

中学生英语·中考指导版 2012年10期

1. Baboon, a famous detective, is good at maths. This helps him a lot. 狒狒探长是远近闻名的侦探,在数学方面有很深的造诣,这对破案很有帮助。

2. Mr Panda, the accountant in the Peach Village, finds 100 yuan missing. And two numbers on the bill are stained as 52.7 by ink. Mr Panda asks the handler—the golden vulture why. 话说桃树村的会计熊猫先生结帐时发现缺了一百元,经反复查对原始单据,发现一张单据中有两个数字被墨水污染成52.7元。会计找来此单据的经手人——金雕询问倩况。

3. “The numbers are one. The money is 152.71 yuan. 72 people buy peaches. They bought the same number of peaches and gave me the same amount of money. I gave them receipt but it was stained as this.”金雕说:“被污染的数字都是l。这笔款是152.71元。我只记得有72个人来买桃子,每人买的桃子同样多,每人交的钱同样多。我给他们集体写了张收款单,不小心污染成这样子。”

4. People checked the money and still 100 yuan is missing. The village committee asks Mr Panda to come. 按金雕说的原始单据的钱数进行核算,仍短一百多元。村委会请来了狒狒探长。

5. Hearing about it, Baboo understands. “The money is 252.72 yuan. You get 100.01 yuan.” 探长听了汇报,心中有数了。探长对金雕说:“这笔款应是252.72元,是你贪污了一百元零一分。”

6. The detective tells the reasoning. The golden vulture has to admit. 探长讲出推理过程,金雕只好老实交待。

Keys: 被污染的两个数用□代替,是□52.7□元=□527□分。72人每人交的钱数相同,那么□527□的倍数。因为72=8×9,所以□527□既能被8整除,又能被9整除。□527□中三个已知数字的和是5+2+7=14。如 保持被9整除,两个□中数字之和应为4‘因为该数能被8整除,所以个位上的数应是偶数(0、2、4)。因为最高位不能是0,所以个位上的数是0或2。又因 为实际短缺一百多元,所以个位和最高位上的数都是2。这笔款是25272分=252.72元。