

疯狂英语·中学版 2013年8期

by Tim Stack

Hugh Jackman enjoys playing Wolverine, but hes way less fond of the training required to get into superhero shape. For The Wolverine, the Marvel characters second solo spin-off[副产品], Jackman went full-force with his exercise routine[例行程序]. “Im 44, so unfortunately it gets harder and harder,” says the actor. “I started doing two workouts[(体育)锻炼] a day. I did two hours in the morning and then an hour later, so its like doing three hours a day. Theres no more shortcuts[捷径]!”

Unfortunately, there were no shortcuts when bringing The Wolverine to the screen. The film, which finds the clawed[有爪的] X-Man battling ninjas[忍者] and the yakuza[日本匪帮] in Japan, was originally[最初] scheduled[确定时间] to begin production in April 2011, under Darren Aronofsky. But that March, the Black Swan director dropped out. “It was frustrating[令人沮丧的] for me as an actor,”admits Jackman, “because the better part of a year was spent thinking I was going to shoot[拍摄], so I was dieting, training, getting ready to go.”

That same month, a devastating[破坏性的] earthquake and tsunami[海啸] struck[侵袭] Japan, one of the films main locations[外景拍摄场地]. James Mangold (3:10 to Yuma) came on board in June, but the project didnt come together in time for Jackman to complete it before shooting last years Les Misérables. The extra prep[准备] time was a blessing in disguise[祸中得福], though, allowing Mangold to refine[精炼] the script—and perfect the films aesthetic[美学的]. “I wanted more night scenes, more rain scenes. I wanted everyone a little sweatier, the air a little heavier, the light a little darker,”says the director, who drew inspiration from classic Japanese cinema and even Clint Eastwoods The Outlaw Josey Wales. “I wanted it to be very visceral[本能的], physical.” Thats where Jackmans two-a-day workouts came into play[开始活动]. “One of the looks we wanted was this sense of what Hughs trainer calls ‘vein[血管]-iture, like feeling his veins bulging[膨胀],” Mangold says. “Theres a kind of rawness to his physicality[肉体性], and he worked very hard to make that happen. Its not Photoshopped.”





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