发育受阻,轻微卷曲,通常在老叶上表现明显,新生枝条和叶片表现正常,随着病害发展,发生脉间坏死,叶片变脆易碎、叶片变厚(图1)。ToCV侵染番茄引起的症状极易与物理损伤、营养失调或农药药害混淆,但典型的症状特点是植株中下部叶片发病,而新生部分正常。

已知有两种长线形病毒侵染番茄引起番茄褪绿病,一种是番茄褪绿病毒(ToCV),一种是番茄侵染性褪绿病毒(Tomatoinfectiouschlorosisvirus, TICV)。ToCV和TICV在番茄上引起症状相同,且均导致植株长势变弱,果实产量降低[2]。我国目前仅发现ToCV。

1 世界分布和在我国的危害



2 分类、基因组和粒子特性

根据国际病毒分类委员会(International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses,ICTV)第9次分类报告所述,ToCV属于长线形病毒科(Closteroviridae)毛形病毒属(Crinivirus)[25]。ToCV的基因组为二分体正义单链RNA(+ssRNA),RNA的5′端可能有一个甲基化帽子结构,3′端既无Ploy(A),也不形成tRNA样结构,可能形成发夹结构[25]。目前世界上报道了7个分离物的基因组全序列,包括美国分离物[26],西班牙的2个分离物[8,27],希腊分离物[9]、巴西分离物[28],以及中国北京分离物[29]和山东分离物[24]。病毒粒子弯曲长线形,长800~850 nm,直径约为12 nm,呈螺旋对称结构,螺距3.4~3.8 nm[30]。ToCV基因组RNA1和RNA2分别包装在两种不同的病毒粒子中,两者对成功侵染寄主都是必需的。

3 寄主范围


4 传播方式

ToCV不能通过汁液摩擦传播,其自然传毒介体为粉虱。有4种粉虱能够传播ToCV,但传毒效率差异较大。纹翅粉虱(Trialeurodesabutilonea)和B型烟粉虱(BemisiatabaciB-biotype)的传毒效率较高,A型烟粉虱(B.tabaciA-biotype)和温室白粉虱(T.vaporariorum)的传毒效率则较低。纹翅粉虱带毒长达5 d,B型烟粉虱带毒为2 d,而A型烟粉虱和温室白粉虱只能带毒1 d,虽然传毒效率有差异,但都可以进行有效的传毒[2]。

5 防控措施




[1]Wisler G C, Li R H, Liu H, et al.Tomatochlorosisvirus: a new whitefly-transmitted, phloem-limited, bipartite closterovirus of tomato[J]. Phytopathology,1998,88(5):402-409.

[2]Wintermantel W M, Wisler G C. Vector specificity, host range, and genetic diversity ofTomatochlorosisvirus[J]. Plant Disease. 2006,90(6):814-819.

[3]Louro D, Accotto G P, Vaira A M. Occurrence and diagnosis ofTomatochlorosisvirusin Portugal[J]. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2000,106(6):589-592.

[4]Accotto G P, Vaira A M, Vecchiati M, et al. First report ofTomatochlorosisvirusin Italy[J]. Plant Disease, 2001,85(11):1208.

[5]Parrella G, Scassillo L. First report ofTomatochlorosisvirus(ToCV) in Campania and ofTomatoinfectiouschlorosisvirus(TICV) in Calabria (Southern Italy)[J]. Informatore Fitopatologico, 2006,56(6):33-34.

[6]Dalmon A, Bouyer S, Cailly M, et al. First report ofTomatochlorosisvirus andTomatoinfectiouschlorosisvirusin tomato crops in France[J]. Plant Disease,2005,89(11):1243.

[7]Bese G, Bóka K, Krizbai L, et al. First report ofTomatochlorosisvirusin tomato from Hungary[J]. Plant Disease,2011,95(3):363.

[8]Lozano G, Moriones E, Navas-Castillo J. Complete nucleotide sequence of the RNA2 of the crinivirusTomatochlorosisvirus[J]. Archives of Virology, 2006,151(3):581-587.

[9]Kataya A, Stavridou E, Farhan K, et al. Nucleotide sequence analysis and detection of a Greek isolate ofTomatochlorosisvirus[J]. Plant Pathology, 2008,57(5):819-824.

[10]Alvarez Ruiz P, Jimenez C G, Leyva López N E, et al. First report ofTomatochlorosisvirusinfecting tomato crops in Sinaloa, Mexico[J]. Plant Pathology,2007,56(6):1043.

[11]Martínez-Zubiaur Y, Fiallo-Olivé E, Carrillo-Tripp J, et al. First report ofTomatochlorosisvirusinfecting tomato in single and mixed infections withTomatoyellowleafcurlvirusin Cuba[J]. Plant Disease,2008,92(5):836.

[12]Vargas J A, Hammond R, Hernandez E, et al. First report ofTomatochlorosisvirusinfecting sweet pepper in Costa Rica[J]. Plant Disease, 2011,95(11):1482.

[13]Barbosa J C, Teixeira A, Moreira A G, et al, First report ofTomatochlorosisvirusinfecting tomato crops in Brazil[J]. Plant Disease, 2008,92(12):1709.

[14]Lett J M, Hoareau M, Reynaud B, et al. First report ofTomatochlorosisvirusin tomato on Mauritius Island[J]. Plant Disease,2009,93(1):111.

[15]Fiallo-Olivé E, Hamed A A, Moriones E, et al. First report ofTomatochlorosisvirusinfecting tomato in Sudan[J]. Plant Disease,2011,95(12):1592.

[16]Segev L, Wintermantel W M, Polston J E, et al. First report ofTomatochlorosisvirusin Israel[J]. Plant Disease,2004,88(10):1160.

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[18]Abou-Jawdah Y, El Mohtar C, Atamian H, et al. First report ofTomatochlorosisvirusin Lebanon[J]. Plant Disease,2006,90(3):378.

[19]Cevik B, Erkis G. First report ofTomatochlorosisvirusin Turkey[J]. Plant Pathology,2008,57(4):767.

[20]Hirota T, Natsuaki T, Murai T, et al. Yellowing disease of tomato caused byTomatochlorosisvirusnewly recognized in Japan[J]. Journal of General Plant Pathology,2010,76(2):168-171.

[21]Tsai W S, Shih S L, Green S K, et al. First report of the occurrence ofTomatochlorosisvirusandTomatoinfectiouschlorosisvirusin Taiwan[J]. Plant Disease,2004,88(3):311.

[22]Zhao R, Wang R, Wang N, et al. First report ofTomatochlorosisvirusin China[J]. Plant Disease,2013,97(8):1123.

[23]Karwitha M, Feng Z, Yao M, et al. The complete nucleotide sequence of the RNA 1 of a chinese isolate ofTomatochlorosisvirus[J]. Journal of Phytopathology,2014,162(4):411-415.

[24]Zhao L, Li G, Gao Y, et al. Molecular detection and complete genome sequences ofTomatochlorosisvirusisolates from infectious outbreaks in China[J/OL]. Journal of Phytopathology, 2014-02-27. DOI:10.1111/jph.12236.

[25]King A M Q, Adams M J, Carstens E B, et al. Virus taxonomy:ninth report of the international committee on taxonomy of viruses[M]. Amsterdam:Elsevier Academic Press,2011.

[26]Wintermantel W M, Wisler G C, Anchieta A G, et al. The complete nucleotide sequence and genome organization ofTomatochlorosisvirus[J]. Archives of Virology,2005,150(11):2287-2298.

[27]Lozano G, Moriones E, Navas-Castillo J. Complete sequence of the RNA1 of a European isolate ofTomatochlorosisvirus[J]. Archives of Virology,2007,152(4):839-841.

[28]Albuquerque L C, Villanueva F, Resende R O, et al. Molecular characterization reveals BrazilianTomatochlorosisvirusto be closely related to a Greek isolate[J]. Tropical Plant Pathology,2013,38(4):332-336.

[29]Zhao R, Wang N, Wong R, et al. Characterization and full genome sequence analysis of a Chinese isolate ofTomatochlorosisvirus[J]. Acta Virologica,2014,58(1):92-94.

[30]Liu H, Wisler G C, Duffus J E. Particle lengths of whitefly-transmitted criniviruses[J]. Plant Disease,2000,84(7):803-805.

[31]周涛,师迎春,陈笑瑜,等. 北京地区番茄黄化曲叶病毒病的鉴定及防治对策讨论[J]. 植物保护,2010,36(2):116-118.


Zhou Tao1, Yang Puyun2, Zhao Runa1, Shi Yingchun3, Yuan Kai4, Fan Zaifeng1

(1.DepartmentofPlantPathology,ChinaAgriculturalUniversity,Beijing100193,China; 2.NationalAgro-TechnicalExtensionandServiceCentre,Beijing100125,China; 3.BeijingPlantProtectionStation,Beijing100029,China; 4.FangshanStationofPlantProtection,Beijing102488,China)

Tomatochlorosisvirus(ToCV) causes leaf chlorosis on infected tomato plants. The lower leaves become yellow, interveinal chlorosis, slightly curling on edges, and photosynthesis decreases obviously. The fruits on infected plants turn smaller, and the production and quality are reduced significantly. ToCV was firstly identified in Florida, USA, and then was reported in many countries. In China, ToCV was reported firstly from Taiwan in 2004. In 2013, ToCV was found on tomato plants in Beijing and Shandong Province, and was detected on pepper plants at the same time. Being a member ofCrinivirusin family Closteroviridae, ToCV has a bipartite positive single-stranded RNA, and is transmitted by whitefly. Preliminary survey indicated ToCV had spread in Beijing, Shandong, Hebei and Tianjin, and caused severe damage on local tomato production. As its fast transmission, ToCV has become one of the most important viruses for China’s tomato production. It is suggested that measures must be carried out to perform research on ToCV, and to control its transmission and damage on tomato plants.

Tomatochlorosisvirus; interveinal chlorosis; whitefly; control measures




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