

中国骨与关节杂志 2014年5期


First plenary meeting of the Editorial Board “Chinese Journal of Bone and Joint”

The frst plenary meeting of the “Chinese Journal of Bone and Joint” editorial board was successfully held in Beijing International Hotel on April 12, 2014. Editorial board members attending this meeting: professor Hou Shuxun( honorary editor-in-chief ), professor Xu Wan-peng( editor-in-chief ), professor Zeng Bing-fang( deputy editorin-chief ), professor Deng Lian-fu( deputy editor-in-chief ), professor Hai Yong( deputy editor-in-chief ), professor Hou Chun-lin( deputy editor-in-chief ), professor Li Jian-an( deputy editor-in-chief ), professor Liu Zhong-jun( deputy editor-in-chief ), professor Pei Fu-xing( deputy editor-in-chief ), professor Qin Ling( deputy editor-in-chief ), professor Tang Pei-fu( deputy editor-in-chief ), professor Wang Zhen( deputy editor-in-chief ), professor Wang Manyi( deputy editor-in-chief ), professor Wang Yi-peng( deputy editor-in-chief ), professor Zhang Feng-chun( deputy editor-in-chief ), etc. In total, 13 members of deputy editor-in-chief, 31 members of standing committee, and 73 members of editorial board attended this meeting.

《中国骨与关节杂志》首届全体编委会会议,于 2014 年 4 月 12 日,在北京国际饭店成功举办。参加本次会议的编委有:名誉总编辑侯树勋教授,总编辑徐万鹏教授,副总编辑曾炳芳教授、邓廉夫教授、海涌教授、侯春林教授、励建安教授、刘忠军教授、裴福兴教授、秦岭教授、唐佩福教授、王臻教授、王满宜教授、王以朋教授、张奉春教授;常务编委 31 位、编委 73 位。会议由上海瑞金医院骨科研究所所长,本刊副总编辑邓廉夫教授主持。



赵书贵副会长还在会议上作了指示,他指出《中国骨与关节杂志》改刊两年来,成绩斐然。有以下特点:( 1 )编委会精英云集:本届编委会由187 位国内外著名专家组成,其中既有国内顶级的骨与关节领域的权威学者,还有一线的中青年专家及来自 5 个国家的 7 位外籍编委,这是《中国骨与关节杂志》发展的动力;( 2 )编委会专业覆盖全面:除脊柱、肿瘤、关节、创伤、这些骨科常见专业外,还有影像、康复、病理、风湿与免疫、生物材料等方面的专家,这为交叉学科的交流与提高办刊质量,提供了保证;( 3 )改刊时间不长,成绩突出;我们在进入中国科技核心期刊的同时,也被美国化学文摘收录,这对于改刊两年的一本期刊而言实属不易,但我们作到了,值得庆贺!( 4 )编辑部建设进入规范:既有老编辑,又有青年编辑;管理借鉴了中华医学会系列杂志的经验,起步就很高,为今后发展创造了条件;( 5 )稿件处理规范:从收稿和刊出稿件看,2013 年刊出率 28.49%,这是一个理想的数据,意味着稿件的取舍有度,更有意义的是主办单位的稿件按刊出比例计算,仅排在第14 位。这说明办刊单位严谨的科学作风。他希望编委会成员能全力支持编辑部工作,并提出主办单位及编辑部要以更加规范、科学严谨的态度,更加求真、务实的作风努力工作,把杂志办得更好。

编辑部李贵存主任作了 2013 年度工作总结。他指出:《中国骨与关节杂志》改刊两年来,在国家卫生和计划生育委员会、中国医疗保健国际交流促进会的领导下,在解放军总医院第一附属医院的全力支持下,在编委会的指导下,取得了长足的进步。本届编委会由学术指导委员会专家 16 位,名誉总编辑、总编辑、副总编辑 20 位,常务编委 45位,编委 99 位,外籍编委 7 位构成。按专业分:创伤 39 位,关节 33 位,脊柱 44 位,肿瘤 30 位,骨病、康复、影像、病理、生物材料等专业 18 位。一年来,编辑部建立了刊后自检制度,规范了栏目词及关键词,每期增加了重点刊号。在取得好成绩的同时,杂志也存在以下问题:( 1 )约稿不落实;( 2 )审稿周期过长;( 3 )审稿不够严谨;( 4 )审稿系统尚待完善。他提出了今后工作的方向:( 1 )加强审稿工作, 建立专业终审制;( 2 )增加全英文论文的比重;( 3 )改进工作系统;( 4 )建立过刊数据库。

会议还分为:创伤骨科专业,脊柱外科专业,关节外科专业,骨肿瘤专业和基础,风湿骨病、康复、影像、病理专业,五个小组进行了讨论。与会专家根据学科的热点问题,确定了未来 2 年杂志重点号的组稿计划。曾炳芳教授、秦岭教授、胡永成教授对如何办好杂志提出了中肯的意见与建议。



( 张晶 代琴 王萌 整理 )

( 本文编辑:李贵存 )

Professor Xu Wan-peng delivered a welcome speech frst, and outlined the history of the journal, putting forward hopes after the renaming of the journal. Zhao Shu-gui, vice-president of China International Exchange and Promotive Association for Medical and Health Care announced the name list of the frst editorial board of “Chinese Journal of Bone and Joint” and issued certificates of appointment to professor Hou Shu-xun as honorary editor-in-chief and professor Xu Wan-peng as editor-in-chief.

Vice-president Zhao Shu-gui expressed sincere congratulations on the achievements of two-year development since its inauguration after renaming. He pointed out the characteristics of the journal as following.( 1 )Editorial elite gathered. The editorial board is constituted by 187 well-known experts home and abroad, including both the country’s top scholars in the feld of bone and joint and 7 foreign editors from 5 countries, which is the engine of the journal’s development.( 2 )All-inclusive professions. Experts of spine, tumor, joint, trauma, as well as images, rehabilitation, pathology, rheumatism and immune, biological materials, etc. coordinate here to enhance interdisciplinary communication and guarantee the quality of the articles selected.( 3 )Outstanding achievements. As a source journal for Chinese Scientifc and Technical Papers and Citations, it is also included by Chemical Abstracts, which is not easy for a journal of 2 years.( 4 )Normative construction. Both experienced editors and active young editors are included. Accompanied with the experience accumulated in journal series of the Chinese Medical Association, it starts on a higher level, which is benefcial for future development.( 5 )Normative processing. Regarding the number of articles received and published, the article collection rate reached 28.49% in 2013, which is a satisfactory result. This is a great rate to remain, ranging the 14th in China. It is a symbol of rigorous scientifc style. Zhao Shu-gui hopes that board members could provide strong support for the journal and the editorial offce could further standardize and systemize the processing procedure with scientifc, rigorous and pragmatic attitude to consolidate better development. Li Gui-cun, director of editorial offce, made annual summary 2013. Members attending the meeting are divided into 5 groups of different professions including the group of orthopedic trauma, the group of spine surgery, the group of joint surgery, the group of bone tumors and basic research, the group of rheumatism and bone diseases, rehabilitation, imaging and pathology to identify the plan of soliciting contributions on heated topics in key issues in the next 2 years.

Professor Hou Shu-xun made a summary and pointed out that it was a great pleasure to have bone and joint experts of various specifc felds gather together to outline the guideline of the journal and discuss how to improve the journal infuence. It is of great signifcance for the future development.

Meeting abstracts; Consensus development conference; Editorial board


2014-04-14 )

