Beanpole Family 豆竿家庭
Meaning: A family whose living members come from many generations, but with only a few members in each generation.
“四代同堂”式的大家庭曾经在中国很普遍,七大姑八大姨齐聚一个屋檐下也不足为奇。但是,随着社会的发展,我们的家庭模式也有了新的变革。核心家庭(nuclear family)、丁克家庭(DINK family)都是时下常见的家庭模式。其实,大家庭并没有消失,只是换了种模式,他们成了beanpole family。豆竿家庭是指几代同堂,但是每一代人数都很少的家庭。
近年来,很多国家都出现了这样的家庭,新生代的人数普遍减少,多为独生子女,而老一代人的寿命又在延长,所以整个家庭的模式就像插在地上帮助豆秧向上攀爬的豆竿(beanpole)一样,又细又长。这种家庭最初在英国被称为verticalized family(垂直化家庭)。
One reason for the increase in the number of beanpole families in Britain is that women are having fewer children on average.
Parachute Kids 降落伞儿童
Meaning: Parachute kids are children sent to a new country to live alone or with a caregiver, while their parents remain in their home country, also called parachute children.
留学生这个词我们并不陌生,一般指那些成年以后到别国深造学习的学生。不过,好像现在有越来越多的家长愿意让孩子从小就到国外接受教育,这些被送到国外的小孩子就被称为parachute kids。降落伞儿童,也叫作小留学生,是指那些被送到另一个国家独自生活的孩子。他们的生活起居有人照顾,但是父母仍然留在本国。
这种现象早些年在香港和台湾地区比较常见。这些小孩的父母经常奔波于港台和孩子所在国家,就像空中飞人一样,所以这一类父母被人戏称为astronaut parents(宇航员父母)。
Kelvin and Susan are parachute kids. They study in the US and come back to China during holidays.
Helicopter Parent 直升机父母
Meaning: Helicopter parent is a colloquial, early 21st-century term for a parent who pays extremely close attention to his or her childs or childrens experiences and problems, particularly at educational institutions. These parents rush to prevent any harm or failure from befalling them and will not let them learn from their own mistakes, sometimes even contrary to the childrens wishes.
英国有一本畅销小说叫《可能含坚果》(May Contain Nuts),书中描写了一位母亲对女儿百般呵护,担心女儿在学校会吃到含坚果的食物(西方很多小孩都有吃坚果导致受伤或者过敏的情况),又怕她在外面被人欺负,为了孩子能考上重点中学,这位母亲竟然假扮自己的女儿去考试。真是可怜天下父母心啊!
Helicopter parents, like helicopters, they hover closely overhead, rarely out of reach whether their children need them or not.
Sheep Mom 羊妈
Meaning: Sheep Mom refers to an extensive way of education that sets only basic objectives but no core syllabus. Teachers can feel free to use any teaching method as long as most children can reach the goals. Finland firmly believes that education is a “service” and children are “customers”. Since the education mode in Finland basically amounts to “sheep-herding”, it is also called “Sheep Mom”.
放羊(sheep-herding)的结果却不可小觑。至今芬兰学生参加了4次国际学生评估项目(Programme for International Student Assessment,PISA),每次在数学、阅读和科学方面都入围三甲。这个成绩单不仅令世界出乎意料,连芬兰人都感到意外。也就是说最不鼓励竞争的芬兰教育体系,却培养出了最具有竞争力的孩子。
A kind of educational mode is called “Sheep Mom.”