Sometimes people ask me why I farm. I tell them different things. To some I say that, biologically, we are meant to be farmers. “Weve been farming for thousands of years. Why stop now?” I say.
To others (seeing an opportunity to shorten or end the conversation as quickly as possible), I say that I farm because I like good food. “Cant argue with that1,” they say, thankfully.
To a third group of people, usually those most interested in farming, I explain that when I was younger I made a list of jobs I could imagine myself enjoying. I tell them the list included “small-scale organic vegetable farmer” and that I somehow fell into it. I add some esoteric2, overly idiosyncratic3 items to my fictional list of self-actualizing professions in order to make them laugh or to distract them. I say that besides farmer, on my list were rapper, astronaut, lonely graduate student, writer, playwright, lonely history professor, and lonely Civil War reenactor4. I explain this maniacally5, with eyes wide, until whoever asked the question starts talking about himself or loses interest.
To the fourth group—those with whom Im most honest—I shrug and sadly mumble something about not knowing what else to do. “I could probably be a good janitor6, maybe,” I say, almost inaudibly7, “but I dont know what else Id be doing. Im not really good at anything.”
I grew up in somewhat urban New Jersey, about 20 miles outside of Manhattan, and didnt have a lot of interaction with nature. My dad kept a small vegetable garden in my aunts backyard until I was nine or 10 and then he stopped. I remember helping him in the garden a few times and liking it.
I ate a lot of processed food. I liked Toaster Strudels and Pop-Tarts. I liked bread. I put ketchup8 on most things. Most of the time I felt really awful. I wondered why my stomach hurt so much. In high school I went to a digestive specialist, who gave me a cup of high-fructose9 corn syrup to drink. I got sick almost immediately. He told me I had an HFCS allergy10 and “probably irritable11 bowel syndrome or Crohns disease12” or something. It seemed that most of the food I was encouraged to eat was poison to my body. I was frustrated by my stomach and, though I didnt realize it then, by the food system I was trapped in.
Being sick showed me that theres a lot wrong with the way things are set up and maybe, I thought, if we do things differently, theres a chance we could get it right. I discovered subculture13. I learned that there are alternative ways to eat, which, it turns out, is how most people in history have eaten. Sometimes I wished Id been born 100 years earlier.
After college, I left New Jersey to become a farmer. Through WWOOF14 (Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms), I discovered a farm about six hours northwest in the Finger Lakes region of New York. The farm, where I still live and work, is called East Hill Farm. Its a project of the Rochester Folk Art Guild, an intentional community15 of craftspeople and farmers who have lived together in Middlesex, New York, since 1967.
So, I made the odd, difficult transition from a life rooted in urban culture in New Jersey to a rural, agricultural lifestyle in an intentional community. Its a transition that Im still trying to figure out16. Ive learned more practical skills than I ever thought I would: bread baking, logging, vegetable and fruit production, woodworking, operating a tractor, canning and food preservation, beekeeping, raising and slaughtering17 pigs, raising and slaughtering chickens. Ive learned how to live by myself in a one-room, “off-the-grid18” shed through the winter. Ive experienced love and heartbreak and made great friends. Ive been more confused than ever before. Ive discovered that I have much to learn about human interaction and relationships.
Im now on the verge of my third season of farming. Its the best job Ive ever had, though also one of the most puzzling. Sometimes farming feels simple—like the crops grow themselves, and its almost a gift that this work exists for us. Ive thinned beets19 while lying on my side in beautiful June weather and thought, “Farming can be lazy and relaxing, I guess.” Other times, farming seems impossible. It feels like there is so much that has to go right—too much—for it ever to work. But despite my inexperience and lack of knowledge and small stature and self-deprecation, so far Ive somehow made it work.
If you sometimes feel that youre not good at anything, consider becoming a farmer. Youll discover that youre actually good at many things. Youll learn many skills that make you feel fulfilled and proud of yourself and then youll realize that these are all the skills that are being forgotten.
Know, also, that farming is tough. Some days, maybe most days, youll feel overwhelmed20. When your crop of onions is failing and your tomatoes have blight21 and the weed pressure on your winter squash22 is mounting and you cant stand the people you work with (or, worse, the people you work with cant stand you) and your livelihood depends on this food, youll feel overwhelmed and even afraid. But youll also feel a fullness. Your life will feel different from how it would if you were a young person living in a city, working in an office, going to bars and restaurants. Youll know what quiet is and youll be able to go outside at night and see darkness. Your body, at first weak from the winter or the suburbs, will reject your work. Then, after struggling, it will embrace it. Youll eat good food. Eventually, youll ask: “How do I live well?” And we need you to answer that question. We desperately need you to.
我吃过不少加工食品。我爱吃Toaster Strudel点心和Pop-Tarts软饼。我还爱吃面包。我吃大部分食物都要蘸着番茄酱吃。但大多数时候,我都觉得很不舒服。我不知道胃为什么会那么疼。上中学时我去看消化科专家,他让我喝了一杯高果糖的玉米糖浆。我几乎是一喝下去就感到恶心。他告诉我说我有高果糖玉米糖浆过敏症,“可能还有过敏性肠炎或克罗恩病”或者其他什么病。这样看来,我以前受鼓动所吃的大多数食物对我的身体都有害。我觉得灰心丧气,不仅是因为胃痛,还因为我深陷其中的食物体系——虽然当时我并没有意识到这一点。
1. cant argue with that:(相当于It sounds like a good idea)听起来是个好主意;同意你的说法
2. esoteric adj. 限于少数人的
3. idiosyncratic adj. 独特的,怪异的
4. Civil War reenactor:内战重演爱好者,这些人致力于重现某些特定的战役或相关的历史事件。
5. maniacally adv. 热情过度地,兴奋过度地
6. janitor n. 看门人
7. inaudibly adv. 听不见地
8. ketchup n. 番茄酱
9. fructose n. 果糖
10. allergy n. 过敏症
11. irritable adj. [医]过敏性的
12. Crohns disease:克罗恩病,又称局限性肠炎或节段性肠炎。
13. subculture:亚文化,又称小文化、集体文化或副文化,指某一文化群体所属次级群体的成员共有的独特信念、价值观和生活习惯,与主文化相对应的那些非主流的、局部的文化现象。
14. WWOOF:世界有机农场机会组织
15. intentional community:共益社区。
16. figure out:想出,理出,弄清
17. slaughter vt. 屠宰(动物)
18. off-the-grid:离网生活,指全部生活都自给自足,不依赖于市政供水、天然气、电网、垃圾处理等公务服务设施。
19. beet n. 甜菜,甜菜根
20. overwhelm vt. (感情、影响等)使受不了;使不知所措
21. blight n. 枯萎病;导致枯萎病的细菌
22. winter squash:笋瓜