Some people feel that marriage is not always 50-50, sometimes is 90-10.有些人觉得结婚不是常常平分各半的,有时指一方90%,另一方10%。(50-50 = fifty-fifty; 90-10就是指一方做的比另一方多,也可用80-20,70-30等表达方式)Living in the atmosphere of a loveless marriage can be as detrimental as a breakup.生活在没有爱情的婚姻里,其造成损害程度,就像婚姻破裂一样。Giving her a diamond ring will not guarantee that affection will last forever in their lives.赠送一粒钻戒不能保证他们生命中的爱情能永远持续。She should put her foot down and impress upon him that she married him to be his partner, not his maid.她应该果断而坚定地告诉他,她嫁给他是做他的伴侣,不是佣人。(to put one's foot down果断行动或坚持;impress upon him = tell him forcefully)The casual sexual encounter has now become the most typical extramarital experience.偶然的“水乳交融”现已成为最典型的婚外情。He feels he has too big an investment in his marriage to throw in the towel.他觉得他在婚姻上“投资”太大而不愿认输。(to throw in the towel是承认失败)How come a gorgeous, intelligent man like him is divorced; his ex must have been out of her mind to let him go.像他那样辉煌明智的男人怎么会离婚;他的前妻一定精神有毛病才让他离开。(to be out of one's mind精神错乱;发狂)Most men love to get an eyeful of the bikini girls whenever possible.不论什么时间,男人多半对穿三点式泳装的女子,都想一饱眼福。(to get an eyeful指好好看一下)Being sexually active into your 70s, 80s or 90s is not only healthy, it can be a lifesaver.七八十或九十年长者,对性爱还能“生龙活虎”的话,不但是健康表现,还能延年益寿。He said that cash-strapped person's favorite cheap pastime is sex. 他说性爱是穷人喜欢而省钱的娱乐。(strap是束缚或缺乏;cash-strapped = short of money)Even though she may tell you, “It is okay!”, she secretly wish you were not such a “softy”.即使她也许告诉你“还不错”,但她暗地盼望你不是“举白旗”的人。(softy是口语,指软弱者)(编辑/立原)