黄应龙 苏秉忠 姜 泊 龚 伟
黄应龙1苏秉忠1姜 泊2龚 伟2
目的探讨结直肠腺瘤切除后不同时间段腺瘤复发风险。方法对1976年至2007年在广州南方医院消化内镜中心所有经结肠镜下诊断并切除腺瘤患者的随访结果进行回顾性总结,根据初次结肠镜检查患者腺瘤特征对患者进行分层,即非高危腺瘤和高危腺瘤患者,分析不同患者在不同时间段的腺瘤复发风险。结果1 356例腺瘤患者在腺瘤切除术后1年到20年间接受了3次以上的有效随访结肠镜检查。基础腺瘤(初次结肠镜检查中发现腺瘤)为高危腺瘤患者,在1~3年、3~5年、5~10年和10~20年4个时间段内高危腺瘤的累计复发率分别是3.8%、13.1%、34.7%和52.0%,任意腺瘤的复发率分别是32.6%、58.1%、75.8%和86.2%。基础腺瘤为非高危腺瘤患者,高危腺瘤的累计复发率分别是0.9%、3.9%、5.8%和29.2%,任意腺瘤的复发率为11.5%、28.9%、45.3%和62.5%。两种类型基础腺瘤(即高危腺瘤和非高危腺瘤)患者比较,复发高危腺瘤或任意腺瘤的累计风险均存在很大差异(P=0.000)。结论腺瘤切除后复发腺瘤或高危腺瘤累计风险随时间延长明显增加,高危腺瘤患者腺瘤切除后复发风险在不同时间段均明显高于非高危腺瘤患者。
在研究期间,我们分析了所有腺瘤切除患者的内镜报告和病理报告,并收集腺瘤的大小、形态、部位、数目、病理等特征的资料以及患者年龄、性别等资料。腺瘤的大小是通过结肠镜活检钳张开口径大小(6 mm)或通过测量切除标本最大直径来衡量。部位分为近端结肠、远端结肠和直肠。近端结肠包括盲肠、升结肠、肝曲、横结肠、脾区,远端结肠包括降结肠、乙状结肠和直肠。腺瘤的形态分为两类即隆起型和非隆起型。非隆起型腺瘤根据巴黎肿瘤内镜下形态分类进一步分为平坦浅表型、平坦隆起型和平坦凹陷型[6]。所有腺瘤组织病理由一名消化病理专家根据世界卫生组织结直肠肿瘤分类进行审阅[7]。多发腺瘤患者的分类是按照腺瘤的大小、部位及组织学分别以最大腺瘤、最近端部位以及最高病理形态腺瘤进行分类。高危腺瘤是指具有下列特征的腺瘤:直径大于10 mm的腺瘤,绒毛状腺瘤(含绒毛成分大于25%)或伴高级别瘤变腺瘤。非高危腺瘤是指直径小于10 mm的管状腺瘤。任意腺瘤是指包括高危腺瘤和非高危腺瘤的所有腺瘤。
按照初次结肠镜检查发现腺瘤的特征对患者进行危险分层,即高危腺瘤患者和非高危腺瘤患者,通过Kaplan-Meier生存分析法评价不同患者复发任意腺瘤和高危腺瘤的累计风险。P值小于0.05认为结果具有统计学意义。所有数据分析采用SPSS 13.0软件包和SAS 9.12软件包完成。
6 462例腺瘤患者经内镜下腺瘤切除,2 484例患者接受了随访结肠镜检查(图1)。在这些随访患者中,1 002例只接受了一次随访,105例为炎症性肠病、家族性腺瘤性息肉病和Peutz-Jeghers综合征患者。另外21例患者随访结肠镜检查不完整。总共1 356例腺瘤患者在腺瘤切除术后1~20年接受了有效的随访结肠镜检查。1 356例有效结肠镜随访患者中,男性863例,女性493例。初次结肠镜检查时平均年龄为(52.4±12.5)岁(20~84岁)。初次结肠镜检查中非高危腺瘤患者714例(52.7%),高危腺瘤患者642例(47.3%)。808例(59.6%)患者仅有单发腺瘤,528例(40.4%)为多发腺瘤患者。
图1 患者的入选及结果(FAP:家族性腺瘤性息肉病;IBD:炎症性肠病;P-J:Peutz-Jeghers综合征)
表1 不同类型基础腺瘤在结肠镜随访中任意腺瘤及高危腺瘤的累计复发率[n(%)]
图2 初次结肠镜检查为高危腺瘤和非高危腺瘤患者在不同随访时间复发的累计风险
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Risk of adenoma recurrence after colorectal polypectomy
HANG Ying-long1,SU Bing-zhong1,JIANG Bo2,GONG Wei2.1)Department of Gastroenterology,Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical University,Huhhot,010050;2)Department of Gastroenterology,Nanfang Hospital,Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510515
Subject To analyze the risk of adenoma recurrence after colorectal polypectomy during different time of surveillance.Method All cases of colorectal adenoma removed by colonoscopy for the first time were documented in the endoscopic center of the Department of Gastroenterology,Nanfang Hospital, Guangzhou,and the characteristics of every patient were summarized.According to the characteristics of adenoma removed,the patients were classified into non-advanced adenoma and advanced adenoma.Meanwhile, the risk of adenoma recurrence at defferent time was analyzed.Result A total of 1 356 patients underwent endoscopic polypectomy and completed three or more endoscopic surveillances from one year to twenty years after polypectomy.When baseline adenoma were stratified by advanced and non-advanced adenoma,the cumulative recurrence rates of advanced adenoma were 3.8%,13.1%,34.7%and 52.0%in patients with advanced adenoma at baseline during four different surveillance intervals,whereas,0.9%,3.9%,5.8%and 29.2%in patients with non-advanced adenoma at baseline.For patients with advanced adenoma at baseline,the cumulative recurrence rates of any adenoma during these same four different surveillance intervals were 32.6%,58.1%, 75.8%,and 86.2%,respectively,as compared with those of 11.5%,28.9%,45.3%,and 62.5%for patients with non-advanced adenoma at baseline.In terms of the cumulative risk of the recurrence of advanced adenoma or the recurrence of any adenoma at the surveillance examination,there was a significant difference between patients with advanced adenoma and those with non-advanced adenoma at baseline.Conclusion The cumulative risk of the recurrence of any adenoma and advanced adenoma during surveillance significantly increase with time prolonged.The rate of adenoma recurrence after polypectomy for patients with advanced adenoma at baseline are significantly higher than that for patients with non-advanced adenoma at baseline.
Colorectal adenoma;Recurrence;Colonoscopy
1 010050内蒙古医科大学附属医院;
2 510515南方医科大学南方医院消化内科