

金色年华·教学参考 2013年7期





一、基数词的书写及读法1、1-12。2、13-19:个位数+teen :thirteen,fifteen,(变five中的ve为f+teen)eighteen,(eight+een)fourteen,sixteen,seventeen,nineteen.3、20-90:“个位 + ty”(除20,30,40,50,80):twenty sixty thirty seventy forty ninety fifty eighty.4、21-19( 31-39……91-99):十位-个位:twenty-one……ninety-one twenty-two……ninety-two twenty-three……ninety-three twenty-nine……ninety-nine 5、101-999:百位+and +十位+个位:106:one hundred and six 518:five hundred and eighteen 1000:a thousand,one thousand 6、1001以上:百万,千万,百位,and +十位+个位 :1,001:one thousand and one18,020:eighteen thousand and twenty 196,501:one hundred ninety-six thousand,five hundred and one.

二、序数词的书写及读法(由基数词转化为序数词)1-19:1、不规则变化:1:first 2:second 3:third 2、规则变化:在基数词后+th( 除5,8,9,12 ) :5:fifth 其余:sixth,seventh,tenth,thirteen,8:eight nineteenth 9:ninth 12:twelfth 3、20,30,40,50 …90:辅音字母+y,把y变为i,+ eth :twenty:twentieth thirty:thirtieth ……ninety:ninetieth 21-29 (31-39,…91-99):十位为基数词;个位为序数词,中间用连字符。21:twenty-first 22:twenty-second 23:twenty-third 29:twenty-ninth 91:ninety-first 92:ninety-second 93:ninety-third…… 99:ninety-ninth…第100:hundredth101以上,218:two hundred and eighty-first 只有个位数用序数词 第1000:thousandth第1000000:millionth缩写形式:阿拉伯数字+后两个字母1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,54th,78th,81st,82nd,83rd

三、基数词用法1、表示时间:(1)中文顺序:8:30:eight thirty (2)半小时之内(含半小时):分钟数+past=时钟数“几点过几分” 6:28:twenty-eight past six 6:30:half past six (3)半小时之外:分钟差+to+下一时刻数“几点差几分”10:45:fifteen / a quarter to eleven 2、表示分数:母序子基,先读分子,再读分母;分子大于等于2时,分母用复数。1/5:one fifth2/5:two fifths 3、小数:小数点读point 0.5:zero point five 2.8:two point eight3.29:three point twenty-nine 4、百分数:先读百分数,在读百分号(percent)25%:twenty percent 5、四则运算:“+”:plus/and;“-”:minus;“×”:times;“÷”:divided by;“=”:equal/is 3+8=11:three and eight is eleven 20-5=15:twenty minus is fifteen 6×6=36:six times six is thirty-six 18÷2=9:eighteen divided by two is nine 6、表示年:1995年:nineteen ninety-five 1800年:eighteen hundred 2000年:two thousand / twenty hundred 583年:five hundred and eighty-three 2001年:two thousand and one / twenty hundred and one 7、表示年代:the + 基数词复数(阿拉伯数字+s/s)8、50年代:50s/50s 读:the fifties 30年代:s/30s :the thirties 9、公元前:基数词+B.C 公元后:基数词+A.D 公元前25年:25B.C 读:twenty-five B.C 公元后238年:two hundred and thirty-eight A.D 10、年代初期/后期:early / late + 基数词复数 在90年代初期:in the early minutes在50年代末期:in the late fifties 11、年代初期/后期:arly / late + 基数词复数 在90年代初期:in the early minutes 在50年代末期:in the late fifties 12、不确定的年龄:in ones + 基数词复数“---多岁的”a man in his fifties a girl in her twenties 13、表示:“---多---”:基数词+more +名词;---不到---”:基数词+less+名词 注:基数词大于等于2时,名词为复数 基数词=one时,名词为单数 five more boys;three more girls. I want one more apples 14、表示“这---人/物”:the + 基数词the two:这两个人 the three:这三个人 the five dogs:五条小狗 15、电话号码:用基数词表示 16、表示编号或数字大时,可用基数词,阿拉伯数字代替序数词。Room 238;Unit 5 = Unit five;page 299 = P. 299;Number 8 = No. 8;Bus 388;No. 5 middle school;259 Guangdong Road 17、表示“数百、数千、数百万”等概数用:hundreds of / thousands of / millions of hundreds of times数百倍 18、表示具体数目:基数词+hundred / thousand / million +名词复数 three hundred / thousand / million people 19、基数词-名词”结构作定语,名词用单数:a million-pound note 20、“基数词作定语,一般不用复数,也不用of短语 four million dollars 21、There are four of us all to take part in the activity. 22、习惯表达:one hour and a half = one and a half hours a day or two 23、in half分成一样大小的两半 He cut the cake in half / in two. the double of “---的双倍”Four is the double of two 24、“基数词/ many / several +dozen(单数)”作定语 25、They send four dozen boxes of such sweets last week. 26、half a day半天 27、居住的门牌号:介词at+号数+街道名 He lived at 293 Helping Street for 30 years. 28、two-hour walk = two hours walk

四、序数词用法和混用:the + 序数词 1、几次乘方幂:the + 指数(序数词)+ power +of +底数(基数) the fifth power of two 2、表示“年月日”:月份+日子,年份(1)常用书写格式:月份+阿拉伯数字(July 5;July 8) (2)书面:可用序数词和基数词书写 读音:“日”用序数词读May 5 =May 5th = May the 5th = May the fifth 读:May the fifth Sep. 4,1990 = Sep. 4th,1990 = Sep. the fourth,1099读:Sep. the fourth nineteen ninety 3、世纪:18世纪:the eighteenth century 20世纪:the twentieth 4、…世纪…年代:the + 年代(基数词复数)+ of +世纪(序数词缩写)+century 19世纪60年代:书写:60s/60s/the sixties of the 19th century 读法:the sixties of the nineteenth century 5、a/an + 序数词 + 单数名词 = another + 单数名词 Here are two boys,There is a third boy over there 6、the + 序数词 + 单数名词the third line,the second month 7、基数词和序数词混用:lesson seven = the seventh lesson 8、part one = the first part lesson one=the first lesson


