这要追溯到1987年的Games Day展会,当时我买了“战锤40K游侠商人”,一切便从此开始。虫子们的生化科技令我着迷,它们的生物图强烈地震撼了我,令我不禁遐想:“这些虫子足以令其他任何种族感到恐惧。”此后它们在第二版40K中再次登场,出自Jes Goodwin之手的第一只虫巢扈从(利卡特)、虫巢暴君和刽子手的模型,牢牢地扣住了我的心弦。我手上的不少模型都很快被替换掉了,但是这只扈从原型我却始终不忍丢弃,我现在把它当死亡跳跃者来使用。
It all began when I bought Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader when it was released at Games Day 1987. I was fascinated with the bio-technological nature of the Tyranids, and this splendid line in their bestiary entry really caught my imagination:”Exposure to Tyranids tends to cause insanity among other races.” Then, when second edition 40K rolled around and Jes Goodwin sculpted the first Lictor, Hive Tyrant and Carnifex models, I was properly hooked. Not many of my models survive from this ear but I still have the original Lictor; I use him as Deathleaper in my current army.
Its been fascinating, and quite fitting, to see the Tyranid miniatures evolve over the years, not least into a cohesive race – and each generation has delivered some astonishing models. The plastic Tyranid Warriors have really stood the test of time, and the plastic Carnifex is as impressive as it was when first released, but things have really escalated in recent years with models like the Trygon and Tyrannofex.
1 杰斯的瘴气虫是他最喜欢的模型。用他的话说就是“在我军队的所有异形怪物中,它是最最特别的。它让我想起了某些令人作呕的肉食植物。”
2 两代老独眼。“我一直非常喜欢这巨兽的设计理念,”杰斯说,“我用新版的塑料刽子手改装了一个来替代旧的第三版金属模型,嘴部是稍加改装的沙蟒部件,其余的来自掘蟒套组,这一切给了它独一无二的身份。”
3 在杰斯的大块头怪兽中,有一只熔炉世界长镰圣役是他的最爱。“我对大体积模型情有独钟,不仅上色的时候颇具乐趣,在战场上被小型有机体簇拥着更是震慑人心。”
1 Jes Venomthrope is one of his favourite models. “In an army of utterly alien monsters, it manages to be extra-unusual. It puts me in mind of some loathsome carnivorous plant.” he says.
2 Tow generations of Old One Eye. ”Ive always loved the concept of the beast,” says Jes,” so I had to build a new version from the plastic Carnifex kit to ‘retire the old third edition metal model. A little conversion work with the Mawloc mouthparts left over from my Trygon kit gave him his own identity.”
3 A procession of Jes biggest beasts, including a Forge World Scythed Hierodule:”I adore the larger Tyranid models. Theyre a joy to paint and look incredible on the battle field, with the smaller organisms swarming around them.”
1 一只经过改造的泰伦首脑率领着一群装备了死亡喷吐的武士。组成它的部件包括蛇虫的胸和头,外加一把骨剑。这把剑来自堪称古董的塑料泰伦武士,而这名武士则属于一盒老旧的进阶星际十字军。
2 杰斯的马兰泰灾厄。“我觉得对我的虫巢舰队而言,马兰泰灾厄应该是那种无法遗传的一次性突变体,是泰伦武士和脑虫的混合形态。从武士、蛇虫和掘蟒/沙蟒套组的剩余部件中找材料装配出了这个家伙。
3 暴跳如雷的刽子手。“我觉得你永远也不会感到刽子手够用。”——杰斯。
1 A converted Tyranid Prime leads Jes deathspitter-armed Warriors. To make it he used a Ravener torso and head, plus boneswords from a truly ancient plastic Tyranid Warrior from the old boxed game Advanced Space Crusade.
2 Jes converted Doom of Malantai. “For my hive fleet, Ive imagined the Doom as a weird, one-off mutation thats a synthesis of Tyranid Warrior and Zoanthrope. Hes made from leftover bits from the Warrior, Ravener and Trygon/Mawloc kits.”
3 The Carnifexes on the rampage. “Im of the mind that you can never have too many Carnifexes.” Says Jes.
The army will never be finished; theres lots I want to add to it (currently Im tackling a massive swarm of Termagants to burst forth my Tervigon, and then I want to kit-bash a Harpy), but my paint scheme is quite involved. There are no washes, just successive highlights on both skin and carapace, which to be frank takes ages. But I love the vibrant, clean colour scheme, and it looks wonderfully unified when the army is on the battlefield.
The army will never be finished; theres lots I want to add to it (currently Im tackling a massive swarm of Termagants to burst forth my Tervigon, and then I want to kit-bash a Harpy), but my paint scheme is quite involved. There are no washes, just successive highlights on both skin and carapace, which to be frank takes ages. But I love the vibrant, clean colour scheme, and it looks wonderfully unified when the army is on the battlefield.