1. Give us a bell. 给我打电话。
This simply means “call me.” You often hear people use the word “us” to mean “me.”e.g. Im busy at the moment, but you can give us a bell tomorrow morning.
2. doddle 轻而易举的事情,不费吹灰之力的任务(或活动)
Something that is a doddle is easy.
e.g. That maths exam was a doddle!
3. fit 好看的,漂亮的;健康的,强健的
A fit bird means a girl who is good looking. A fit bloke would be the male equivalent. Often used among teenagers.
e.g. That new guy in our class is really fit!
4. bomb 大笔钱
If something costs a bomb it means that it is really expensive.
e.g. These days petrol costs a bomb!
5. cracking 出色的,引人注目的,极好的
If something is cracking, it means it is the best. Usually said without pronouncing the last “G.”
e.g. That show we went to last week was cracking.