山东省临清市 郭倩供稿
山东省临清市 郭倩供稿
1.The little fox builds a new house with a wooden door,a wooden window and four wooden walls.But he hasn’t enough wood for the roof.小狐狸造新房,造了木门、木窗及四面木头墙。可是没有木料做房顶了。
2.The little bear comes to borrow wood and says,“Winter is coming.My windows and doors leak.And there is a big hole in the roof.”小熊找小狐狸借木料:“冬天到了,我的门窗都漏风,房顶还有个大窟窿。”
3.The little fox looks at the bear and says,“Look,my roof is the sky with the moon and stars.”小狐狸看了看小熊说道:“你瞧,我的房顶是镶嵌着月亮和星星的天空。”
4.At night,the little fox counts the stars in the wooden house withouta roof.Its fingers and tongue are frozen.晚上,小狐狸躺在没有房顶的木屋里数星星。手指和舌头都冻僵了。
5.The little bear is counting,too.“One apple,two bananas,three bottles of honeybee...atishoo!”小熊也在大声数数:“一个苹果、两只香蕉、三瓶蜂蜜……阿嚏!”
6.The little fox gets up quickly and he pulls down the wall and makes a double-layer insulation door for the bear.小狐狸一骨碌爬起来,拆了一面墙,给小熊造了双层保暖门。
7.The little fox pulls down another wall to make a double-layer insulation window for the little bear.叮叮当,小狐狸又拆了一面墙,给小熊造了双层保暖窗。
8.The little fox thinks for a while and pulls down the third wall and mends the little bear’s roof. 小狐狸想了想,于是拆了第三面墙,帮小熊把房顶补好了。
9.The little bear’s house is strong and warm.“But what will you do?”asks the little bear.小熊的房子变得又结实又暖和。“那你怎么办?”小熊问小狐狸。
10. “I’ll make a bike and ride to my grandma’s house to spend the winter,”says the fox.“我用剩下的木料造辆自行车,骑车去姥姥家过冬。”小狐狸说。
11. The little bear thinks for a while and picks up histoolstomakea small bed.小熊想了想,拿起工具,把小狐狸剩下的木料做成了一张小木床。
12.The little bear carries the bed home,“Little fox,please come in.Let’s spend the winter together.”小熊把小木床搬回家。“小狐狸,请进来,我们一起过冬吧。”