小朋友们,你们是否注意到广场上经常有人在玩陀螺呢?陀螺最早是青少年们的玩具。现在,这种玩具风靡全世界。陀螺,闽南语称作“干乐”,北方叫做“冰尜”或“打老牛”;英文称之为“spinning top”;日本语中以“独乐”表示,称为“KOMA”。
Spinning top is a toy that spins around on a rounded or pointed base, traditionally a conical wooden toy that is set spinning by pulling a string wrapped around it. 陀螺是一种玩具,它绕成一个圆形或在基准点转动,传统的圆锥形木制玩具由拉扯缠绕在它周围的绳子而转动。
China is the hometown of the spinning top. Stone spinning top was discovered in the Neolithic sites in Xiaxian, Shanxi provine, China. It proved that the spinning top has a history of 4-5000 years in China. 中国是陀螺的老家。从我国山西夏县新石器时代的遗址中,就发掘了石制的陀螺。可见,陀螺在我国最少有四、五千年的历史。
There are so many methods to paly spinning tops. Two common playing rules are following: 陀螺玩法相当多样,较常见的打法则有以下两种:
Level method: First, spin and balance on a point. Then set in motion by hand, or by winding round it with a string which is pulled away, and then (in some case) keep the motion by whipping it. 水平法:首先,在一个点上保持平衡和旋转。然后用手转或拉扯卷绕在它周围的绳子使其转动,(在某些情况)可使用鞭打使其转动。
Vertical method: Throw the spinning top hard from overhead to the ground, it will fall from the sky and turn round and round. 垂直法:将陀螺从头顶上用力往地下甩,陀螺就会从天而降旋转不停。
1. Entertainment 休闲娱乐
2. Intellectual Development智力开发
3. Folk Arts 艺术创作
4. Scientific Research 科学研究
① 缠绳:钉朝上,惯用右手者朝顺时针方向缠绕(惯用左手者方向相反),预留一小段,打个单结,以供握绳(或缠绕在指头上)。
② 持法:钉上或左顶下或右,以大拇指、食指、中指倒拿虚握顶部。
③ 抛法:距离由绳长加臂长之长度来取舍,手臂朝著目标处摆动,陀螺离手后中指指向目标处之方向。当然,玩陀螺也需要不断的练习和经验的累积。