

地球科学与环境学报 2012年4期


中条山涑水杂岩的同位素年代学研究及其地质意义 ………………… 赵 斌,王登红,侯可军,刘仁亮(1—1)

高邮凹陷古近系戴南组扇三角洲沉积体系及其沉积相模式 ………… 纪友亮,李清山,王 勇,胡 斌(1—9)

高邮凹陷断层控油气作用的多样性 …………………………………………… 高先志,李 浩,刘启东(1—20)

缅甸安达曼海弧后坳陷天然气成藏要素及成藏模式………………………………………………… 徐思煌,郑 丹,朱光辉,杨松岭,李 超,杨传超(1—29)

厚油层内部夹层特征及在剩余油挖潜中的应用………………………………………… 余成林,国殿斌,熊运斌,陈德斌,曾 萍,周 凯,常振强(1—35)

针铁矿和蒙脱石对菲的吸附解吸行为与热力学研究………………………………………………… 刘晓华,吴宏海,管玉峰,曾丽璇,邓达义,何广平(1—40)

柴达木盆地及其邻区早—中二叠世构造 岩相古地理格局………………………………………… 陈守建,陈奋宁,计文化,李荣社,洛长义,刘荣利,李国栋(2—1)

双层滑脱构造的物理模拟:对准噶尔盆地南缘褶皱-冲断带的启示…………………………………………………………………… 于福生,李定华,赵进雍,董长华(2—15)

陕南镇巴筇竹寺期的海绵骨针化石 …………………………………………… 郑亚娟,李 勇,郭俊锋(2—24)

贵州大竹园大型铝土矿稀土元素地球化学特征及其意义…………………………………………………………… 李沛刚,王登红,雷志远,翁申富,高 兰(2—31)

准噶尔盆地北三台凸起西斜坡白垩系高频层序地层与油气成藏模式………………………………………… 白晓佳,康永尚,李培俊,曾 军,王 建,齐雪峰,钟权锋(2—41)

四川盆地原油裂解气的有利地温场分布及其演化特征 …………… 马德文,邱楠生,许 威,谢增业(2—49)

饶阳凹陷留西—留北地区新近系地层水特征及其与油气分布的关系…………………………………………………………………… 赵利杰,蒋有录,刘 华,庞玉茂(2—57)

鄂尔多斯盆地吴堡地区长6段浊积特征及其石油地质意义 ……… 张 伟,刘建朝,高志亮,孙少波(2—64)

地下储层表征的不确定性及科学思维方法 …………………………………………… 吴胜和,杨延强(2—72)

钼催化作用下的煤成烷烃气碳同位素演化 …………………………… 秦 勇,吴艳艳,刘金钟,申 建(3—1)

页岩气资源潜力评价的几个关键问题讨论………………………………… 侯读杰,包书景,毛小平,陈新军,马 宁,张小涛,杨光庆,孙 超(3—7)

新疆阿尔泰铁矿成矿流体及成矿过程 …………… 杨富全,刘 锋,柴凤梅,张志欣,耿新霞,吕书君(3—17)

塔里木柯坪地区下志留统碎屑锆石U-Pb年代学特征及其地质意义 ……… 常 健,邱楠生,李佳蔚(3—32)

江西赣州隆木花岗岩体年龄、成分特征及其构造意义 ……………… 胡 刚,钟达洪,邓 新,杨坤光(3—44)

华北克拉通东南缘前寒武纪下地壳的幕式生长与多期改造:岩石学、年代学和Hf同位素证据………………………………………………………………………………………… 刘贻灿,王安东(4—1)

柴达木地块北缘牛鼻子梁铜镍硫化物矿床地质特征及成因………………………………………… 赵彦锋,康 珍,凌锦兰,赵双喜,王永刚,申大力,姜常义(4—12)

鄂尔多斯盆地塔巴庙地区断层对上古生界天然气富集成藏的控制…………………………………………………………… 李潍莲,刘 震,张宏光,纪文明,雷 婷(4—22)

珠江口盆地番禺低隆起文昌组断裂活动性特征及其对沉积的影响 ………… 宗 奕,梁建设,郭 刚(4—30)

川东北元坝地区长兴组层序地层及沉积相分析 …………………… 田成伟,安显银,罗清园,徐少华(4—36)

柴达木盆地西部典型油田原油地球化学特征对比 ………… 肖 飞,包建平,朱翠山,张文艳,何 海(4—43)

有机组分二次离子质谱特征及其裂解机理 …………………………………… 郑忠文,刘建朝,李荣西(4—53)


鄂尔多斯盆地都思兔河流域白垩系含水层特征及供水前景分析 …………… 姜 军,徐 永,马 媛(1—47)

中国东北第四纪冰川研究新进展:遗迹厘定、新发现与冰期模式 …………… 孙广友,王海霞,范 宇(1—55)

中国69个城市地下水挥发性卤代烃污染检测与特征研究 …………………………… 高存荣,王俊桃(1—66)

一种用于突发性场地污染模拟的解析模型 ………………………… 陈家军,王 浩,全向春,文 军(1—72)

青藏高原西南部塔若错湖泊沉积物记录的近300年来气候环境变化………………………………………………… 张小龙,徐柏青,李久乐,谢 营,高少鹏,王 茉(1—79)

基于Fisher判别分析法的岩溶塌陷预测 ……………………………………………… 姜春露,姜振泉(1—91)

华北平原水资源合理开发利用的思路与举措 ……………… 刘少玉,刘鹏飞,周晓妮,王 哲,宋淑红(3—57)

内蒙古中部必鲁图晚更新世晚期环境演变的沉积记录 …………… 王 永,周赤华,姚培毅,迟振卿(3—62)

贡嘎山海螺沟典型植被带总磷分布特征 ………… 吴艳宏,周 俊,邴海健,余 东,孙守琴,罗 辑(3—70)

关中平原清代霜雪灾害特点与周期研究 ……………………………………… 赵景波,陈 颖,周 旗(3—75)

贵州普定灯盏河岩溶泉的硫同位素季节变化特征 ………………… 赵 敏,曾 成,杨 睿,刘再华(3—83)

华北平原浅层含氟地下水演化特点及成因………………………………………… 邢丽娜,郭华明,魏 亮,詹燕红,侯春堂,李瑞敏,王 轶(4—57)

咸水体修复过程中含水层物理堵塞试验研究 ……………………… 张淑慧,郑西来,单蓓蓓,刘玉红(4—68)

山东省东部地区土壤重金属污染及其生态环境效应 ……………… 代杰瑞,王 学,董 建,张祖路(4—74)

水稻秸秆和椰壳生物质碳对菲的吸附动力学对比………………………………………………… 古小敏,吴宏海,张立国,李 静,刘晓华,管玉峰(4—80)


西安地铁隧道穿越饱和软黄土地段的地表沉降监测 ……… 贺农农,李 攀,邵生俊,李佳坤,焦阳阳(1—96)

西安白鹿塬北缘黄土边坡稳定的可靠度分析 ……………………… 王阿丹,王昌业,李 萍,李同录(1—104)

山西乡宁—吉县地区黄土高边坡可靠度研究 ………………………………… 李 萍,赵纪飞,李同录(2—81)

冲击作用下饱和土性状的试验研究 …………………………………………………… 罗嗣海,傅军健(2—90)

秦巴山区软岩地基桥桩承载性状试验研究 ………………………… 曲 直,姜海力,刘永军,李国旗(2—97)

黄土高原边坡特征与破坏规律的分区研究 …………………………………… 李 萍,张 波,李同录(3—89)

拟建海堤的选型及其对邻近桥墩的影响………………………………………………………… 李惠玲(3—99)

降雨条件下花岗岩残坡积土路堑边坡稳定性研究 ………………… 邓通发,桂 勇,罗嗣海,周军平(4—88)

陕西泾阳南塬黄土滑坡滑带土残余剪切强度特性 ………… 李 文,龙建辉,李同录,李 萍,张常亮(4—95)

GM(1,1)模型的改进及其在变形预测中的应用 ………………… 彭正明,王腾军,曹冬冬,徐秋艳(4—102)


基于改进的角度偏差法的采空区点云数据精简………………………………………………… 方源敏,夏永华,陈 杰,宋炜炜,杨永明,左小清(2—106)

2000国家大地坐标系数据处理的若干技术研究 ………………… 程传录,谢 方,王小瑞,马新莹(3—106)

Vondrak滤波在磁悬浮陀螺全站仪数据处理中的应用 … 李慧茹,杨志强,石 震,龚 云,赵敏宁(4—107)

·其 他·

《地球科学与环境学报》约稿函 …………………………………………………………………………… (1—8)

《成都理工大学学报(自然科学版)》征订启事…………………………………………………………… (1—65)

《地球科学与环境学报》投稿须知 ……………………………………………………………………… (1—103)

《地球科学与环境学报》投稿须知………………………………………………………………………… (2—48)

《地球科学与环境学报》约稿函…………………………………………………………………………… (2—63)

《建筑科学与工程学报》入编《中文核心期刊要目总览》………………………………………………… (2—96)

《地球科学与环境学报》征稿启事………………………………………………………………………… (3—16)

《地球科学与环境学报》约稿函…………………………………………………………………………… (3—82)

《地球科学与环境学报》投稿须知………………………………………………………………………… (3—98)

《建筑科学与工程学报》入编《中文核心期刊要目总览》……………………………………………… (3—105)

《地球科学与环境学报》约稿函…………………………………………………………………………… (4—42)

《地球科学与环境学报》投稿须知………………………………………………………………………… (4—79)

《地球科学与环境学报》2012年(第34卷)总目次 ………………………………………………… (4—110-1)

Total Contents of Volume 34ofJournalofEarthSciencesandEnvironmentin 2012

·Fundamental Geology and Mineral·

Isochronology Study on Sushui Complex in Zhongtiao Mountains and Its Geological Significance…………………………………………………………………ZHAO Bin,WANG Deng-hong,HOU Ke-jun,et al(1—1)

Fan Delta Sedimentary System and Facies Models of Dainan Formation of Paleogene in Gaoyou Sag………………………………………………………………………JI You-liang,LI Qing-shan,WANG Yong,et al(1—9)

Various Effects of Faults on Generation,Migration and Accumulation of Oil/Gas in Gaoyou Sag…………………………………………………………………………………GAO Xian-zhi,LI Hao,LIU Qi-dong(1—20)

Main Controlling Factors and Models of Gas Accumulation in Back-arc Depression of Andaman Sea,Burma…………………………………………………………………XU Si-huang,ZHENG Dan,ZHU Guang-hui,et al(1—29)

Characteristics of Interbeds in Thick Reservoir and Application in Potential Tapping of Residual Oil………………………………………………………………YU Cheng-lin,GUO Dian-bin,XIONG Yun-bin,et al(1—35)

Study on the Behaviors and Thermodynamics of Sorption and Desorption of Goethite and Turface to Phenanthrene………………………………………………………………LIU Xiao-hua,WU Hong-hai,GUAN Yu-feng,et al(1—40)

Early-middlePermianTectonic-lithofacies Palaeogeographic Characteristics in Qaidam Basin and Its Adjacent Areas………………………………………………………………CHEN Shou-jian,CHEN Fen-ning,JI Wen-hua,et al(2—1)

PhysicalSimulationof Double Decollements:Insights into the Fold-and-thrust Belt in the Southern Front of Junggar Basin…………………………………………………………………YU Fu-sheng,LI Ding-hua,ZHAO Jin-yong,et al(2—15)

Sponge Spicule Fossils of Qiongzhusian Age in Zhenba County of Southern Shaanxi Province……………………………………………………………………………ZHENG Ya-juan,LI Yong,GUO Jun-feng(2—24)

Geochemical Characteristic of Rare Earth Element in Dazhuyuan Large-scale Bauxite Deposit of Guizhou Province and Its Significance … ……………………………………………LI Pei-gang,WANG Deng-hong,LEI Zhi-yuan,et al(2—31)

High-frequency Sequence Stratigraphy and Hydrocarbon Accumulation Model of Cretaceous in Western Slope of Beisantai Uplift,Junggar Basin … ………………………………………BAI Xiao-jia,KANG Yong-shang,LI Pei-jun,et al(2—41)

Distribution and Evolution Characteristic of Favorable Geothermal Field for Oil Cracking Gas in Sichuan Basin………………………………………………………………………MA De-wen,QIU Nan-sheng,XU Wei,et al(2—49)

Characteristics of Neogene Formation Waterand Its Response to Hydrocarbon Distribution in Liuxi-Liubei Area of Raoyang Sag …………………………………………………………ZHAO Li-jie,JIANG You-lu,LIU Hua,et al(2—57)

Turbidity Characteristics and Petroleum Geological Significance of Chang-6Section in Wubu Area of Ordos Basin…………………………………………………………………ZHANG Wei,LIU Jian-chao,GAO Zhi-liang,et al(2—64)

Uncertainty and Scientific Methodology in Subsurface Reservoir Characterization … …WU Sheng-he,YANG Yan-qiang(2—72)

Evolution of Carbon Isotope in Coal-derived Alkane Gas Under Catalysis of Molybdenum………………………………………………………………………QIN Yong,WU Yan-yan,LIU Jin-zhong,et al(3—1)

Discussion on the Key Issues of ResourcePotential Evaluation for Shale Gas…………………………………………………………………HOU Du-jie,BAO Shu-jing,MAO Xiao-ping,et al(3—7)

Ore-forming Fluid and Metallogenic Process of Iron Deposit in Altay of Xinjiang…………………………………………………………………YANG Fu-quan,LIU Feng,CHAI Feng-mei,et al(3—17)

U-Pb Dating of Detrital Zircon from Lower Silurian in Keping Area of Tarim Basin and Its Geological Implication……………………………………………………………………………CHANG Jian,QIU Nan-sheng,LI Jia-wei(3—32)

Formation Age and Geochemical Characteristics of Longmu Granite Body in Ganzhou,Jiangxi Province and Its Tectonic Significance ………………………………………………………HU Gang,ZHONG Da-hong,DENG Xin,et al(3—44)

Episodic Growth and Multiple Modification of Precambrian Lower Crust in the Southeastern Margin of North China Craton:Petrologic,Geochronological and Hf-isotopic Evidences ………………………………LIU Yi-can,WANG An-dong(4—1)

Geological Feature and Genesis of Niubiziliang Cu-NiSulphide Deposit in the Northern Margin of Qaidam Block…………………………………………………………………ZHAO Yan-feng,KANG Zhen,LING Jin-lan,et al(4—12)

Control of Fault on Gas Accumulation of Upper Paleozoic in Tabamiao Area of Ordos Basin…………………………………………………………………LI Wei-lian,LIU Zhen,ZHANG Hong-guang,et al(4—22)

Characteristic of Fault Activity in Wenchang Formation of Panyu Low Uplift,Pearl River Mouth Basin and Its Influence on Sedimentation … ……………………………………………………………ZONG Yi,LIANG Jian-she,GUO Gang(4—30)

Analysis of Sequence Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Facies of Changxing Formation in Yuanba Area of Northeast Sichuan……………………………………………………………TIAN Cheng-wei,AN Xian-yin,LUO Qing-yuan,et al(4—36)

Comparison of the Geochemical Characteristics of Crude Oils from Typical Oilfields in Western Qaidam Basin……………………………………………………………………XIAO Fei,BAO Jian-ping,ZHU Cui-shan,et al(4—43)

Characteristic of Organic Compound Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry and Its Crack Mechanism……………………………………………………………………ZHENG Zhong-wen,LIU Jian-chao,LI Rong-xi(4—53)

·Water Resources and Environment·

Characteristics of Cretaceous Aquifer and Water Supply Prospect of Dusitu River Valley in Ordos Basin……………………………………………………………………………………JIANG Jun,XU Yong,MA Yuan(1—47)

New Advance on Quaternary Glacier in Northeast China:RemainsExamination,New Discovery and Ice Epoch model…………………………………………………………………………SUN Guang-you,WANG Hai-xia,FAN Yu(1—55)

Investigation and Research on Volatile Halogenated Hydrocarbon Contamination from Groundwater in 69Cities of China…………………………………………………………………………………………GAO Cun-rong,WANG Jun-tao(1—66)

Study on an Analytical Model for the Assessment of Accidental Pollution……………………………………………………………CHEN Jia-jun,WANG Hao,QUAN Xiang-chun,et al(1—72)

Climatic and Environmental Changes over the Past About 300Years Recorded by Lake Sediments in Taro Co,Southwestern Tibetan Plateau …………………………………………………ZHANG Xiao-long,XU Bai-qing,LI Jiu-le,et al(1—79)

Prediction of Karst Collapse Based on Fisher Discriminant Analysis Method … ……JIANG Chun-lu,JIANG Zhen-quan(1—91)

Idea and Action for the Rational Development and Utilization of Water Resource in North China Plain…………………………………………………………………LIU Shao-yu,LIU Peng-fei,ZHOU Xiao-ni,et al(3—57)

Sedimentary Record of Environmental Evolution Since Late Stage of Late Pleistocene in Bilutu of Central Inner Mongolia……………………………………………………………………WANG Yong,ZHOU Chi-hua,YAO Pei-yi,et al(3—62)

Characteristic of Total Phosphorus Distribution in Typical Vegetation Zones Along Hailuogou of Gongga Mountain……………………………………………………………………WU Yan-hong,ZHOU Jun,BING Hai-jian,et al(3—70)

Study on the Characteristic and Period of Frost and Snow Disaster in Guanzhong Plain During Qing Dynasty………………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Jing-bo,CHEN Ying,ZHOU Qi(3—75)

Seasonal Variation of Sulfur Isotope in Dengzhanhe Karst Spring of Puding,Guizhou………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Min,ZENG Cheng,YANG Rui,et al(3—83)

Evolution Feature and Gensis of Fluoride Groundwater in Shallow Aquifer from North China Plain……………………………………………………………………XING Li-na,GUO Hua-ming,WEI Liang,et al(4—57)

Test Study on Physical Clogging of Aquifer During the Restoration of Saline Water Mass……………………………………………………………ZHANG Shu-hui,ZHENG Xi-lai,SHAN Bei-bei,et al(4—68)

Soil Heavy Metal Pollution and Its Eco-environmental Effect in Eastern Shandong Province…………………………………………………………………………DAI Jie-rui,WANG Xue,DONG Jian,et al(4—74)

Comparison of Adsorption Kinetics of Rice Straw and Coconut Shell Biomass Carbons to Phenanthrene………………………………………………………………GU Xiao-min,WU Hong-hai,ZHANG Li-guo,et al(4—80)

·Engineering Geology·

Ground Settlement Monitoring above Xi'an Metro Tunnel Through the Saturated Soft Loess……………………………………………………………………HE Nong-nong,LI Pan,SHAO Sheng-jun,et al(1—96)

Reliability Analysis for Stability of Loess Slopes Along the Northern Edge of Bailuyuan,Xi'an……………………………………………………………………WANG A-dan,WANG Chang-ye,LI Ping,et al(1—104)

Study on Reliability for Loess High Slopes in Xiangning-Jixian Area of Shanxi Province……………………………………………………………………………………LI Ping,ZHAO Ji-fei,LI Tong-lu(2—81)

Laboratory Research on the Saturated Soil Behavior Under Impact ……………………………LUO Si-hai,FU Jun-jian(2—90)

Laboratory Research on Bearing Behavior of Bridge Piles in Soft Rock Foundation in Qinling-Dabashan Mountains…………………………………………………………………………QU Zhi,JIANG Hai-li,LIU Yong-jun,et al(2—97)

Study on Regionalization for Characteristic and Destruction Rule of Slope in Loess Plateau……………………………………………………………………………………LI Ping,ZHANG Bo,LI Tong-lu(3—89)

Shape Selection of Sea Dike Planned to Build and Its Influence on Adjacent Pier ……………………………LI Hui-ling(3—99)

Study on Slope Stability of Granite Residual Soil Cutting Excavation with Rainfall………………………………………………………………………DENG Tong-fa,GUI Yong,LUO Si-hai,et al(4—88)

Residual Shear Strength Characteristics of Landslide Soil in Loess Landslide of JingyangSouthern Highland,Shaanxi…………………………………………………………………………LI Wen,LONG Jian-hui,LI Tong-lu,et al(4—95)

Improvement of GM(1,1)Model and Its Application on Deformation Prediction……………………………………………………PENG Zheng-ming,WANG Teng-jun,CAO Dong-dong,et al(4—102)

·Earth Information Sciences·

Study on Point Cloudy Data Simplification of Goaf Based on Improved Angular Deviation Method………………………………………………………………FANG Yuan-min,XIA Yong-hua,CHEN Jie,et al(2—106)

Study on Some Technologies of Data Processing for China Geodetic Coordinate System 2000………………………………………………………………CHENG Chuan-lu,XIE Fang,WANG Xiao-rui,et al(3—106)

Application of Vondrak Filter in Data Processing of Magnetic Suspension Gyro-total-station………………………………………………………………………LI Hui-ru,YANG Zhi-qiang,SHI Zhen,et al(4—107)


Total Contents ofJournalofEarthSciencesandEnvironmentin 2012 ……………………………………… (4—110-3)

