

中国老年学杂志 2013年4期

陈 珊 程 熠 刘 全 (吉林大学白求恩第一医院心血管诊治中心,吉林 长春 3002)

1 SOD的生物学效应

2 SOD在血管性疾病中的作用

3 SOD与血管重构

4 未来方向

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3 Ushio-Fukai M.Compartmentalization of redox signaling through NADPH oxidase-derived ROS〔J〕.Antioxid Redox Signal,2009;11:1289-99.

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32 Papaharalambus CA,Griendling KK.Basic mechanisms of oxidative stress and reactive oxygen species in cardiovascular injury〔J〕.Trends Cardiovasc Med,2007;17:48-54.

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36 Brasen JH,Leppanen O,Inkala M,et al.Extracellular superoxide dismutase accelerates endothelial recovery and inhibits instent restenosis in stented atherosclerotic Watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic rabbit aorta〔J〕.J Am Coll Cardiol,2007;50:2249-53.

37 Laukkanen MO,Kivela A,Rissanen T,et al.Adenovirus-mediated extracellular superoxide dismutase gene therapy reduces neointima formation in balloondenuded rabbit aorta〔J〕.Circulation,2002;106:1999-2003.

38 Ozumi K,Tasaki H,Takatsu H,et al.Extracellular superoxide SOD and vascular disease 1603 dismutase overexpression reduces cuff-induced arterial neointimal formation〔J〕.Atherosclerosis,2005;181:55-62.

39 Leite PF,Danilovic A,Moriel P,et al.Sustained decrease in superoxide dismutase activity underlies constrictive remodeling after balloon injury in rabbits〔J〕.Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol,2003;23:2197-202.

40 Agrawal RS,Muangman S,Layne MD,et al.Preemptive gene therapy using recombinant adeno-associated virus delivery of extracellular superoxide dismutase protects heart against ischemic reperfusion injury,improves ventricular function and prolongs survival〔J〕.Gene Ther,2004;11:962-9.

41 Vozenin-Brotons MC,Sivan V,Gault N,et al.Antifibrotic action of Cu/Zn SOD is mediated by TGF-beta1 repression and phenotypic reversion of myofibroblasts〔J〕.Free Radic Biol Med,2001;30:30-42.

42 Salvemini D,Riley DP,Cuzzocrea S.SOD mimetics are coming of age〔J〕.Nat Rev Drug Discov,2002;1:367-74.

43 Heistad DD.Gene therapy for vascular disease〔J〕.Vasc Pharmacol,2006;45:331-3.

44 Muzykantov VR.Targeting of superoxide dismutase and catalase to vascular endothelium〔J〕.J Control Rel,2001;71:1-21.

