编者注: 每个人都有自己存在的价值,关键是我们能不能找准自己的位置,你的位置在哪里呢?
In the middle of his dream, an artist awoke. He reached for his pencil and started to draw. He started with a single dot. It took the artist hours to finish his picture, and afterwards (然后) he collapsed(倒) back into bed. Soon he was asleep again, still smiling for thinking of what he had drawn.
The dot, on the other hand, was not as happy as the artist. It looked around the page and saw lines all around. They were long and colorful, and the dot was neither. “I don’t belong here,” it thought, “I am just a small, meaningless dot and this picture does not need me.” So the dot jumped off the page.
It approached (走向) a newspaper that was lying nearby. There were dots all over the newspaper. “Surely this is where I am meant to be,” it said aloud. As soon as the dot hopped(跳上) onto the front page of the newspaper, all the other dots started to yell. “You cannot stay here!” they said. “Why not?” asked the dot. “We are not dots,” they said, “we are periods, and we belong to books, stories, and newspapers. You are just a dot.” The dot felt silly(愚笨) itself, so it left the newspaper.
Then the dot saw a white cube(立方体) with dots on every side. “This is where I belong,” it thought to itself. “Excuse me,” it said politely to four dots sitting on a side of the cube, “May I join you?” “No, you can not,” said the four dots. “We are dots on a pair of dice (骰子). An extra dot would ruin a pair of dice.” The dot felt silly again and hopped over to the artist who was asleep.
“I wonder why he drew me?” thought the dot. The artist woke up at that moment and went to look at his picture, but he was heartbroken by what he saw. He held up the drawing and sighed. “Where has my seed gone?” he cried. “This is supposed to be a picture of a seed in the soil before it grows into a mighty (巨大的) tree, but without the seed, it is useless, and I cannot draw another so perfect as I did the first time,” said the artist sadly.
The dot had not realized that all along it was not just a dot, but also a seed. A seed may start off small, but there’s no telling how large it will become, how many beautiful leaves it will grow, and how many people will find shelter (遮蔽) under it.
The dot jumped back onto the page it had left. Because it knew that, although it was just a small dot, it meant much more in the big picture.
“我想知道他为什么要画我?”点思忖着。 就在这时,艺术家醒了。他起身去看他的画作,但是眼前的一切令他伤心欲绝。他拿起画,叹息不已。“我画的种子怎么不见了?”他喊道。“这幅画是种子长成参天大树前在土壤里的情景。但现在种子不见了,这幅画也就毫无意义了,而且我再也画不出像第一幅画这样完美的作品了。”艺术家伤心地说。