(同济大学外国语学院 上海 201306)
(同济大学外国语学院 上海 201306)
①The Tenderer shall ensure that each component,assembly,subsystem and system element be designed such that it will perform its function under specified design operating conditions without failure for a specified period.
②The Tenderer shall also develop a System Safety Assurance Plan (SSAP) describing how the identification,elimination,control of hazards which could lead to inju -ry,loss of life,or damage to equipment could be achieved.
③Environment impact of the AGT system,particu -larly the environmental noise pollution shall be addressed in detail.
④Integration of station access facilities with the surrounding areas shall be carefully considered when choo -sing the station location.
⑤Vehicles shall be equipped with visual and audible information and communication systems as are required for operation of a fully automated system.
还有一点需要指出的是,工程设计说明书中涉及到的投标者 Tenderer、承包者 Contractor等权力和义务主体的首字母都大写(参见上面①、②两句),这一点也与法律文件相似,体现了工程设计说明书的严肃和效力。至于与铁路交通相关的各种技术词语更是频频出现,这里不再一一列举。
①It is emphasized that the Tenderer may propose alter-nate systems,equipment or solutions to achieve the object-tive and performance requirements.
②It is expected that the peak hours of operations will be from 0800 to 0900 hours and 1700 hours to 1830 hours during the weekdays.
③As far as possible, stations must be designed for cross natural ventilation with due consideration given for sun screening and protection against rain.
④Envisaged performance parameters have been speci -fied but,the Tenderer may propose alternative vehicle para-meters and specifications suitable to their overall proposal.
⑤The power system network for the distribution of service and traction power to station equipment and vehicle shall be remotely supervised from the OCC.
⑥The entire lighting system shall be designed such that the light fittings are accessible for easy maintenance.
具体到这份说明书来看,使用被动式的目的,一是避免直接提及规定义务的招标方,而只是客观说明该工程所要求达到的性能水准,如上例①和②;二是因为投标方此时还是不确定的,不便将其作为明确的动作发出者,使用被动式就比较妥当,如上例③。值得注意的是,本说明书中被动式在大多数情况下都是和 shall连用,意在明确投标方的义务,这在上面的词汇分析中已有所涉及。
①A detailed description of how the noise level is measured and data for various vehicles operating speed shall be submitted by the Tenderer.
②The generation of noise,ground-borne vibration and the like shall be kept to a practical minimum.
③Indication of hazard analysis,failure mode and effect analysis,fire protection,crash attenuation studies and the like that would be undertaken shall be submitted.
从上面所引的三个例子来看,本说明书中名词化的主要是动作名词(action noun),其名次性最强而动词性最弱,这里是一般地述说一个事实或概念,指出动作和技术的特点,而不强调动作本身的进行和时间。可以看出,这是和工程设计说明书的功能目的十分吻合的。
3.关系代词 that和 which/whichever。“that”和“which”在本说明书中典型地充当关系代词而非指示代词,这两个关系代词的频繁使用体现了工程设计招标说明书文体的正式性。[3]例如:
①The AGT vehicles shall preferably be electrically operated and the overall design of the viaducts,vehicles and stations shall be such that the system will blend aesthetically with the surrounding physical environment.
②The structures shall be designed to comply with the respective national standards or the relevant British Stan -dards whichever are more onerous.
③To this end they shall be controlled and protected by a suitable signaling system which in combination with automatic train control,detection and interlocking systems shall constitute a high integrity fail safe system.
④The foregoing are representative values which shall be achieved under all passenger load conditions.
①Within the AGT system,electromagnetic interfe ren-ce may be created by harmonics generated by the propul -sion system,communications equipment,etc.
②In the event of alternative performance parameters being proposed these shall be commensurate in all respects with accepted standards for passenger comfort and safety.
③Existing and anticipated developments,road net -work and existing MRT system shall be studied when sitting the stations so that the proposed AGT system could be properly integrated with the developments and the existing transport modes.
④All safety-critical hardware and software used in the signaling system shall be designed using acceptable fail-safe principles.
Environment impact of the AGT system ,particularly the environmental noise pollution shall be addressed in detail. The system shall be designed to comply with all the requirements of the Pollution Control Department of the Ministry of Environment. In particular,the noise level shall not exceed 67 dBA LAcq (1hr) at the facade of the buildings fronting the guide way. This shall apply throughout the design life of the system. (p.6)
这一段中,通过重复关键词 system和 noise来连接前两个句子,通过指代前述概念的 this来引出第三个句子结束本段。
3.5.7Information and communication systems. Visual displays shall provide route and general information and supplemented by audible announcements. The complete system shall be suitable for visually r audibly disabled persons. The systems shall be visible and/or audible from all the locations within the vehicle saloon. In addition to normal information the system shall also be capable of providing emergency instructions and information to passengers.
3.非语词表达形式(non-verbal expressions)的广泛使用。由于工程设计说明书一般都有很强的技术性,科技文体中常见的各种非言词表达形式在本说明书中也频繁使用。例如:
①各种缩写,如 AGT(Automatic Guided Transit),OCC(Operation Control Centre),MTBF(Mean Time Bet -ween Failure),ISO 2631,等等。
②各种工程技术符号,如 34.8℃,3452.4mm,100km/h,5kA to 200kA,1.0m/s2,等等。