

世界建筑 2012年4期


ARCHITECTS: Nikken Sekkei



木材是一种经典的建筑材料,不应该被掩盖。通过这项最新的技术以及精确的操作,可以有效控制成本。木材将成为一种现代元素应用于室内空间,其极具雕塑感和透气性的表皮非常适合日本的气候。在参观建筑的时候,可以感受到日本扁柏的香味,使人敏锐地意识到建筑在用各种不同的感官与人交流。以“复兴木材”为真正的宗旨,建筑采用的所有技术都是公开的资源,建筑师可以自由地使用这些技术去实现他们的创意。□(王小玲 译)

用地面积/Site Area: 1 652.90m2

总建筑面积/Total Floor Area: 7 582.09m2

层数/Floor: +7, -1, Penthouse

主体结构/Structure: SRC/W

建筑类型/Building Type: 办公/Office

1 总平面/Site plan

2 立面夜景/Facade at night (摄影/Photo: Nacasa & Partners Inc)

3 示意图:火灾时烟的聚集与空气流动/Diagram: smoke deposit from a fire and air flow

4 标准层平面/Standard floor plan

5 木质阳台/Wooden terrace (摄影/Photo: Harunori Noda [Gankohsha] )

6 办公部分的电梯厅/Office side elevator hall

7 木质阳台/Wooden terrace(6.7 摄影/Photo: Nacasa & Partners Inc)

8 阳台细部/Terrace detail

9 首层日本茶室/1F Japanese tea room

10 首层画廊/1F Gallery

11 首层平面/Ground floor plan

12 七层平面/7F plan

13 首层入口大厅/1F Entrance hall

14 七层大厅柱子细部/7F hall columns close up

15 主要立面/Main facade (摄影/Photo: Harunori Noda [Gankohsha] )

16 七层大厅/7F hall

17 装配木构件的节点细部/Joint detail of assembling wood blocks( 摄影/Photo: Nacasa & Partners Inc)

Notwithstanding a long tradition of wooden architecture in Japan, in modern times it is exceedingly rare for wood to be used in a large scale building. Within this context, with the intention of"reviving wood in urban architecture" we set about exploring just how far wooden construction could be used given the economic rationale required of a commercial office building.

Firstly, extensive utilization of square milled timber for the residential construction market was made due to its abundant availability and low cost.Making use of modern high-precision processing using CNC (Computer Numerical Control) cutting machines, high quality timber components were procured at a third less the standard cost. Repeated empirical testing and simulations we were carried out to prove that in the event of fire occupants will safely be able to evacuate, succeeding in satisfying the performance provisions of Building Standards Law without the use of specialized fire retarding treatment. To integrate these factors into a distinctive design we made full use of the latest design technology, BIM (Building Information Modeling).

Timber is a classical building material, and rather than being concealed, through this latest technology and logical rigor enabling reasonable cost, it is celebrated in a modern composition through interior spaces and a deeply sculpted,porous facade well suited to Japan's climate. Upon visiting the building, taking in the fragrant perfume of the hinoki cypress, one is keenly aware that this building speaks to all the five senses. True to is aim of "reviving wood", all of the technology utilized here is open-source and available for all architects to freely use to the limit of their imagination. □

