

疯狂英语·中学版 2013年4期

by Jennie Cohen

三千年前,图坦卡蒙仅仅统治了古埃及十年,在历史上并不出名。然而三千年后,英国人霍华德·卡特(Howard Carter)在图坦卡蒙墓穴内挖掘出近五千件珍贵陪葬品,震惊了西方世界。由于几个最早进入坟墓的人突然死亡,被媒体大肆渲染成“法老的诅咒”,图坦卡蒙的名字在西方更为家喻户晓。近年来,研究人员对图坦卡蒙做了大量分析,破解了很多关于这位法老的秘密,让我们一起看看背后的真相吧。(CE:Teens分别在2008年2月号和2011年5月号的“探索区”介绍过图坦卡蒙,有兴趣的同学可以查阅。)

Ninety years ago, the British archaeologist[考古学家] Howard Carter opened the sealed doorway to the treasure-filled burial chamber[房间] of Tutankhamen in Egypts Valley of the Kings. King Tuts tomb and the riches it contained would fuel a worldwide obsession[着魔] with ancient Egypt and the long-dead ruler, who reigned[统治] for just one decade some 3,300 years ago. Follow us to explore five surprising facts about the teenage pharaoh[法老] and his final resting place.


1. There is no curse[诅咒]of King Tut.


When Carter first entered King Tuts tomb in November 1922, his financial backer[支持者] George Herbert—a wealthy aristocrat[贵族] with a passion for Egyptology—was at his side. Four months later, Herbert died of apparent[显然的] blood poisoning from a mosquito[蚊子] bite. Newspapers speculated[推测] that the Englishman had fallen victim[受害人] to a “mummys curse.” Rumors[流言] flew anew after the sudden deaths of others who had visited the Valley of the Kings. It turns out, however, that frenzied[狂热的] journalists made up the story. In 2002, scientists examined the survival[生存] rates of 44 Westerners who had been in Egypt during Carters excavation[挖掘], concluding that they were not at elevated[提升] risk of dying early.


2. King Tuts death was probably accidental.

2. 图坦卡蒙可能死于意外。

For years, it was speculated that King Tuts death at age 19 was caused by a blow to the head, inflicted[造成], perhaps, by a rival[竞争者]. More recently, however, experts have determined that the damage to his mummys skull occurred after death, either during the embalming[用防腐剂来处理(尸体)] process[过程] or at the hands of Carters crew. So how did the boy king die? In 2005, a study showed that he broke his leg and developed an infection in the wound shortly before death. According to one theory, the pharaoh sustained[遭受] the injury by falling from his chariot[战车] during a hunt. Meanwhile, DNA testing in 2010 suggested that Tutankhamen had malaria[疟疾], which might have exacerbated[恶化] a leg infection or caused him to fall in the first place. However, other theories about King Tuts death still abound[充满].


3. Tutankhamen was likely the product of incest[近亲交配].

3. 图坦卡蒙很可能是近亲通婚的产物。

In 2010, researchers, performing DNA analyses on the remains[遗体] of King Tut and his relatives, made a shocking announcement. The boy king, they believed, was the product of incest between the pharaoh Akhenaten注 and one of his sisters. Inbreeding[近亲交配] was rampant[猖獗的] among ancient Egyptian royals, who saw themselves as descendants[后裔] of the gods and hoped to maintain pure bloodlines. Experts think this trend contributed to higher incidences[发生(率)] of congenital defects[先天性缺陷]—such as King Tuts cleft palate[颚裂] and club foot[畸形足]—among rulers.


4. King Tut wasnt buried alone. 4. 图坦卡蒙并非单独下葬。

As Carter explored further into Tutankhamens tomb, he discovered a treasury room filled with priceless funerary[埋葬的] objects, including gold figurines[小雕像], ritual[仪式的] jewelry, small boats representing[象征] the journey to the netherworld[阴间] and a shrine[圣骨匣] for the pharaohs organs[器官]. The chamber also held two smaller coffins[棺材] that contained two fetuses[胎儿]. Recent DNA tests suggest that one of the mummies is that of Tutankhamens stillborn[死胎的] daughter and that the other was likely his child as well.


5. Three millennia[一千年] after his death, the once-obscure[不引人注意的] Tutankhamen became all the rage[风行一时的事物].

5. 在死后三千年,图坦卡蒙这位当时名不见经传的法老风靡世界。

For several years following Carters discovery, no ruler was more popular than Egypts boy king. Formerly a minor footnote in the tome of Egyptian history, Tutankhamen took the world by storm. Women donned[穿上] snake bracelets[手镯] and gold dresses inspired by his iconic mask; mummies haunted[时常出现] the silver screen. “Tutmania,” as it was known, once again swept[席卷] the United States when a collection of objects from the pharaohs tomb toured the country from 1977 to 1979. The craze reached such a fever pitch[高度,极点] that comedian Steve Martin mocked[嘲笑] it in his 1978 song “King Tut.”



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