2012年3月的法语世界日时,二十七个国家在中国大陆的十五个城市组织了一百多场面向公众的活动(电影、音乐会、讲座、展览、读书会、学生竞赛等)。这些活动免费面向所有人,并且大部分活动都有中文翻译。虽然已过去了两年,但我仍然记得,我在川外看过的一场名为“阿勒甘在中国旅行” 的演出,非常精彩。法语世界日是一个倡导对话和多样性的节日,是在即将闭幕的中国法语年背景下展现法语世界丰富内涵的节日。法国驻成都总领馆和各法语联盟在中国西南地区组织的大部分活动都是共同庆祝法语的机会,都是把各界讲法语人士团结在我们的这门共同语言所传递价值观周围的机会。
SISU Held the "7th French Cultural Week"
Sichuan International Studies University (SISU), as a university devoting itself to foreign language education,is renowned as the “home for diplomats and foreign guests in Chongqing” for her great efforts to establish cultural exchanges with foreign countries. In particular, SISU has a close relationship with universities in France and Frenchspeaking countries. On November 26-30, 2012, SISU hosted the “7th French Cultural Week”, a cultural exchange activity with the largest scale of its kind held in Southwest China during the “China-France Language Year”. Reported by many Chinese and foreign news media, this event made Chongqing the focus of the French and even the whole world.When addressing the ceremony held for SISU’s joining in the Association of Universities in France (AUF), Madam Sylvie Bermann, the French ambassador in China, spoke highly of SISU for her contribution to the teaching and spreading of the French language. She said that SISU is the “Elysian temple of French in Southwest China”. Four years ago, Alliance française de Chongqing was set up in SISU, and last year witnessed the birth of the Working Office of Université de Toulouse in China in the same campus. Moreover, SISU is the first Chinese university that joined in AUF as an offi cial member. With the deepening of cooperation between Chongqing, France and other French-speaking coutnries,SISU is playing an ever-increasingly important role in this respect, contributing greatly to the economic development and educational internationalization in Chongqing.
Speech of Madame Sylvie Bermann, Ambassador of France in China,at the Ceremony of Sichuan International Studies University’s Accession into the Agency of Universities of La Francophonie (AUF)
Respected Mr. President of Sichuan International Studies University,
Respected Mr. President of Chongqing University,
Respected representatives of AUF,
Respected Madame President of Toulouse University,
Respected faculty members,
Dear students, dear friends:
At the outset, let me tell you that I am very pleased to join you all today,and to be present at this prestigious university for the celebrations of the 7th French Culture Week you have elaborately organized.
Meanwhile, my sincere thanks go to you for conferring on me the title of Honorary Professor, which is a special privilege for me and I’m very grateful for that.
Mr. President, our gathering today is another rare opportunity for me to witness the vigor and vitality demonstrated by your university.Mr. President yourself and Sichuan International Studies University (SISU)have long been firmly committed to French language teaching and French culture dissemination.SISU’s cooperation with its French counterparts draws the Chinese and French youth closer.
SISU’s international cooperation projects well serve the primary tasks and objectives of Sino-French university cooperation. For the quantity objective, by 2015, the number of Chinese students in France will stand at 50,000. The other 2 objectives emphasize more on quality by optimizing the management ofoverseas students and intensifying the student exchange programs at the doctor and master levels. And I can assure you that our Embassy in Beijing and Consulate General in Chengdu will continue to support you with all our strength.
All your cooperation projects are selected very meticulously, imbued with your candor, perseverance, and dedication, aimed at enhancing the exchange and openness with France.The implementation of these projects can’t be possible without a group of high caliber teaching facilities who worked tirelessly with persistence. And with that, you also scored remarkable results. It comes as no surprise that Chinese students from SISU usually outshine their French counterparts in the French universities. Another important accomplishment of this same excellent team of teachers is their compilation of the French-Chinese Dictionary, which is generally considered as one of the best dictionaries of its kind. Hereby, we wish to thank Madame Yin Li and Mr.Fan Dawei, as well as all the teachers engaged in the overseas studies programs.
SISU’s vigor and vitality I mentioned just now can also be found elsewhere. For example, 4 years ago,the Alliance Francaise was inaugurated in SISU. Today, the China Office of Toulouse University is also launched in your beautiful campus. Besides,the French Culture Week of SISU is held annually, and as far as I know,it is the largest French activity in southwestern China during this Sino-French Language Year. Hereby, I wish to express my sincere congratulations.Another point worth mentioning is that SISU accedes to AUF as a full member, the very first one in this capacity of all Chinese universities.Let me remind you that other members of AUF nearly all come from Frenchspeaking countries. So I think the AUF made the right decision because SISU,to some extent, is the “French Palace”in southwestern China.
I wish to take this opportunity to reiterate that we are, as always,very confident about SISU and that our friendship is also increasingly cemented. On behalf of the French government, I congratulate SISU on the fruitful results and we are willing to give our full support and assistance to you for your cooperation with French universities.
What’s more, our gathering here provides a chance to discuss the relevant issues and this is what I am always interested in. I now like to share some of my observations on the mobility of the students.
In today’s world, countries,economies and people in different nations are being increasingly integrated. We face a common challenge-the ever-more frequent international mobility of students.In the past 3 decades, the number of overseas students in the world increases by 3 times to 3 million. By 2025, this fi gure could hit 5 to 6 million. This is a huge difference compared with that in 1976 when I studied in Beijing. Back then, few young people had the chance to study and live abroad for one year or over a year.
Nowadays, the international mobility of students has been profoundly changed in its nature. In the past, international mobility heavily depended on the geopolitics and cultural relations between countries.But now, such mobility is deemed as a method for governments to develop the economy, and as a competitive edge of the education institutions.Knowledge and innovation are the major factors of competitiveness in the present world. Against such backdrop, the international mobility of students becomes a decisive factor of the world economic competition. For our universities, it is also an important factor to create the excellence.
We must together rise up to this challenge facing all of us, because the international mobility of students can also create excellent competitive edges. Studying abroad can broaden one’s horizons. Michel de Montaigne,a famous French writer once said:“Only by studying abroad can one’s thoughts interact with others’wisdom”. At present, human activities are increasingly globalized and internationalized, with the internet taking a more and more prominent position. Enterprises also need talents with foreign language competencies and multicultural backgrounds.Therefore, studying abroad can prepare yourselves in your future work in a multicultural environment. So, for the job seekers, overseas experience is surely a big plus.
Dear students of SISU, studying abroad are a natural competitiveedge for you. During your study in France, you will be exposed to the challenges and important issues of world economic development,such as sustainable development and the protection of world public heritages. Studying abroad is also indispensable for nurturing the future leaders because leaders with overseas background respect the diversity more and attach more importance to state to state cooperation, and they tend to build a world that is fairer and safer.
Lastly, the international mobility of students is also a favorable factor for the recipient country, where the opening up, dialogues with different cultures and the building of knowledge-based society can be benefited. Therefore, for both France and China, the accommodation of foreign students is an important way to develop the domestic economy,increase the international influence,and enhance the external exchanges.We are ready to welcome more Chinese students in France and other parts of Europe.
At present, there are 280,000 registered international students in France, of which 35,000 are from China. France is the third largest recipient of overseas students in the world and the fifth largest destination for Chinese students. Recent years have witnessed the French government’s coordinated efforts in upgrading the infl uence, reputation and effi ciency of domestic higher education. I want to reiterate the fi gures to show that France and other parts of Europe are barrierfree and very reachable.
In such context, our goal and wish are to encourage the university students like you to come to study in France, and we will provide you with the material guarantees and help you identify your orientation. That’s why we try to create more learning opportunities in France through France Overseas Learning Service Center,whose networks will give you the best assistance. The Center currently has 6 branches and 8 offices, and one of the offi ces is located here in the SISU campus. Besides, France spares no efforts in promoting and implementing the scholarship policies. The Chinese students can be benefi ted from “France Excellence Scholarship” “Eiffel Scholarship” or “Cai Yuanpei Plan”
According to our latest statistics,the business volume of the France Education Center increased by 10% in this past year. If such growth persists,we will strive to make it continue,thus we can realize our goals from the quantity and quality perspectives as I have mentioned earlier, including the target that the number of Chinese students studying in France will reach 50,000 by 2015.
It gives me great pleasure to work with my colleagues in the Embassy and Consulates to contribute, with our concerted efforts, to realizing the ambitious goals for the stable development of Sino-French relations and a better future.
Thank you!
Speech of Mr. Emmanuel Rousseau, Consul General of France in Chengdu, at the Opening Ceremony of 7th French Culture Weekin Sichuan International Studies University
I take great pleasure in joining you all at the opening ceremony of the 7th French Culture Week. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to
you for your gracious invitation. I am no stranger to Sichuan International Studies University (SISU), even if I myself cannot recall how many times I have been here, but I do enjoy every time being together with you.
Traditionally, the festival of La Francophonie usually falls inevery March, when International Francophonie Day is celebrated.However, here in SISU, “Palace of the French language”, every day is a festival featuring the French language and French culture, even November is no exception.
I’d like to start by talking about what La Francophonie means in general to me, as a diplomat and the consul general.
La Francophonie, as an international organization with over 40 years’ history and over 55 member countries, associates and observers, covers more than 250 million population. To put it vividly,they “share the French language”.Yes, this is the right way to say it!French-speakers worldwide “share” the common language of France with the power of the word “share”.
La Francophonie, as a cultural and linguistic organization, as well as an important promoter of the French language, showcases the vigor and vitality of the language in the world with different arenas and activities.French is a very power medium for people to develop social links, express themselves and integrate into a culture.
La Francophonie plays a salient role in globalization, sparing no efforts to rise up to the daunting challenges facing the present-day world. In a world filled with various trends and influences, La Francophonie serves as a beacon and a benchmark for the French-speakers across the globe.
La Francophonie also plays a low-profile role not much known to the world. With concrete actions and cooperation with multinational and regional organizations, it is committed to maintaining peace and stability,especially in Africa.
Taking all things into consideration, actions taken by La Francophonie make a novel World Cultural Community even more united.
Now, let us look at La Francophonie in China and the festivals of La Francophonie. For 17 years,countries sharing the French language have been celebrating this festival.In a non- La Francophonie country,this is a very festive and interesting occasion to demonstrate the profound essence of the French language.More and more people in such places like here in SISU can speak French,which should be attributable to Mr. Li Keyong, President of SISU and other friends from all walks of life, who have contributed to the popularization of the French language.
On the International Francophonie Day in March 2012, 27 countries featured more than 100 open activities(films, concerts, lectures, exhibitions,reading parties and students’ contests)in 15 cities in China’s Mainland, all of which were catered to everybody for free, with Chinese translation available in most cases. I can still remember a show named “Arlequin’s trip in China”.It was so wonderful that it is still kept in my mind even though it was two years ago. International Francophonie Day is an advocate for dialogues and diversities, and a festival to reveal the rich connotation of the French language as the Year of the French Language in China comes to a close.Most of the activities organized by the French Consulate General in Chengdu and Alliance Francaise in southwestern China are good opportunities to appreciate the beauty of the language and unite all the French-speakers with the values conveyed by the common language.
Last but not least, I think,in China, you are very enthusiastic about La Francophonie. The values it advocates can offer a model different from the global culture defended by English, a mode that can represent the diversity in a broad sense. French is a language of freedom and friendship,like the Chinese people said: “A command of Chinese enables you to make friends all over the world”.
My sincere thanks go to all who are dedicated to the causes of La Francophonie throughout these years,and all who have worked tirelessly for this French Culture Week. I would like to conclude by wishing the French Culture Week every success!
Thank you!