

新东方英语 2013年9期

By Graeme McMillan 译 / 张曦

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the Last Son of Krypton1), who has been fighting crime and saving his adopted world simply because thats the way he was raised. But while Clark Kents alter ego2) has been a constant presence in comic books, movies and on television for the last seven and a half decades, he hasnt been constant in terms of characterization. Throughout his existence, Superman has changed to match the times, for better and worse.

Heres a quick guide to the many faces of the Man of Steel.

Man of the People

When Superman was first seen in Action Comics #1 in 1938, he was as his creators Joe Shuster3) and Jerry Siegel4) imagined him: An uncomplicated hero who stood up for the little man against forces of corruption and tyranny in a country emerging from the depression. The original Superman was a man of action above all, seeing no problem with fighting the authorities as well as the criminals if he believed justice wasnt being served.

He had no problem with killing, either, offing5) villains by destroying their plane in mid-flight or threatening heavies6) with having their “brains dashed out” on walls if they didnt comply. Such youthful intensity wouldnt last long, however, especially as the characters popularity started to rise up, up and away.

Man of the Free

When America went to war, it only made sense that Superman would accompany it. What worse injustice existed in the world than the march of fascism, after all, and who better to stand up against it?

Unfortunately, Supermans wartime engagements were mostly limited to patriotic covers on comic books as he exhorted readers to support the war effort, and he occasionally indulged in genuinely appalling racism while he was at it (“Superman says: YOU can slap a Jap with War Bonds and Stamps!” declared the cover of Action #58). As World War II changed society, Superman changed with it, becoming more of a dependable authority figure than before.

Man of the Family

Post-War, America tried to get back to normal with a new cultural focus on domesticity; the phrase “nuclear family” entered everyday usage, and the Man of Steel found himself a family of his own to match.

Alongside work-wife Lois Lane, Superman gained a cousin, a pet and an entire extended family of fellow Kryptonians in the Bottle City of Kandor7).

Man of the Moment

As the 1950s and early 1960s went on, Superman had more to do than wrestle with family duties and run of the mill criminals, of course. With superheroes mostly out of vogue, Supermans adventures occasionally wandered into the eras more popular genre, the monster movie, thanks to whatever deus ex8) monster methods happened to be available at the time.

“Red Kryptonite9)” would transform the hero into alternate versions of himself—He has the head of a lion! He looks like an insect! His morality has become reversed! and so on. As the country unconsciously prepared for cultural transformations via the rise of the teenager, rock and roll and the Summer of Love10), Superman paved the way by demonstrating how flexible personality and sense of self could be.

Man Out of Time

Once America had dealt with real-life hippies and glam rock stars, Superman—at this point, 40 years old and still a reporter for a mild-mannered metropolitan newspaper with suit, tie and hat to match—seemed more than a little out of date … And perhaps a little too powerful, too, considering he could fly in space and travel through time entirely unaided.

The only solution: A soft reboot11), which saw Superman significantly de-powered and Clark Kent given a new job as a television news anchorman—complete with new comedy co-workers, updated wardrobe and newly laid-back attitude towards life.

Man of Means

In the mid-1980s, DC Comics12) went for broke13). Thanks to the massively-successful Crisis on Infinite Earths14) series that allowed the publisher to relaunch most of its premiere characters, Superman got a do-over courtesy of15) John Byrne, one of the comic industrys most-popular creators at the time.

Massive swaths16) of the characters mythos were washed away, with Clark Kent going from clumsy loser to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and novelist who romances a similarly-successful Lois Lane. Meanwhile, Lex Luthor17) schemes in the background, no longer a mad scientist but a hyper-wealthy corporate shark. It was the 1980s: Greed was good for everyone, it seemed.

Man of the Past

Such success couldnt last, of course. After the yuppie-centric 1980s reinvention, there came 1992s massively-successful Death of Superman storyline, in which Superman—by this point, engaged to Lois Lane—sacrificed himself to save Metropolis from a monster with the unsubtle name “Doomsday.”

If the storyline seemed shoddy18) and half-baked, thats because it was. It was a long-running joke amongst Superman writers that became a reality when they suddenly needed to delay Supermans wedding to Lois to accommodate the schedule of the concurrent Lois and Clark TV series. That didnt seem to impact sales, with the storyline breaking sales records and making the character more popular than hed been in years, if not decades.

The best Superman, it seemed, was a dead Superman.

Man of Emotion

Of course, Superman wouldnt stay dead for too long. He was back in Action within a year.

Having died, been reborn and eventually managed to marry Lois, Superman entered the 21st century a new man, one who was, for the first time, in touch with his feelings. So in touch was he, in fact, that watching Superman clench his fist in angst or cry one single tear quickly became the benchmark with which fans could identify the seriousness of a particular storyline.

The problem with this emotional Superman, however, was that he could be too busy feeling to actually do things. As Batman cruelly told him in the first issue of 2006s Infinite Crisis, “The last time you really inspired anyone was when you were dead.” As you might expect, writers and artists tried a course correction to fix this. Something drastic needed to be done.

Man Reborn

For the second time in its history, DC Comics wiped everything clean and started anew in 2011 following its Flashpoint series.

As part of “The New 52,” there was once again a new, younger Superman, one more closely modeled after Siegel and Shusters original social crusader.

How quickly this new Superman will come to not only conform to, but uphold and ultimately represent, the status quo19) remains to be seen—Hes certainly already on his way in such series as Superman and Justice League—but if the character retains a little bit more of an edge as a result of this rebirth, that might not be too much of a bad thing.

Man of Steel

So what makes Superman Superman, throughout all of these reinventions and restylings? Is it the costume and the powers? Well, in part, but even those change. Those red trunks disappeared with the 2011 reboot, for example, and his powers have constantly been in flux throughout the decades. His personality, too, has been through revisions both subtle and major, so it cant be that, either.

Instead, what makes Superman so recognizable is the underlying attitude of the character: hes the guy who believes in the good of people, and wholl never give up fighting anything and everything that threatens that optimism and utopian outlook. Superman wants the world to be a better place, and fights for that on a regular basis so that other people dont have to. What makes Superman Superman is hope; something that the latest Man of Steel trailer picks up on. Unlike other superheroes, he doesnt want to scare you, or gain your sympathy for his hard luck life. He wants you to look up. Up in the sky.




































1. Krypton [?kr?pt?n] n. 氪星,距地球27.1光年,位于南天星座乌鸦座。在超人故事中,超人出生在氪星,本名为Kal-El。氪星即将毁灭时,超人的父母将还是婴儿的他放进太空船送到了地球。他的太空船降落在美国堪萨斯州。他随后被Kent夫妇收养,改名为Clark Kent。

2. alter ego [???lt? ?eɡ?u] n. 另一个我,个性的另一面

3. Joe Shuster:乔伊·舒斯特(1914~1992),加拿大和美国籍漫画书艺术家

4. Jerry Siegel:杰瑞·西格尔(1914~1996),20世纪杰出的超级英雄创作者之一

5. off [?f, ɑf] vt.〈美俚〉杀死

6. heavy [?hevi] n.〈俚〉强盗,恶棍

7. Kandor:瓶中城,氪星的首都

8. deus ex:杀出重围,突围。该短语为拉丁文,源自“deus ex machina”,指古希腊戏剧中的解围之神,他们通过解决高难度的戏剧矛盾来获得皆大欢喜的结局。

9. Red Kryptonite:红氪石。氪石是超人故事里虚构的物质,是超人的家乡氪星爆炸后产生的碎片,也是超人和绝大多数氪星人的终极弱点。红氪石可令超人出现幻觉,也可令超人的身体发生变化。

10. Summer of Love:“爱之夏”,1967年夏天发生在美国旧金山的一场文化与政治运动,也被称为“嬉皮士革命”。

11. soft reboot:软重启,一种技术用语,对应硬重启(hard reboot)。软重启与硬重启的区别在于,软重启后机器内存里的资料不会被清除,而硬重启后机器内存里的资料会被全部清除。

12. DC Comics:请参见34页注释19。

13. go for broke:孤注一掷,破釜沉舟

14. Crisis on Infinite Earths:《无限地球危机》,DC漫画公司于20世纪80年代推出的一个全新故事,对整个DC宇宙的设定进行重新修改,消除了平行世界,将残存的来自不同世界的英雄留在唯一的宇宙。

15. courtesy of:蒙……的好意(或准许),由于……的作用

16. swath [sw??] n. 长而宽的一条

17. Lex Luthor:亚历山大·卢梭,他被引入超人漫画时是单纯的疯狂科学家的形象,后来渐渐转变为一个阴谋家。

18. shoddy [???di] adj. 劣等的,粗制滥造的

19. status quo:现状


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