澳大利亚John Murtagh全科病案研究(四十九)


中国全科医学 2014年1期

John Murtagh,杨 辉


1 病史

一位82岁的老年男性病人来诊所看病,病人是由常年照顾他的女儿带来的。老人就诊的原因是48 h以来萎靡不振、思维混乱、恶心、呆滞。18个月前,老人患卒中,不过程度属于轻度,得到稳定的恢复,直到3 d前还感觉不错。他没有出现跌倒和失禁问题。

2 用药情况

老人目前服用的药物包括降低胆固醇的辛伐他汀(simvastatin)20 mg,1次/d;利尿/降压药吲哒帕胺(indapamide)2.5 mg,1次/d;镇静药替马西泮(temazepam)10 mg,夜间服用。

3 体检

体检发现老人一般躯体状况良好,不过经常对时间、人物和地点出现定向障碍。他的表现提示可能有谵妄的情况,因此对他进行简易精神状态检查。他的生命体征为:体温37 ℃;脉搏72次/min,规律;血压140/80 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa);呼吸14次/min;血氧饱和度97%。其他体检包括心血管检查、神经系统检查、呼吸系统检查,结果都正常。血糖仪读数为6.2 mmol/L。

4 提问

4.1 提问1:你可以做哪些鉴别诊断?

4.2 提问2:你应该安排哪些实验室检查?

5 解答

5.1 解答1:鉴别诊断包括药物不良反应,特别是利尿剂造成的电解质紊乱、镇静剂造成的不良反应。并需要考虑到肾衰竭。

5.2 解答2:你应该安排如下实验室检查:全血常规检查;尿液检查,包括尿常规和尿培养检查;血清电解质检查;肾功能检查。

6 进一步的病史

实验室检查的结果如下:全血常规检查:正常;尿液检查:正常;血清电解质检查:血钠120 mmol/L(参考值范围为134~146 mmol/L),血钾4.0 mmol/L(参考值范围为3.4~5.3 mmol/L);肾功能检查:尿素4.5 mmol/L(参考值范围为3~8 mmol/L),肌酐0.07 mmol/L(参考值范围为0.04~0.12 mmol/L)。

7 进一步提问

7.1 提问3:这个病人低钠血症的最可能原因是什么?

7.2 提问4:低钠血症的其他原因是什么?

7.3 提问5:你应该怎样管理这个病人?

8 解答

8.1 解答3:造成这个病人低钠血症(并继而造成思维混乱)的最可能原因是使用利尿剂吲哒帕胺,这个药物属于噻嗪类利尿剂。其他利尿剂也可能造成同样的问题,因此密切观察病人利尿剂的使用情况是非常重要的。

8.2 解答4:其他可能造成低钠血症的原因有:(1)抗利尿激素分泌综合征,如甲状腺功能减退、癌症;(2)肾功能衰竭导致钠潴留,如肾炎;(3)水摄入过多,如饮水过多或水潴留、充血性心力衰竭;(4)其他药物,如血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂、抗癫痫药。

8.3 解答5:对这位病人,应该采取如下管理措施:(1)停止使用利尿剂吲哒帕胺;(2)安排病人入院治疗;(3)限制水和液体摄入;(4)通过静脉点滴给予等渗氯化钠溶液(如果体液减少)。





1 History

A 82 year old man is brought in by his carer daughter because over the past 48 hours he has become lethargic,confused,nauseated and drowsy.He had suffered a stroke 18 months ago but it was not severe and he has been making steady progress and recently felt well up to about 3 days ago.He has not had any falls or incontinence.

2 Medication

His medication is the cholesterol-lowering agent simvastatin 20 mg once daily,the diuretic agent indapamide 2.5 mg daily,the hypnotic temazepam 10 mg at night.

3 Physical examination

On examination he looks well physically but is disorientated in time,person and place.The routine mini-mental state examination had to be modified as his condition suggested delirium.His vital signs were temperature 37 ℃,pulse 72/min regular,BP 140/80 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa),respiration 14/min,oxygen saturation 97%.The rest of the physical examination including the cardiovascular,neurological and respiratory systems was normal.Blood glucose reading (glucometer) 6.2 mmol/L.

4 Questions

4.1 Question 1:What are your differential diagnosis?

4.2 Question 2:What investigations would you perform initially?

5 Answers

5.1 Answer 1:Differential diagnoses include an adverse drug reaction particularly to the diuretic (including electrolyte disturbance)and the sleeping pill; kidney failure.

5.2 Answer 2:Blood tests to consider are:Full blood examination,urine analysis,serum electrolytes,kidney function tests.

6 Further history

The investigations with normal ranges are as follows:Full blood examination:normal.Urine:normal.Sodium 120 mmol/L(134-146 mmol/L),Potassium 4.0 mmol/L(3.4-5.3 mmol/L).Urea 4.5 mmol/L(3-8 mmol/L),Creatinine 0.07 mmol/L(0.04-0.12 mmol/L).

7 Further questions

7.1 Question 3:What is the most likely cause of low serum sodium ( Hyponatremia) in this patient?

7.2 Question 4:What are other causes of Hyponatremia?

7.3 Question 5:How would you manage this patient?

8 Answers

8.1 Answer 3:The most likely cause of this man′s low serum sodium -causing confusion-is his diuretic treatment with indapamide which is a thiazide type drug.Other diuretics can cause this problem so careful follow up of patients on diuretics is important.

8.2 Answer 4:Other causes of Hyponatremia:(1)Inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone secretion syndrome e.g.hypothyroidism,lung cancer.(2)Kidney failure to conserve salt e.g.nephritis.(3)Water excess e.g.orally or retention e.g.CCF.(4)Other drugs e.g.ACE inhibitors,anti-epileptics.

8.3 Answer 5:The treatment should be:(1)Stop the suspect drug-indapamide.(2)Admit to hospital.(3)Restrict water and fluid intake.(4) Administer isotonic saline via intravenous drip (if volume depletion).

