Promote Mutual Exchanges and Learning between Various Civilizations and Cultures


Peace 2014年4期

Rabindra Adhikari

Coordinator,Nepal Peace and Solidarity Council

It is an honor for me and my organization to join commemoration of international peace day and the exchange programs among NGO leaders on the invitation of Chinese Peoples’Association for Peace and Disarmament(CPAPD).

The exchange forums have beenal ways proved beneficial in terms of promoting mutual harmony and peace as it provides opportunity to understand various perspectives,history,culture and political dynamics in the various parts of the world.

We have witnessed in our lifetime that the world has divided and even waged war and threats in the name of religion,identity,and during colonization and neo-colonization suppressed in the name of civilization and democratization.The problem of fundamentalism and increasing militarization is completely based on the wrong notion prevailing one culture and civilization supremacy over others;threats for preserving minority culture and civilization;and assimilating political colonization of culture and identity in small and economically vulnerable countries.

I believe for all religions and cultures in all civilizations,we have a common destiny that is mutual and peaceful existence of human community;preservation of nature and environment;cooperation and support for poor and weak;respect for each others’human values.

In terms of political governance system as well,democratization can be defined and applied in different way in different parts of the world according to the Geo-political and social contest;yet they have a commonalities of peace,progress and prosperity for their citizens and in neighborhood.

As we all know that we live in a diverse world with diverse identities and diverse culture and practices;we are confirmed that uniform formulistic lifestyle,political system and civilization do not fit in all societies.Neither a single culture can be accepted and adopted nor that can better result for human being;rather promotes colonization and assimilation;ignite conflict and threat of war.

I believe that world shall remain diverse with respect for each other and a better understanding shall be promoted for peace and harmony.For such reason mutual exchange and learning are beneficial as it helps to understand diversity;acknowledge the differences;share experiences;rectify vulnerabilities to mistakes;and ultimately achieve peace and mutual cooperation among each other.Exchanges at the level of people also help to unite different societies.We have witnessed a number of countries in conflicts and separation;which is also because the mutual understanding has not been promoted at people’s level.

Therefore;in coming days it is significant that we shall have efforts to increase the mutual exchanges and learning initiatives at the peoples’level through various ways and among different sectors.

On behalf of Nepal Peace and Solidarity Council(NPSC),reflecting over the experiences of Nepal where 125 ethnicity live and more than 90 dialects are spoken with more than 10 religions practiced;I firmly can say that Nepal exist united with better understanding and recognition of the diverse identity and culture.We are also proud that we exist between two large countries with rising economy of the world--China and India--with mutual harmony and neighborhood peace.Due to the peoples’level interaction and exchanges between these three countries we have been maintaining the neutrality of Nepal and trust among each other.

In modern international relations,peoplecentric and people-led securities are much stronger and efficient than militarized security and border control;therefore let’s promote more exchanges and learning initiative and NPSC always there to cooperate on it’s capacity.

Once again thank you very much for sharing few words from our experiences.