

疯狂英语·原声版 2013年5期

如今,大洋彼岸的转基因鲑鱼为成为世界首个可食用转基因动物正在全力冲刺。人们认为鱼类从茫茫大海到餐桌的这段旅程理应拥有被知晓这一基本的尊重。保罗·格林伯格(Paul Greenberg,1967年生,美国作家和散文家)在书中以亲切、诙谐的笔锋,从文化、社会、经济、生态等方面,结合采访纪实、亲身体验和渔业科学,深入报道了鲑鱼、海鲈、鳕鱼、鲔鱼这四种鱼的故事。关心海洋、爱鱼或喜爱海鲜的人们,或许你们会愿意跟随作者:






ike any hunter whose grounds have gone bad, I set out looking for new territory. I followed the outflow of the pond down a series of cascades that in turn flattened out into a low, 1)swampy meadow of deep 2)oxbows. Only 3)minuscule 4)shiners, crawfish, and escaped goldfish swam here. Farther and farther I went, until the stream joined a larger river and passage was blocked by a fence that a wealthy landowner had erected. Inspecting a map at the library, I found that this was a significant juncture for my stream (as with “my” pond, I had 5)annexed the stream and referred to it now as “mine”). The point at which it was no longer my stream was where it entered the Byram River, a flow that during the times of Native American 6)sovereignty was called the Armonck, or “fishing place,” but which, according to one local legend, the English renamed because of the native tendency to 7)pester white men with armfuls of 8)shad and 9)herring for trade and the endlessly repeated 10)entreaty “Buy rum? Buy rum?” The Byram continued south for another ten miles after the juncture before widening and finally emptying out into the sea. The beginning of an idea came to me.

Several hundred dollars made it into my account after an 11)ersatz 12)bar mitzvah that my partially Jewish family 13)cobbled together for me when I turned thirteen, and through a debt-leveraged matching grant from the depths of my mothers complicated finances I was able to purchase a used aluminum boat and a twentyhorsepower outboard engine. Using her good figure and her ability to forge solidarity with the working classes (she had been a friend of the American socialist Michael Harrington and was an experienced strike 14)aide-de-camp), my mother persuaded the Greenwich harbormaster to let us jump the waiting list for a boat slip at the Grass Island Marina. By the summer of 1981, I had a boat, a place to store it, and serveral thousand square miles of sea for my own use. Better hunting grounds had been found at last.

This was not the time of child seats or swallow-proof soda-can tabs. No safety seals secured 15)Tylenol bottles or yogurt containers. Today it would be considered parental negligence, but in that first summer of boat ownership my mother would drive me down to the Grass Island Marina, seat belt-less, in her black secondhand luxury-edition Chrysler Cordoba, and drop me off at my thirdhand boat. As I finished dumping my gear out of her trunk, she would light a Dunhill cigarette, cough heavily, and then, with a glance in her rearview, speed off into the childless afternoon ahead of her. So, at the age of thirteen, I learned how to navigate and fish on the sea by myself. It wasnt difficult—Im sure most children, given the opportunity, could have figured it out. Once upon a time, being thirteen really did mean you were a man. But the feeling of steaming out into open water in pursuit of wild game, leaving the financial and physical constriction of mainland Connecticut behind, was exhilarating.




I did not have a GPS to plot my position or sonar to help me find fish. There was no cell phone to “check in” with home. I learned to find quarry by chasing flocks of diving 16)terns or following a line of rocks from the shore with the assumption (usually right) that they indicated similar fish-holding rock piles down below the surface. If a 17)rivet came loose from the hull of my boat—a sometime occurrence, since the 18)hull had not been 19)anodized to withstand salt water—I would slip off a 20)flip-flop and hold the 21)errant piece of metal in place with my big toe. I was sometimes able to persuade my older brother to join me, but midway through that first summer he announced that he “no longer wanted to kill things.” I didnt mind. I was happy to be alone with the fish and the ocean.

By my second year of boat ownership, I began to understand the flow of fish as they came and left Long Island Sound. St. Patricks Day, around when the 22)forsythias first bloomed, was the time to test the mudflats for 23)flounder just off the Indian Harbor Yacht Club docks. By April, when the forsythia 24)shriveled to brown and the 25)dogwoods came into flower, 26)mackerel would have passed into the Sound and blackfish would be on the reefs surrounding Great Captain Island—a sure sign that it was time to put the boat in the water. Soon the lilacs would blossom, 27)heralding the arrival of the first 28)weakfish and29)porgies in May. And by the time lawns were being mowed with 30)ferocity ashore, bluefish were coming into the harbors.


到了拥有船的第二年,我已经找到鱼群进出长岛海湾的路线。每到圣帕特里克日,也就是连翘首次开花的时节,可以到印第安港游艇俱乐部船坞外、退潮后形成的泥地,寻求鲽鱼。到了四月,连翘枯萎,山茱萸绽放,这时鲭鱼会游进海湾,而黑鱼会前往环绕大船长岛的暗礁,显然是把船开出去的好时机。过了不久,丁香盛开,便能迎接五月的第一群犬牙石首鱼和鲷鱼。等到岸边大量除草时,就是扁 入港的时节。


第七章 去泥盆纪钓鱼
第七章 去泥盆纪钓鱼