

疯狂英语·原声版 2013年12期

素 以篇幅精致、风格优雅为卖点的英国古典剧是不少剧迷的心头好。本期所选的《雀起乡到烛镇》就是一部英伦味儿十足的英国古典剧,第一季于2008年在BBC首播,2011年播出第四季也是最后一季。剧集受到观众的热捧,好评如潮,英剧控可不要错过哦!

故事发生在19世纪末的牛津郡小村庄雀起乡和富裕的邻镇烛镇。16岁的雀起乡少女劳拉·提敏斯(Laura Timmins)离开本乡到邻近的烛镇投奔她的堂姨——精干而热心肠的烛镇邮政局长朵克思·雷恩小姐(Dorcas Lane),开始了一段新的生活。聪颖敏锐、热爱生活的劳拉把日常的所见所感都记录在她的日记中,整个故事都是通过劳拉的视角来讲述的。一幅维多利亚时期的英国乡镇画卷就此缓缓展开,各色人物在这小小的一乡一镇中演绎着属于他们的小故事,其中既有温馨浪漫的亲情爱情,也有睿智幽默的生活小品。整部剧集以一种平实的基调娓娓讲述着恬淡的乡村生活,也是那一时期英格兰乡村生活的缩影。诗情画意的田园风光,温暖亲切的生活故事,不仅给人视觉上的享受,也给人心灵上的启迪。

本剧改编自英国女作家弗洛拉·汤普森(Flora Thompson,1876-1947)所著的半自传体作品《Lark Rise To Candleford》。弗洛拉出生于牛津郡,自幼生活在乡村,对于那里的生活十分眷恋。这部作品事实上也是作者根据自己少年时期在牛津郡的生活回忆而著。

(Mr. Rushton, the Post Office inspector, is on a surprise visit to the Candleford Post Office. He overhears a local saying “passing a morning hour” in the Post Office.)

Mr. Rushton: How did you come to be Postmistress here, Miss Lane?

Miss Lane: Do you mean how did a woman come to be in charge?

Mr. Rushton: It is rather...unexpected.

Miss Lane: That very much depends upon your expectations. I inherited from my father. I seemed to have a natural instinct for it.

Mr. Rushton: Im not sure that what Ive witnessed here is a 1)well-oiled business. We are not highly trained in order to waste valuable time, “passing a morning hour.”

Miss Lane: A Post Office is more than the 2)dispensing of stamps and postal orders. It is the soul of the community. You may want to write in the bottom of your report that I love my work. Do you suppose there will be room in your report for love, Mr. Rushton?

(Mr. Rushton discovers that Miss Lane allows some Irish labourers to post things at night after the Post Office is closed.)

Mr. Rushton: And you are trading outside of licensed hours. You realise what this means, Miss Lane?

Miss Lane: I know too well. It means that good men who work every hour of daylight are able to send home a little something for their loved ones.

Mr. Rushton: It is a 3)flagrant disregard of the 4)statutes of your office. You have 5)forfeited your right to practise. Miss Lane: I think it is rather 6)undignified for a man to threaten a woman in such a 7)brutish fashion.

Mr. Rushton: I have watched you. I know you. You think because you dress so fine and you talk so fine, because you are born to it, that you are above Post Office regulations, above everything and everyone. I am here to show you that you are nothing compared to the rule of Post Office command and decree!

Miss Lane: If I have given the impression of being 8)aloof, I apologise. I promise you, I have no such intention. I merely consider it my duty to be a human being before a servant to my office.















(Laura is sitting on a log drawing the beautiful view of Lark Rise, when Fisher Bloom, a young clockmaker, comes to her.)

Fisher: (Clearing his throat) You have my spot.

Laura: Ill have you know that Ive been coming to this spot for many years. My whole life. And Ive drawn this view a hundred times and more.

Fisher: Why here? Why this spot?

Laura: There are pathways that Ive trodden daily. Bushes and wildflowers I know better than my own hands. The pond where the yellow brandy bull water lilies grow. Little birch 9)thickets where the long-tailed 10)tits 11)congregate. Ive seen these fields in the blackest thunderstorms, and in more sunshine than we have a right to deserve.




(Mrs. Arless buys beer from an Oxford brewer, but constantly delays paying the bill and thus is taken to court. Sir Timothy, the local squire, is in charge of the hearing.)

Sir Timothy: Mrs. Arless, why did you buy the beer if you knew you could not afford to pay for it?

Mrs. Arless: I was brought up to respect my betters, Sir. And this gentle fellow here is a clever Oxford man with an expensive suit of clothes. Now if a man with all his schooling in numbers and such tells a simple 12)gal like me, Sir, that I can afford his beer, well, who am I to tell him hes wrong?

Sir Timothy: Having taken the beer, you made no attempt to pay the money that you owed.

Mrs. Arless: That...thats cos they made it so tasty, Your Lordship, Sir. The deliciousness of it had me coming back for more. And the more I drank, the more I forgot my worries...Beer does that for you, Sir. I only wish they hadnt made it so enjoyable, and then I mightve paid for it!

Sir Timothy: Did you not think it irresponsible, Mrs. Arless, for a mother of so many children to spend your money on 13)ale?

Mrs. Arless: Thats why I didnt pay for it, Sir. If my children see me worrying, that has them worrying. And no good mother would want that, would she, Sir? So, see, if the beer makes me happy, that makes them happy, to see me happy. What would you rather my children had, Sir, a downhearted mother, or a merry one?

Sir Timothy: I would rather they had a mother at liberty to take care of them and not locked up for bad debts.









(Robert Timmins and his wife Emma had a falling-out. Later that night, Emma talks to Robert.)

Emma: Im always the one to fix things between us. Why? Because Im a woman, thats why. But not this time. No. I shall let you 14)sulk and boil all you like. You are the one who can turn the mere slip of the tongue into a quarrel. You are the one puffs out your chest like you know you are always in the right. You are the one insists that everyone e l s e l i v e b y y o u r principles. Have you any idea...what its like living with a man like Robert Timmins? I am human. I make mistakes. But by God in heaven, Robert Timmins, I dont make half as many as you do! Im done apologising to you. Im done living my life to make you feel good about yourself.

Robert: Youre right. Perhaps a little unfair about puffing out my chest...but I do know what its like to live with Robert Timmins. Ive had to put up with him all my life.

Emma: Oh, Robert...

Robert: Ive always wanted children, a wife, a home. How can a man get trapped into something he longs for more than anything else in this world?

Emma: It was cruel of me to say such a thing. A woman rules the house.

Robert: I thought you were all done apologising?

Emma: Dont you pick at everything I do and dont say!(Both of them laughing)










(Mr. James Dowland from London opens a grand hotel in Candleford. Pearl and Ruby Pratt, the snobbish owners of the drapery store, hasten to pay him a visit.)

Pearl: Pearl and Ruby Pratt of The Stores.

R u b y : We a r e s o p l e a s e d , i n d e e d , gratified, to see that you are bringing such London sophistication and refinement to


Pearl: Oak panelling! We have been trying our best to introduce London standards.

Ruby: Were quite a lonely outpost of cosmopolitalia.

Pearl: When we heard you were from London, I said to my sister, “Ruby, at last! A 16)boulevardier, who can take this town by the horns.”

Ruby: It is our intention to expand. The Pratts of London, Paris and Candleford.

Pearl: May we offer you a small piece of advice, Mr....?

Ruby: Mr. JD.

Pearl: You may want to hang a sign on your front door.

Ruby: “Only Refined Custom.”

Pearl: There are, shall we say, lower orders, who pass along the street, and may wander in out of curiosity!

Ruby: Hardly likely theyve ever seen a 17)chandelier.

Pearl: They are to be actively discouraged.

Mr. Dowland: Yes, ladies, I am well aware of the 18)impertinent ways of the lower orders.

(Mr. Dowland turns the Pratts out of the door.)



















(Miss Lane tells Sir Timothy not to attend her maid Zillars birthday party.)

Miss Lane: There will always be reasons why you and I should be in one anothers company, and I feel that we have to be strong in our resistance.

Sir Timothy: Yes. I understand. But then Ive always understood we must do things exactly at your bidding.

Miss Lane: I will explain to Zillah that you were unable to join us.

Sir Timothy: It was at your bidding that we live like this.

Miss Lane: Timothy, please...

Sir Timothy: Tell me why, Dorcas. Weve been like this for years. We meet and we chat and we smile and...Were on our guard to be decent and polite. We never say anything that matters.

Miss Lane: Timothy, this is all past and gone and we should leave it well alone.

Sir Timothy: I dont believe what you told me then, that you dont love me. I live my life bound by duty and obligation. I didnt want any of this. All I ever really wanted was you. Tell me why you refused me. Tell me the truth.

Miss Lane: It was my father. He told me it could never work. “Love never crosses the great divide of social class.”Those were his words.

Sir Timothy: Then your father was a 19)bigoted, smallminded fool of a man.

(Miss Lane slaps Sir Timothy.)

Sir Timothy: Thank you. At last something real between us.















消防员 ——克雷恩(奥地利)▲