崔军平 任战利 钟高润
(西北大学大陆动力学国家重点实验室/地质学系 西安 710069)
崔军平 任战利 钟高润
(西北大学大陆动力学国家重点实验室/地质学系 西安 710069)
白庙地区是东濮凹陷勘探程度较高的含油气区,生气条件十分优越,已发现了E s,E s,E s,E s4套主要含油气层系。根据伊利石测年法和包裹体均一温度法综合分析了白庙地区天然气充注历史。研究表明白庙地区天然气主要分两次注入储层,一次为31.4~20.4 Ma,相当于东营组-馆陶组早期,另一次为2 Ma,相当于第四纪以来;第一阶段天然气成藏时期年龄绝大部分落入了剥蚀期年龄(27~17 Ma)段,是天然气藏的最主要形成时期,抬升剥蚀期压力下降,更有利于天然气成藏;第二阶段为2 Ma,相当于第四纪以来,馆陶组沉积以来白庙地区为欠补偿状态,无二次生气过程,一方面前梨园洼陷及葛岗集洼陷继续生气,生成的天然气向白庙构造运移,聚集成藏;另一方面是第一阶段形成气藏的重新调整。白庙地区天然气成藏期总体具有西早、东晚、北早、南晚的特点。
东濮凹陷 白庙地区 自生伊利石 包裹体 油气藏形成期
近年来,随着油气勘探力度的加大,油气勘探逐渐从浅层找油转入深层找气,深层天然气勘探也取得了很大进展,在不少盆地深层找到了大气田。白庙地区位于东濮凹陷的东部,已发现了E s、E s、E s和E s4套主要含油气层系,主要以含气为主,现已发现了一批工业气流井,如白55井、白21井已见气和白12井获高产油流。由于白庙构造油气关系复杂,对于油气成藏规律研究较为薄弱,至今没有进行系统详细的分析,影响了天然气勘探步伐。因此本文在大量测试数据的基础上,应用伊利石测年法和流体包裹体均一温度法结合热演化史对白庙地区天然气成藏规律进行了研究,取得了一些定量性的新认识。对东濮凹陷深层气勘探具有一定的指导意义。
1 地质背景
白庙构造位于东濮凹陷兰聊断裂带中部的前梨园洼陷与葛岗集洼陷的结合部,区内发育以兰聊、杜寨为代表的北北东向断裂,是受兰聊断裂和杜寨断层共同控制的一个继承性半背斜构造,西与桥口构造相望,南北倾伏于生油洼陷,勘探面积120 km2。白庙地区发育有北北东向延伸的兰聊断层、杜寨断层和近东西向的两组断裂,可分为3个活动时期:①早期形成,继承性发育的兰聊断层和杜寨断层;②E s早期发育,结束于E s时期的近东西向断层;③E s2时期形成,东营组结束的近东西向断层。白庙构造在E s4开始形成,E s大规模发展,E s之后活动强度逐渐减小,趋于停止。杜寨断层和白12断裂系,于E s3后期趋于停止。沙二-东营期,由于兰聊断层的强烈活动,在其下降盘形成大型滚动背斜,东营末期发生大规模抬升剥蚀,白庙构造定型。
2 油气藏分布特征
白庙构造以含气为主,深层油层、气层均有一定范围的分布,已发现了E s,E,E s,E s4套含油气层系,含气面积上小下大,白庙气藏为带油环的气顶气藏,油气分布具上气下油的宝塔形特征。白庙地区原油密度低,从0.755~0.842 8 g/cm3,一般在0.802 g/cm3,天然气相对密度0.57~0.78 g/cm3,甲烷含量为81.32%~12.43%,为含凝析油的湿气。其中:E s含气范围最小,集中在构造高点的白7井-白14井-白15井一带;E s1含气范围有所扩大,集中在构造高部位的白7井-白8井一带,气水界面向低部位推进;E s2含气范围继续扩大,由构造高部位向翼部推至白13井、白21井附近;E s气层物性较差,产能低。该地区含气主要富集区偏于构造北翼(图1)。
3 油气成藏期次分析
3.1 自生伊利石测试结果及其解释
首先,对所采含油气储层样品进行自生伊利石矿物分离,选择出适合作同位素年代学分析的样品,通过实验确定<0.1μm粒级的丝发状的自生伊利石为同位素测年的对象,对9个样品进行了伊利石测年分析(表1)。结果表明,白庙地区油气注入储集层主要有两期:第一期为距今31.4~25 Ma,相当于东营组沉积时期;第二期为距今23~20.4 Ma,相当于馆陶组沉积时期①任战利,崔军平。东瀵凹陷杜桥白地区深层油气藏形成机理及控制因素报告[R]。西北大学,2001(图2)。
3.2 储层流体包裹体均一温度判定油气成藏期
表1 白庙地区含油气储层自生伊利石测年结果Table1 Results of authigenic illite dating of hydrocarbon reservoirs in Baim iao area
图2 白庙地区伊利石测年确定的油气成藏期次频率分布图Fig.2 Frequency distribution of oil-gas reservoirs formation stages of illite dating in Baimiao area
表2 白庙地区油气储层流体包裹体测温结果Table2 Results of temperaturemeasurement of fluid inclusion in hydrocarbon reservoirs in Baim iao area
图3 白庙地区包裹体均一温度与现今地层测温关系图Fig.3 Comparison between temperaturemeasurement of fluid inclusion and present formation temperature
图4 白庙地区镜质体反射率(R o%)与深度关系图Fig.4 Comparative graph of vitrinite reflenctance and depth in Baimiao area
图5 白庙地区白11井天然气注入时期图Fig.5 Charging periods of natural gas in Baimiao area
图6 白庙地区白10井天然气注入时期图Fig.6 Charging periods of natural gas in Baimiao area
3.3 天然气藏形成期次分析
以上两种方法原理不同,确定的油气藏形成时期有一定差异,伊利石测年法确定的是油气藏形成的最早时期;包裹体测温法可根据不同时期形成的油气包裹体确定天然气的不同注入时期。综合分析两种方法可看出,白庙地区天然气藏形成时期主要分为两个阶段:第一阶段大约距今31.4~20.4 Ma,相当于东营组-馆陶组早期,天然气成藏时期年龄绝大部分落入了剥蚀期年龄(27~17 Ma)段,说明东营组沉积时期及以后的剥蚀期是天然气藏的最主要形成时期,其抬升剥蚀期压力的下降,更有利于天然气成藏[23];第二阶段距今2 Ma,为第四纪以来,第二阶段白庙地区馆陶组沉积以来为欠补偿状态,无二次生气过程,一方面前梨园洼陷及葛岗集洼陷继续生气向白庙构造运移并聚集成藏,另一方面是第一阶段形成气藏的重新调整。该阶段成藏的天然气主要来源于前梨园洼陷及葛岗集洼陷二次生成的天然气。
白庙构造以杜寨断裂为界分为明显的两大成藏区块,杜寨断裂以西成藏早、以东成藏晚(图7)。杜寨断层以西天然气成藏早,白55井E s段成藏期为38 Ma,白16井E s段成藏期为31.4 Ma,且具有北早、南晚的特点。杜寨断裂以东成藏晚,上升盘半背斜构造E s,E s成藏时期为28.0~25.4 Ma,E s- E成藏期为25.0~20.4 Ma,E s成藏时期为25 Ma,成藏期具有下早、中晚、上早的特点。如白14井E s为煤型气藏,C-P煤系地层形成的天然气,沿着大断裂快速进入E s储层,成藏期早于E,E s段,且具有北早、南晚的特点(图7)。第四纪以来为第二成藏阶段,天然气主要来自于前梨园洼陷和葛岗集洼陷。馆陶组沉积以来,前梨园洼陷和葛岗集洼陷处于超补偿状态。白庙构造处于前梨园和葛岗集生油洼陷之间,长期继承性发育,前梨园洼陷和葛岗集洼陷生成的油气向白庙构造运移聚集成藏。天然气成藏期总体具有西早、东晚、北早、南晚的特点。纵向上表现为层位越新,成藏时期越晚,层位越老,成藏时期越早的特点(图8)。
图7 白庙地区天然气藏形成年龄与层位关系图Fig.7 The relationship between the formation ages of natural gas and stratohorizon
图8 白庙地区南北向剖面油气藏形成时期分析图Fig.8 Analysis of the oil-gas formation in south-north section of Baimiao area
4 结论
综合应用储层自生伊利石测年法和流体包裹体显微测温法分析白庙地区深层天然气成藏期主要分为两大阶段:第一阶段大约距今31.4~20.4 Ma,是天然气藏的最主要形成时期,第一阶段天然气成藏时期年龄绝大部分落入了剥蚀期年龄(27~17 Ma)段,是天然气藏的最主要形成时期,抬升剥蚀期压力下降,更有利于天然气成藏;第二阶段距今2 Ma,馆陶组沉积以来白庙地区为欠补偿状态,无二次生气过程。一方面前梨园洼陷及葛岗集洼陷继续生气向白庙构造运移聚集成藏,另一方面是第一阶段形成气藏的重新调整。白庙地区天然气藏总体具有西早、东晚、北早、南晚的成藏特点。断裂对油气成藏有重要的控制作用,不同区块成藏时期有很大差异。天然气藏期次研究取得的新认识,对于天然气的进一步勘探有重要的指导意义。
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Research on the Form ing Stages of Deep Natural Gas Reservoirs in Baim iao Area of Dongpu Depression
CUIJun-ping REN Zhan-li ZHONG Gao-run
(State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynam ics,Northwest University,Xi'an 710069)
As the dynamics of oil-gas exploration is bigger,many large gas fields has been found in the basin in recently.Biaomiao area is in the eastern of Dongpu depression,which is the exploration degree high oil-gas area in Dongpu depression,there aremainly gas in the Baimiao area,some industrial oil-gas wells has been found now,the producing gas condition is very superior,it has discovered E s,E s,E s,E sfour sets ofmain oil-gas formation.The gas area is smaller in the upper and part bigger in the lower part.The gas in Baimiao are at the top of gas reservoirs with oil hoop.Oil and gas distribution is gas in the upper and oil in the lower part.For oil and gas relation is complicated in Baimiao area,the research on the regulation of oil and gas is very poor and no systematic analysis up to now.It influences the step of gas exploration.
The analysis on the formation time of oil-gas reservoirs is hot problem,the determination of it helps to recognize the formation regulation of oil-gas reservoirs.In recent,there are important progresses in the aspect of the chronology of formation time of hydrocarbon reservoirs.There are many methods,such as illite dating method,homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusion,the formation history of traps,hydrocarbon generated and hydrocarbon expulsed process,and so on.The differentmethod is of different sense.On the basis of illite datingmethod and homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusion,it is found that the formation time of hydrocarbon reserviors existmainly two stages in Baimiao area of Dongpu depression.One is about31.4~20.4 Ma,which is corresponding to sedimentary period of Dongying Formation-Early period of Guantao Formation.The other is from 2 Ma to now,corresponding to Quaternary to now.In the first stage,a greatmajority of the formation age of natural gas reserviors distribute in the denudation period from 27 Ma to 17 Ma,which is themain formation time.The decreasing of pressure in the denuded period help to formation of oil and gas reserviors.In the second stage,from 2 Ma to now,the Baimiao area is in the deficient compensation state since sedimentary period of Guantao formation,the area having not second process of generating gas.on the one hand,Qianliyuan depression and Gegangji depression continue producing gases,which migrate to the Baimiao area;on the other hand,the gas reserviors formed in the first stage is adjusted again.Gas in this stage comes mainly from the second time gas of Qianliyuan depression and Gegangji depression.The faults are important to control the formation time of oil-gas reservoirs,the formation time in different area is very different.The Biaomiao area is divided into two forming oil-gas reservoirs by Duzhai fault.The formation time of oil-gas reservoirs is earlier in Westarea and later in East area.In vertical order,the formation time of oil-gas reservoirs is earlier in old position and later in new position.In general,the characteristics of the formation time of the natural gas reserviors in Baimiao area is earlier in thewest area and later in the east area,earlier in the north area and later in the south area.The results are important for the deep exploration in Dongpu depression。
Dongpu depression;Baimiao area;authigenic illites;fluid inclusion;the formation stages of hydrocarbon reserviors
崔军平 男 1978年出生 博士 讲师 石油地质学 E-mail:cuijp@nwu.edu.cn