封面故事:深部探测腾冲科学钻探工程现场。中国深部探测专项完成了 6000 km深地震反射剖面,建立了全国大地电磁参数网和地球化学基准网;6口科学钻探获得重要发现;实现了矿集区立体探测;在关键地区地应力监测、岩石圈动力学模拟、大陆地壳结构与演化研究、探测仪器装备研制等方面取得了长足进展,是我国从地质大国向地质强国转变的标志性计划。这项由中国地质科学院董树文研究员、李廷栋院士主持的研究成果,当选 2012年度中国地质科学院十大科技进展之特别进展。详见本期第7-23页。(图片提供:张晓西)
Cover Story:SinoProbe scientific drilling project site in Tengchong, Yunnan Province.The special program SinoProbe has completed 6000 km deep seismic reflection profiling and established electromagnetic parameter network and geochemical baseline network. Important discoveries were made in six scientific drill holes, and three-dimensional detection was realized in ore concentration areas. Rapid progress was made in such aspects as ground stress monitoring in key areas, dynamics simulation of lithosphere, studies of continental crust structure and evolution and design and development of detection instruments and equipment. All these achievements mark the transition of China from a big country of geoscience to a powerful country of geoscience. The research achievement led by Professor DONG Shu-wen and Academician LI Ting-dong, CAGS,was awarded ‘Special Progress” in “Top Ten Scientific and Technological Progresses of CAGS in 2012”. For details, see page 7-23 of this issue (Photo by ZHANG Xiao-xi)