

磁共振成像 2012年4期



1 海绵状血管瘤


2 跖腱膜纤维瘤病



3 侵袭性纤维瘤病




图1 足背海绵状血管瘤。A:矢状面T1WI示足背肿物,与肌肉相比呈等信号,混杂斑片状高信号成分。B:矢状面T2WI示肿物以高信号为主,混杂少量条点状低信号。C:矢状脂肪抑制增强T1WI示肿物不均匀明显强化 图2 足底跖腱膜纤维瘤病。冠状T1WI (A)、T2WI (B)示足底腱膜结节样增厚(箭),病灶与肌肉相比病变在T1WI和T2WI呈等信号,邻近皮下脂肪受压 图3 足部侵袭性纤维瘤病。A:矢状面T1WI示足内侧部分叶状肿物,与肌肉相比呈等信号。B:矢状面T2WI示肿物主要呈高信号,混杂条片状低信号成分。C:矢状面增强T1WI示肿物明显强化,其内T2WI等低信号成分无或轻度强化。D:冠状面增强T1WI示第一跖骨被肿物包绕,但未见明显骨质破坏Fig. 1 Cavernous hemangioma in the dorsal aspect of foot. A: Sagittal T1-weighted MR image shows a soft tissue mass in the dorsal aspect of foot, which is predominantly isointense relative to skeletal muscle and contains patchy hyperintensity areas. B:Sagittal T2-weighted MR image demonstrates a hyperintensity mass containing a few linear and dot-like areas of hypointensity.C: Sagittal contrast-enhanced MR image with fat suppression shows heterogenous and marked enhancement of the lesion.Fig. 2 Plantar fibromatosis. Coronal T1-weighted (A) and T2-weighted (B) MR images demonstrate nodular thickening of the plantar aponeurosis (arrows) with compression of adjacent subcutaneous tissue. The lesion reveals isointensity relative to skeletal muscle on T1- as well as on T2- weighted MR images. Fig. 3 Aggressive fibromatosis of the foot. A: Coronal T1-weighted MR image shows a lobulated mass of isointensity relative to skeletal mass in the medial aspect of the foot. B: On coronal T2-weighted MR image, the mass is mostly hyperintense with patchy and band-like areas of hypo- to isointensity. C: On sagittal contrastenhanced MR image, the areas of hypo- to isointensity on T2 weighted MR image show mild or no enhancement, while the other areas of the mass show marked enhancement. D: Coronal contrast-enhanced MR image demonstrates the first metatarsal surrounded by the mass without obvious bone erosion.

4 弥漫型和局限型腱鞘巨细胞瘤


图4 足部弥漫型腱鞘巨细胞瘤。矢状面T1WI (A)、T2WI (B) 、增强后T1WI (C)及冠状T2WI (D)示足前部肿物;与肌肉相比病变在T1WI和T2WI呈等、低信号,增强后病变明显强化,邻近第2跖骨被侵蚀破坏 图5 足部局限型腱鞘巨细胞瘤。矢状T1WI (A)、脂肪抑制T2WI (B)、增强后脂肪抑制T1WI (C)及冠状面T1WI (D)示足前部小肿物;与肌肉相比病变在T1WI呈等信号,在T2WI呈低信号,增强后病变明显强化,邻近跖骨未见骨质破坏Fig. 4 Diffuse-type giant cell tumor of tendon sheath in the foot. Sagittal T1-weighted (A),sagital T2-weighted (B), sagittal contrast-enhanced (C), and coronal T2-weighted (D) MR images show a mass in the forefoot with hypo- to isointensity relative to skeletal muscle on both T1- and T2-weighted MR images, marked enhancement and erosion of adjacent second metatarsal bone.Fig. 5 Localized-type giant cell tumor of tendon sheath in the foot. Sagittal T1-wighted (A), sagital fat suppressed T2-weighted(B), sagittal contrast-enhanced (C), and coronal T1-weighted (D) MR images show a small mass in the forefoot with isointensity relative to skeletal muscle on T1-weighted MR image, hypointensity on T2-weighted MR image and marked enhancement.Adjacent metatarsal bone is not.eroded.

5 滑膜肉瘤

滑膜肉瘤是未分化间叶细胞发生的具有滑膜分化特点的恶性肿瘤;一般发生在关节旁,很少发生于关节腔内;多见于青壮年,男多于女[12]。病灶多贴近或侵犯邻近骨组织,其内常有出血、坏死、钙化,故在T1WI上与肌肉相比以及在T2WI上与脂肪相比常可见高、等、低信号, 注射对比剂后多呈不均匀、显著强化[12](图6)。滑膜肉瘤并非总是信号明显不均,较小的病变(直径不超过5 cm的病变)相对较大病变的信号多较均匀,这在T1WI上表现得尤其明显,而且边界清楚,周围无明显水肿,类似良性病变(图7),易被误诊[12]。

6 Morton神经瘤


7 腱鞘囊肿


图6 足部较大滑膜肉瘤。A:冠状面T1WI示足内侧部肿物,与肌肉相比含高等低三重信号。第一跖骨被破坏。B:冠状面T2WI示肿物与皮下脂肪相比也含高等低三重信号。C:冠状面增强T1WI示增强后肿物呈不均匀、明显强化图7 足部较小滑膜肉瘤。冠状面T1WI (A)、T2WI (B)及增强后T1WI (C)示足底部肿物,边界清楚,与肌肉相比在T1WI呈稍低信号,在T2WI呈高信号,增强后明显强化,其信号较均匀 图8 Morton神经瘤。A:冠状面T1WI示足底第二、三跖骨间小肿物(箭),与肌肉相比呈等信号。B:冠状面T2WI示病变信号稍高于肌肉,低于皮下脂肪。C:冠状面增强T1WI示病灶明显强化 图9 足部腱鞘囊肿。A:矢状面T1WI示足背内侧部肿物,边缘分叶,与肌肉相比呈低信号。B:矢状脂肪抑制T2WI示病变呈明显高信号,内有低信号分隔。C:矢状面脂肪抑制增强T1WI示病变边缘及分隔强化图10 足部表皮样囊肿。A:冠状面T1WI示足底部皮下肿物,无明显分叶,与肌肉相比呈等信号。B:冠状面T2WI示病变主要呈高信号,并含有少量斑片状与肌肉信号相仿的区域。C:冠状增强T1WI显示病变边缘明显强化Fig. 6 Synovial sarcoma with large size in the foot. A: Coronal T1-weighted MR image show a mass in the medial aspect of the foot with hypo, iso and hyperintensity relative to skeletal muscle. The first metatarsal bone is invaded. B: On coronal T2-weighted MR image, the mass show hypo, iso and hyperintensity relative to subcutaneous fat. C: On coronal contrast-enhanced MR image, the mass show heterogeneous and marked enhancement. Fig. 7 Synovial sarcoma with small size in the foot. Coronal T1-weighted (A), T2-weighted (B), and contrast-enhanced (C) MR images show a well de fined mass at the plantar aspect of the foot with relatively homogeneous signal intensity. The mass shows isointensity relative to skeletal muscle on T1-weighted MR image,hyperintensity on T2-weighted MR image and marked enhancement. Fig. 8 Morton neuroma. A: Coronal T1-weighted MR image shows a small mass (arrows) in the plantar aspect of second intermetatarsal space with isointensity relative to skeletal muscle.B: On coronal T2-weighted MR image, the signal intensity of the lesion is slightly higher than that of muscle and lower than that of subcutaneous fat. C: On coronal contrast-enhanced MR image, the lesion shows marked enhancement. Fig. 9 Ganghion cyst in the foot. A: Sagittal T1-weighted MR image shows a lobulated mass in the medial and dorsal aspect of the foot, which demonstrates hypointensity relative to skeletal muscle. B: Sagittal T2-weighted MR image with fat supression shows hyperintense mass with hypointense septa. C: On sagittal contrast-enhanced MR image with fat suppression, the rim and septa of the mass show enhancement. Fig. 10 Epidermoid cyst in the foot. A: Coronal T1- weighted MR image shows a mass in the plantar subcutaneous fat without prominent lobulation. The lesion demonstrates isointensity relative to skeletal muscle. B: On sagittal T2-weighted MR image with fat supression, the mass is mostly hyperintense with a few patchy areas approximately isointense to skeletal muscle. C:On coronal contrast-enhanced MR image with fat suppression, the rim of the mass shows marked enhancement.

8 表皮样囊肿


9 小结

根据MRI信号表现可将足部常见软组织肿物分为三类:(1) T2WI信号低于皮下脂肪或含有明显等或低于肌肉信号的肿物,包括纤维性病变、腱鞘巨细胞瘤和Morton神经瘤;前者中的跖腱膜纤维瘤病较小,多位于足底腱膜内侧浅表部位;侵袭性纤维瘤病常累及多块肌肉,一般不侵犯邻近骨的髓腔,在T2WI多以高信号成分为主,混杂带状或条片状较低信号区;弥漫型腱鞘巨细胞瘤侵犯邻近骨的髓腔相对较常见,在T2WI上很大部分的信号不高于肌肉;局限型腱鞘巨细胞瘤较小而局限,边界清楚,少见邻近骨侵犯;Morton神经瘤发病部位较有特点,位于第三、四或二、三跖骨头间、跖骨间横韧带的跖侧,而且好发于女性。(2) T2WI主要呈高信号而低信号成分相对不著的肿物包括血管瘤和滑膜肉瘤;前者在T2WI主要呈明显高信号,其内还常可见血管、脂肪信号,平片中可见静脉石;滑膜肉瘤出血、坏死、囊变较多,在T1WI与肌肉相比以及在T2WI和皮下脂肪相比都可见多重信号,并常贴近或侵犯邻近骨质结构。(3)囊性病变包括腱鞘囊肿和表皮样囊肿;前者常为多房、分叶状,多位于足背内侧;后者多为单房,呈类圆形或椭圆形,少分叶,位于皮下脂肪层,T1WI信号与肌肉相仿或稍高,T2WI虽主要呈高信号,但常可见相对较低信号的成分。


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