
Beijing Review 2012年13期

A boy looks at a Maine Coon cat during a cat exhibition in Bishkek on March 18. Cat owners from three countries—Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan—gathered to show o ff their pets

Peop le in costum es parade in downtown London on March 18 in celebration o f St. Patrick’s Day, a traditional Irish festival celebrated on March 17 in honor o f Saint Patrick, one o f the patron saints o f Ireland

U.S. Coast Guard m em bers o ffload m ore than 1,500 kg of cocaine confiscated from a go-fast vessel in the Caribbean Sea at Base M iam i Beach on March 16

North Korean m usicians from the Unhasu Orchestra perform during a rehearsal conduc ted by a South Korean conductor for a joint concert w ith m usicians o f the Rad io France Philharm onic Orchestra at the Salle Pleyel Concert Hall in Paris on March 14

Firefighters work to remove a damaged bus in Mexico City on March 20 after a 7.6-m agnitude earthquake struck southwest Mexico