层和海洋之间的联系,位于美国盐湖城的犹他大学的气象科学家Thomas Reichler和同事们重新考证了美国国家海洋和大气管理局发明的一个著名的气候模型得出的模拟结论,该气候模型编辑了4000年里的大气和海洋条件,并且将其与过去30年里收集的天气和海洋数据进行了比较。新研究结果显示,平流层风和海浪下方2千米的洋流之间有着令人惊讶的联系。研究人员近期在《自然—地球科学》网络版上报告了利用气候模型得出的这一新发现。研究人员指出,平均每两年平流层会被突然加热几十度,这样一来,时速130公里的平流层风形成的极地涡旋环绕着北极地区,这种极涡在两个月里能减弱或者改变方向——围绕北极点由逆时针方向变为顺时针方向。同时,科学家得出的气候模型显示,几十年来,这些变暖事件戏剧性地扰乱着海洋表面,影响着大西洋经圈翻转环流的流动。大西洋经圈翻转环流就像一个传送带,将海水围绕地球传送。
“平流层产生的这些影响能够解释我们在海洋中发现的大约30%的振动。”Reichler说,“我们发现大西洋经圈翻转环流存在一个‘阿喀琉斯之踵’:格陵兰岛南部的北大西洋上的一个地区极为脆弱。”这个地区对于来自大气的即使轻微地加温或冷却都十分敏感——海水的温度影响其下沉的幅度,从而导致驱动或延缓海洋传送带。“我从未考虑过数千公里高的大气中的天气事件会深远影响着海洋深处。”美国大气和环境研究所的气象学家Judah Cohen表示,“这项研究是对天气系统惊人复杂性的又一例证,各个部分之间如何关联使得对其进行模拟极为困难。”
另外,这些发现暗示,气候模型的建立不能像以往一样忽略平流层的作用。但是,Reichler警告说,目前尚不清楚平流层对于天气的影响到底有多大。另一方面,平流层爆发性增温事件是由对流层上升气流驱动的,“因此,有人认为对流层是所有事件的原发性原因。” Reichler提到,“我认为平流层对这些来自对流层的气流影响进行了扩大,才最终影响了海洋,但是,这一问题还需要进一步研究确定。”
Stratosphere wind changes affect seas and climate, study shows
Changes in the winds high in the stratosphere aff ect the seas and climate, according to a new study.The research from the University of Utah study suggests changes in winds from 15-30 miles up hit at a vulnerable "Achilles heel" in the North Atlantic and alter miledeep sea circulation patterns that change the weather.The findings have been published in the online journal Nature Geoscience.
Senior author Thomas Reichler says, "We found evidence that what happens in the stratosphere matters for the ocean circulation and therefore for climate."
It was already realised that changes in the stratosphere, between 6-30 miles above Earth, affect what happens in the troposphere, which stretches from Earth's surface up to six miles or about 32,800 feet up and where weather occurs.
It was also known that global circulation patterns in the seas, caused mainly by changes in water temperature and saltiness, infl uence global climate.
Associate professor of atmospheric sciences at the university, Thomas Reichler, says, "It is not new that the stratosphere impacts the troposphere.It also is not new that the troposphere impacts the ocean.But now we actually demonstrated an entire link between the stratosphere, the troposphere and the ocean."
Thomas Reichler carried out the research with University of Utah atmospheric sciences doctoral student Junsu Kim, atmospheric scientist Elisa Manzini and oceanographer Jürgen Kröger, from the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology based in Hamburg, Germany.The study was fi nanced by the University of Utah.
The team used weather observation data supercomputer simulations of 4,000 years of weather to reveal a surprising association between decade-scale, alterations in stratospheric wind patterns called the polar vortex, and rhythmic differences in deepsea circulation patierns.