Has this ever happened to you? You start the day feeling ill. Your head hurts. Your stomach aches. Youre walking around confused, like youre in a fog. You just really feel under the weather. You call your co-worker to ask them to go to the meeting for you today. Its a very important meeting, so you know that you wont be able to take a rain check; you wont be able to postpone it. But it turns out that your co-worker is just a fair-weather friend! She wont support you in your moment of need and refuses to go to the meeting for you.
in a fog从字面上看是“在雾里”,自然是摸不清状况、看不清真相,因此这是“困惑、糊里糊涂,不知道发生什么事”的意思。
under the weather与天气没有太大的关系,是“身体不舒服”的意思,没有具体指哪里不舒服,只是日常表达小毛病的最普遍的用法。
rain check/ticket出自露天举行的棒球比赛,若逢突然下雨,赛事不得不取消之时,观众可以去领取这种rain check/ ticket作为球赛改期进行的入场凭证。如今,rain check/ticket广泛运用于日常生活中,take a rain check/ticket是改期的委婉说法。
fair weather指风和日丽,天气非常好;而a fair-weather friend指的是无法共患难的、靠不住的酒肉朋友。那些朋友只能有福同享,无法有难同当,一旦风云突变,则会离你而去。
So you decide to just weather the storm—survive this difficult situation—and get through this meeting come rain or shine, whatever happens. Of course, youre secretly hoping that the client will cancel the meeting, but that probably has a snowballs chance in hell of happening. It has very little chance.
weather the storm字面上指“经历风暴”,引申为“克服困难、渡过难关”的意思。
come rain or shine意思是无论下雨还是阳光灿烂,一切都照常进行,这是“风雨无阻”的意思。
a snowballs chance in hell是“希望不大,机会渺茫”的意思,常用于否定句中。
Then, as if things werent bad enough, when you arrive at work, your boss has a face like thunder—he looks very angry indeed. He must have got wind of (heard about) your dry spell. You just havent been as successful as you usually are, but you know that youll get past it. When your boss asks you whats going on. Well, you tell him, things have been a little slow lately, but this is just the lull before the storm. You know that things will pick up soon. Your boss tells you hed better not be waiting for a raindrop in a drought—hed better not be waiting for something thats unlikely to happen.
a face like thunder指的是“怒气冲冲、愁容满面”。
get wind of的意思是“听到风声、得到线索、听闻”。
dry spell是“干旱期”的意思,spell此处表示“连续的一段时间”。这里的dry spell指的是在工作中遇到瓶颈。
the lull before the storm从字面上不难理解,意思是“暴风雨前的暂时平静”。其中,lull表示“间歇,暂停,暂时的平静”。
wait for a raindrop in a drought是指在干旱中等待雨水,比喻等待极不可能发生的事。
But youve got hope. Youve been working on a project that will take the city by storm. It will captivate the public, and everyone will be talking about it. But when you arrive at the meeting, you discover that another co-worker is presenting your idea! You cant believe it: He stole your thunder! He took your idea and now hes the one that will get all the praise. But instead of confronting him right away, you decide to see which way the wind blows—you want to analyse the situation before acting. Maybe he didnt realize that he was raining on your parade, destroying your plan. Happily, once you explain, your co-worker realizes that he cant just steal your idea and sees the cold light of day: He realizes the way things are instead of the way he wants them to be.
Thank goodness your day has ended right as rain!
take…by storm是“使……为之倾倒,攻占,征服”的意思。
steal ones thunder这个词组有一个出处:1709年,英国戏剧家John Dennis在其戏剧中首次使用一种模仿打雷效果的方法,获得成功,但是这部戏剧本身反响平平。不久,另一个剧院在演出时也运用了这一方法,遭到Dennis“偷走他的雷声”的控告。如今,steal ones thunder引申为窃取别人的成果和荣誉从而达到利己的目的。
see which way the wind blows字面上指的是“看风往哪吹”,即中文里我们所说的“见风使舵”,形容人摇摆不定,没有坚定立场,随时势而改变,是一个贬义词。而在英语中,see which way the wind blows较为中立,源于船只在海上航行,知道风向甚为重要,所以指的是“多了解情况、多搜集资料,进而作出决定”。
rain on ones parade的意思是“扫兴、泼冷水”。parade的意思是游行,试想在游行途中因大雨而不得不停止,这的确让人够扫兴的了!
see the cold light of day指的是冷静地回想整件事,为自己一时的冲动所为而感到抱歉甚至羞愧。
(as) right as rain的意思是“非常顺利,完全令人满意”。