

中学生英语·中考指导版 2012年3期

1. eat one’s head off

一个人怎么会吃得头都掉下来呢?原来是这样的:它本来是描述一种鸟吃个不停,以至于最后连头都垂直下来了(eat until one’s head drops off)。后来,这个短语逐渐演变成eat one’s head off这样的表达方式。现在它不仅可用于动物,也可用于人。例如:

Faced with a table of goodies, they forgot their table manners and ate their heads off. 面对一桌美食,他们顾不得什么吃相,大吃起来。

2. hide / bury one’s head in the sand

一看到这个成语,你马上会想到鸵鸟吧。不错,hide / bury one’s head in the sand是鸵鸟遇到危险时的一个习惯动作。这样,它就可以无视周围发生的一切了。不仅是鸵鸟,有些人也会这么做。他们这样做完全是自欺欺人,拒绝面对他们不想接受的客观现实。例如:

If you continue to hide your head in the sand and refuse to recognize the fact that some of your classmates are catching up with you, it won’t be long before you find yourself lagging behind. 如果你再拒绝承认你的一些同班同学已经赶上来了这一事实,那么用不了多久,你就会发现自己落后了。

3. keep one’s head above water

keep one’s head above water本义是描述溺水者在水中挣扎的情景,现多用于比喻一种困境,尤指因欠债而造成的困境。“把头保持在水面之上”就等于使自己不陷入到债务的泥坑中去。例如:

I can keep my head above water though I’m not earning much. 虽然我收入不多,但是我能设法不负债。

4. turn somebody’s head

“把头转过去”,表面上可以这么理解。但作为成语时,turn的主语是物,指的是一件使人变得骄傲自大、目中无人、趾高气扬的事。因此,turn somebody’s head是指因骄傲而把头抬得高高的。例如:

The success of his first novel completely turned his head. 他的第一部小说很成功,这使他得意忘形了。

5. lose / keep one’s head

如果翻译成“丢失/保住自己的头”肯定不对。因为这里的head并不指头,而是指抽象的“头脑”,lose one’s head表示“仓皇失措”,keep one’s head则表示“保持清醒的头脑”。例如:

He was so greatly angered by her rude remark that he lost his head and gave her a slap on the cheek in the presence of all their friends. 她那句不礼貌的话使他勃然大怒,他不禁失去了理智,当着所有朋友的面打了她一耳光。

Whatever difficulty turns up during the exam, remember you should keep your head. 不管考试中出现什么难题,记住要保持镇定。

6. make head or tail of something


I have read the article three times but still can’t make head or tail of it. 这篇文章我已读了三遍,但仍然是丈二和尚摸不着头脑。