Part 1 Fresh and New


疯狂英语·口语版 2013年6期


(It is the first day of college, as two new students wait patiently for orientation to begin.)

Jack: Hi! Im Jack.

Joni: Hi Jack, Im Joni. Nice to meet you.

Jack: Nice to meet you too. I wonder how long we have to wait around here. I wanna get back and finish setting up my room.

Joni: Arent you excited?

Smart Sentences

① Ive been hitting the books since before I can remember to get to this point. 在这之前我一直都在埋头苦读。

hit the books: study hard(用功学习)。例如:

I gotta go home and hit the books. I have finals next week.

Jack: About?

Joni: Starting college, silly.

Jack: Of course! ①Ive been hitting the books since before I can remember to get to this point.

Joni: Yeah, Im excited too, but Im also scared. Ive never been away from home before.

Jack: ②You dont say? I studied abroad at an international school for most of my life.

Joni: Wow! So you mean you lived in a dormitory before?

Jack: ③I lived in my fair share actually. So if you ever need any advice, just lemme know.

Joni: In that case, I have a ton of questions for you.

Jack: OK, shoot.

Joni: What are some 1)pitfalls I should look out for, living with complete strangers for the first time in my life? ④I have a lot of pet 2)peeves.

Jack: The best advice I could give would be to try and find some common ground with a few of the girls youll be living with. Making friends is the best way to avoid conflicts, because then they wouldnt be strangers anymore, right?

Joni: I guess that makes sense...

Jack: It really is a lot different than living under constant 3)scrutiny from your parents.

Joni: I never felt that way living at home. And I am looking forward to making some great friendships.

Jack: One of your roommates may turn out to be your best friend for years to come, like me and my high school roommate, Sam.

Joni: I dont think Ill have a problem making friends. I was always one of the more popular girls in my school. Im just worried Im gonna miss my mom so much. Didnt you ever get homesick?

Jack: Yeah, at first. I used to lay down in bed, under the covers with a flashlight, 4)clutching a picture of my mom and dad, wishing I was back home again.

Joni: Oh no! That sounds so sad. How did you get over it? Jack: I dont think you ever really get over those kind of feelings, you just deal with it after a while.

Joni: “Just deal with it” isnt exactly great advice Jack.

Jack: Well...I guess, over time, ⑤I figured out some good coping mechanisms to use whenever I started to feel sad. Talking to your family on the phone or using a video chat program is usually the best medicine there is. But when that doesnt work, I like playing video games to get my mind off it, or watching movies or something.

Joni: I dont like video games, except for Fruit Ninja and Angry Birds, but I do like movies.

Jack: Do you wanna, maybe, go see a movie sometime? I know a good 5)indie theater around here.

Joni: Oh, I didnt mean...I meant...Um... Maybe we should get to know each other a little better first. How about a friendly walk to the cafeteria instead?

Jack: I am pretty hungry. Do you know how to get there?

Joni: Not yet...

Jack: Sounds like an adventure. And perhaps the start of a beautiful friendship.

Joni: Well see...Lets go!


② You dont say? 真的吗?

You dont say?: a response to sth. that sb. has said, with a little polite surprise or interest, same as “really?”(对他人的话有点惊讶或感兴趣的反应,等同于“really?”)。例如:

—Im starting work on a new job next Monday.


—You dont say?


③ I lived in my fair share actually.我在宿舍生活的经验确实很丰富。

fair share of sth.: more than enough of sth., used to indicate whats beyond normal(足够的某事,用以表达超出正常范围)。例如:

Youve done your fair share of the hard work and now its Todds turn to work on holiday.


④ I have a lot of pet peeves.我有很多烦心事。

pet peeve: sth. that really annoys sb.(很烦人的事)。例如:

My pet peeve is people who smoke in restaurants. They ruin the taste of the food and harm peoples health.


⑤ I figured out some good coping mechanisms to use whenever I started to feel sad.我想到了一些应对这些消极情绪的方法。

coping mechanism: any effort directed to regain emotional balance after an unpleasant experience(应对方法,多指经历不愉快后保持情绪平衡)。例如:Working in the ER is very demanding both physically and emotionally and one has to have some coping mechanisms to survive.


