湖北省宜昌市葛洲坝高级中学 袁芳 供稿
Helen Keller was born in the United States in 1880.When she was 19 months old,she had a fever and then she lost the ability of seeing and hearing.海伦·凯勒于1880年出生于美国。十九个月大的海伦发高烧,从此丧失了视力和听力。
She became a wild child and nobody could communicate with her.She was always angry.从此她成为一个怪异的孩子,没有人可以和她交流。她总是发脾气。
When she was about 7 years old,her teacher,Mrs.Anne Sullivan,came to her.Anne is a kind-hearted person,and she is partially blind.在她七岁的时候,她的老师安妮·萨利文来到她身边。安妮是一个善良的人,她的双眼也部分失明。
Mrs.Anne Sullivan played with Helen Keller.She taught her to touch things and she taught Helen Keller to pronounce.萨利文小姐和海伦·凯勒一起玩耍。她教海伦·凯勒触摸事物。教她如何发音。
One day,she succeeded in teaching Helen Keller how to spell the word“water”beside a well.And for the first time Helen Keller knew each item had a name and every word stood for an item.有一天,萨利文在一口井旁边成功地教会海伦拼写“water”这个单词。海伦·凯勒第一次知道每件物品都有一个名字,每个单词都代表一件事物。
From then on,Helen Keller loved the game with Mrs.Anne Sullivan.She wanted to learn more and more.What’s more,Anne taught Helen Keller to feel love and warmth.从此,海伦迷上了和萨利文小姐的游戏。她想学很多很多的词汇。更重要的是,萨利文教海伦感受到了爱和温暖。
With her help,Helen completed a university education.Helen Keller was good at French and German.She helped the deaf people all her life.And her autobiography,The Story of My Life and Three Days to See inspired people around the world.We need the spirit of Helen,to fight against the fate of injustice,make our life meaningful.在莎莉文的帮助下,海伦完成了大学学业。她精通法语和德语并毕生致力于对聋哑残疾人的国际化服务,她的自传《我的生活》和《假如给我三天光明》都深深鼓励了人们。我们需要海伦的精神,战胜命运的不公,使自己过上有意义的生活。