by Ben McGrath
In retrospect, Ninja Hunt figures that a serial“ninja burglar” would turn up on 2)Staten Island, a borough whose biggest cultural export, the 3)Wu-Tang Clan, long ago nicknamed the place Shaolin, in honor of kung-fu movies. This particular 4)bandit, who is now thought to have robbed eighteen homes on the island in the past seven months, acquired his honorific in September, when he encountered a 5)Dongan Hills resident named Phil Chiolo while raiding Chiolos home. He was dressed all in black, with a black face mask, Chiolo said, and he carried 6)nun-chucks, which he used to club Chiolo in the chest, head, and shins before Chiolo was able to 7)retaliate by stabbing at him with a steak knife.
Chiolo, who suffered a 8)welt near his collarbone, said the other day that he is fine, but Staten Island has since gone ninja mad, with the burglar enjoying a kind of romantic outlaw 9)notoriety. Other victims have likened him to a 10)gazelle or a cat (“very athletic, very quiet, and very fast”), capable of scaling walls and leaping noiselessly out windows. (No one has heard him speak.) The “word on the street,”according to a Staten Island Advance editorial, was that ninja costumes were going to be an especially popular Halloween choice around the borough this year, and several weeks ago a local home-security company incorporated an image of a rappelling ninja in its print ads.
The Posts 11)police blotter, last month, included a small item about a man who, after allegedly attempting to flood his landlords apartment, exclaimed to the cops, “I know who the ninja is.” If he knew, apparently he didnt tell, because recently the ninja burglar struck again—twice in one night, escaping with 130,000 dollars worth of loot. “Now hes the famous ninja whos disturbing our peace,”Dr. Mohammad Khalid, a dentist from 12)Pakistan who lives in 13)Todt Hill, said last week, while standing under some trees near the scene of the latest break-ins. “He looks like a really professional robber that does not leave any marks or anything.”
The 14)N.Y.P.D. has assigned a 15)task force to the ninja 16)caper, and its officers, according to the Advance, have resorted to asking strangers 17)point blank, “Are you the ninja burglar?” Dr. Khalid, who serves as the president of the Iron Hills Civic Association, could be called the primary civilian combatant. For the past two months, he has employed a supplementary private security detail for the organizations membership, which includes 600 homes, and it seemed no accident, he thought, that this latest spree occurred just a block outside the prescribed range of his 18)surveillance crew.
It was Wednesday, which, as some amateur profilers have noted, is the ninja burglars favorite night, but no one would have mistaken Khalid for a ninja as he stood gazing at neighboring windows in the dark. Khalid is rotund and deliberate. He wore a suit and tie, and was on his way to meet with another civic association to discuss expanding the surveillance range. “Yesterday at my own home, which is about half a mile from here, my garage was open, because somebody came to fix my computer printer,” he said. “He opened the garage and went down to the basement to get some cables. Five police guys came in and they grabbed him: ‘What are you doing here?He said, ‘Im fixing the doctors computer. ” Khalid smiled. He believes the ninjas days are numbered.
On Thursday, as 19)Police Commissioner Ray Kelly prepared to address a gathering of concerned Staten Islanders on the East Shore, a group of ninjas in training at the Island Martial Arts Academy demonstrated considerably greater courtesy than their renegade cousin. Instead of breaking and entering, they bowed before a doorway and spoke Korean 20)salutations. None of them appeared to have stab wounds, although many were quite proficient with nun-chucks, given their age (five to nine, which distinguishes them from the academys peewee ninjas, who are three to five). Some held pieces of plywood with their names written on them. It was board-breaking week.
The academys master, Pete Paramithis, was careful to point out that all his nun-chucks are made of foam, and he expressed concern that the ninja burglar was giving 21)karate a bad name. Representatives of the N.Y.P.D. had already dropped by, looking for leads. Paramithis had a theory that the burglar, if he had any training at all, might be the product of an older, more punitive approach to martial-arts instruction, involving 22)pushups, as opposed to the positive reinforcement that he favors. “Negative training creates little monsters,”Paramithis said. “Its just like ‘23)The Karate Kid.Youve got the good guy, and the guy whos, like,‘Kill, kill! ” Paramithis teaches concepts like “bully awareness” and “stranger danger.” He picked up a pen and wrote “Codes of Ninja” on a sheet of paper, above the words “concentration,” “courage,”“confidence,” “perseverance,” and “discipline.”
Meanwhile, at the Shaolin Kung Fu Temple, near the North Shore, Sifu Paula Wong, an instructor, seemed unaware of the burglar and his legend. “Were not familiar with the ninja, since a ninja is 24)an assassin,” she said. “Our training is more philosophy, with Buddhism and philosophies like Bruce Lee.”
学院的校长,皮特·帕拉米西斯,认真地指出他所有的双节棍都是用泡沫制造的,并且表示担心那个忍者盗贼正给空手道带来坏名声。纽约市警署已派代表来过学院找寻线索。帕拉米西斯有一个推测,那个盗贼——如果他有受过什么训练——可能会是一种较旧式的,更为严苛的接近于武术教学的产物,包括伏地挺身,与帕拉米西斯所衷爱的正面强化截然相反。“负面训练会造就出小怪物,” 帕拉米西斯说道。“就像‘功夫小子。你得到一块好材料,而那家伙却喜欢‘杀,杀!” 帕拉米西斯教授像“欺凌意识”和“陌生人危险”那类的概念。他拿起一支笔并在一张纸上写道“忍者守则”,那就写在 “专心”、“勇气”、“自信”、“毅力”和“纪律”几个单词的正上方。