

疯狂英语·阅读版 2013年11期

One of my many regrets in life is that my daughters will never see the Italy I knew. Other people probably feel the same about Greece, France, Spain or Portugal, recalling the age before everyone seemed to be everywhere. When even Florence was not that crowded in summer and the small towns and villages of Tuscany and central Italy—certainly the south—were Italian in every way: very few foreigners and that uncompromised, apparently 1)indestructible way of life.

An early start in the cool of morning, hard work followed by a good lunch with wine from a jug. Then the sacred siesta—a nap, or cuddling-up with someone else during the Italian afternoon, when everything is determinedly chiuso—closed. After the 2)impenitent heat of day 3)relents, the 4)shutters reopen and evening begins for most with the passeggiata, Grandpa on the arm of his granddaughter, teenagers showing off, heated discussion over Gazetta dello Sport or the Communist partys daily, LUnità, posted on the wall. For others, back to work: for a few hours, behind the counter or in the office. On Sundays: forget it—no, you cannot go and buy this or that. Those metal shutters are down and will remain so until Monday morning, possibly late Monday afternoon. Sunday lunch lasts from about 3:30 P.M. till past 11.

This is rose-tinted and ignores the appalling 5)tribulations some people faced, but these customs still exist in Italy and across the Mediterranean and Aegean, just about. It is called the quality of life and it is how I lived—and worked—for a fair while during the early 1970s and (less relaxedly) as a correspondent in the 1990s. But this popular civilisation is endangered, because of a 6)pincer movement by tourism and the norths economic doctrines. In the big cities—Rome, Florence—Sunday is just not Sunday any more. The pressure is on southern Europe to stop the indulgences and 7)heed our own headlines about debt and deficit: CRISIS IN THE EUROZONE! AUSTERITY!

Millions of people will leave Britain, northern Europe and America this holiday season, heading for the lands where the olive trees grow. Many holidaymakers will enjoy playing at—perhaps even enviably 8)gawping at—the way life is lived among the cypresses. Understandably, theyll adopt a few local habits for this precious week or two: a quick morning espresso at the bar; a longer lunch than at home; a siesta, indeed; an aperitif in the square before dinner outdoors. They may be a little annoyed that the church or museum they wanted to visit is shut for the afternoon, but, walking around, will hear the echo of their footsteps off the old stone walls and admire the 9)tenacity with which the town has gone restfully silent in a way no place in northern Europe does.

The few places left that have fended off mass tourism and preserved their way of life, such as Ikaria, the plains of Castile, the wilds of Abruzzo, are, in reality, everything that our northern society, our managers, the IMF, businessmen, politicians—both 10)Eurosceptics and 11)Angela Merkel—despise. The politics of the EU (and Britains variation on its theme) are nothing if not a grinding of southern Europe; bludgeoning the south into abandoning its lazy ways, sprucing up, paying off its debt and Being like us!

And so our August holidays on cobblestones and land where the vine grows become very weird, as people go to play at the way of life their leaders—maybe even they themselves—are destroying. Many of those from Britain, America, Germany and elsewhere this weekend setting off to savour the southern life are the politicians, bankers, lawyers, managers, civil servants, thinktank “brains”—newspaper columnists indeed—who have decided, generally if not individually, that our Anglo-American way of capitalism is the only way to go. Fuelled, it sometimes feels, more by some combination of cocaine, Red Bull and Viagra than 12)aromatic coffee, a cool aperitif and an afternoon snooze.

But in August, we leave our frantic 13)modus vivendi behind, to enjoy theirs. “Oh, look at those little old men playing chess on the pavement—so sweet!” “Campari-soda per favore!” “Tasha, you must try the époisses, its divine!” “I so love the way they whizz about on scooters without helmets and no one wears seat belts—its such fun!” Then September comes, back to balancing the books, the shareholders interests, the“aggressively managed 14)portfolio”, the 15)FTSE and 16)Dow Jones. Thats enough 17)Caravaggio and 18)mortadella for one year, time for a new austerity package—those lazy bloody Latins…








