

阅读与作文(英语初中版) 2013年3期

英文名(English Name): David Cameron

中文名(Chinese Name): 戴维·卡梅伦

国籍(Nationality):大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(United Kingdom of Great Britain)

出生地(Place of Birth): 英国伦敦(London, U.K)

出生日期(Date of Birth):1966年10月9日(October 9th, 1966)

职业(Career): 英国首相(British Prime Minister)

毕业院校(Graduation):伊顿公学(Eaton College)、牛津大学(Oxford University)

信仰(belief): 英国国教(Anglicanism)

如果有人试图评出当下欧洲最有魅力的政治明星,戴维·卡梅伦(David William Donald Cameron)无疑是最有力的竞争者。他在牛津上学时,同学们就预言他能成为首相,而事实果然如此。人们说,卡梅伦是一个来自保守党却最不保守的领袖,他必将给深沉的英国带来无限的阳光和活力。2010年11月,他在北大的一场演讲让北大学子为之倾倒,北大学生以“口才一流,魅力四射”来形容他。

David Cameron was born in a British royal family, and is the direct descendant[直系后裔] of the King—William IV. His father was a stock broker[股票经纪人], and her mother is a baronets daughter[从男爵的女儿]. Cameron was born in London and grew up in the southeast of England.

Cameron ever was a “bad student” in school. He had ever smoked marijuana[大麻]. Such things to an aristocratic[贵族的] politics is not good.

One day, a reporter even publicly asked if he took drugs. He knew that denial[否认] is of no use, but direct recognition also seems not very appropriate. Then, Cameron laughed and said, “This is the common experience of many students.” The clever reply not only let him successfully avoid an awkwardness, but also made him look more approachable[可亲近的]. Then one day, when he was walking on the street, suddenly was hugged by a disheveled black man. And the black man affectionately[亲切地] called him “bad boy”. People like this humorous, wise Cameron, every-one said, “He is no longer the child who grew up in a rich areas of Notting Hill.”

As a young leader, his words were always fashionable and charming to the younger generation. In fact, Camerons speech is full of passion and humor. In November 2010, Cameron led the most luxurious delegation[豪华的代表团] visiting China. During the time, he was invited to Beijing University to give a speech. At the beginning of the speech, Cameron began reviewing his visit to Hongkong 25 years ago. “It was in 1985, I was a student, when listen to the lyrics of ‘up, up……” Cameron also said in Chinese qi lai. In this way he won the students applause below the stage. When it comes to the friendship between the two countries, Cameron even cited[引用] the Confucius words—“Within the four seas, all are brothers”.

The young president was leading his country emanating[散发] young vigour, and the London Olympic Games will make the world become more aware of the countrys booming. We are looking forward to what President Cameron is going to present us.







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