

文化交流 2012年12期






















闻文元现任杭州市西湖国际博览会办公室节庆处处长,是自2002年以来,西博会传统项目—“天堂丝绸 武林衣秀”杭州时装周走过10年的见证人之一。10年中,荟萃“天堂丝绸”与“杭州女装”的杭州中国丝绸城和武林路时尚女装街每年都会携手举办流光溢彩的时尚走秀和表演,吸引了越来越多老外的目光。


今年的杭州时装周,邀请中国首席职业模特马青、单靖雅等领衔现场走秀,展现杭州丝绸最优雅的魅力。还有英国国际知名设计师Nathan Jenden及个人同名自创品牌首次华丽亮相,少不了杭州丝绸元素浸染其中,用中西方的碰撞展现日益走向国际化的杭州丝绸的新风采。


Silk Renaissance

in Hangzhou

By Qi Yongye

The time was September 24, 2012; the venue was West Lake Culture Square; the event was a silk fashion show and the event was part of Hangzhou Fashion Week. As models walked the catwalk and displayed, spectators wowed, feeling amazed by the beauty and luxuries of silk, an ancient fabric whose manufacturing originated thousands of years ago around Hangzhou, the capital of eastern Chinas coastal Zhejiang Province. Today, Hangzhou testifies to its ancient silk honor by being home to China Silk Museum.

Hangzhou used to be a silk production powerhouse and declined through war years and political chaos throughout the 20th century. Thanks to the reform that started in the late 1970s, the citys silk industry has staged a spectacular comeback. It is not an easy comeback. As silk is a costly time-consuming material to make, many manufacturers struggle with costs and competition. The city has adopted many effective measures to bring about the silk renaissance and manufacturers have adopted many new measures to stay competent on the silk market.

Foreign Experience

A new generation of entrepreneurs and designers with overseas education and industrial experience are the most important contributors to the comeback of the silk industry in Hangzhou. Tu Hongyan, age 40, is described by the media as a pilgrim on Silk Road. Born into a family engaged in silk business for decades, she is now at the helm of Wensli Group, the flagship manufacturer of the citys silk industry. Wensli thinks it a great honor to have made silk dresses for 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Some people believe her understanding of silk industry and her bag of marketing tricks are due to the business sense that runs in her family. She disagrees and says she owes her success to studying abroad.

In 1989, the city government came up with a four-point adjustment plan to revitalize the citys silk industry. The adjustment went on for four years. The citys silk industry flourished. Tu Hongyan graduated as a business management major during this key period. She went abroad for a hands-on experience in foreign business. In those years, she did a full range of jobs in fashion business: she worked sewing machines and she designed. The experience transformed her. Today, Tu and many with similar experience abroad have grown up to be the pillar of the silk industry of Hangzhou. Moreover, the city has kept sending new talents abroad to absorb advanced technology. In 2007, the government launched a citywide project: six fashion designers for womens dresses were chosen for special training in Europe for one or two years and the city footed all the bills. The project of annual selection and overseas training is still on.

The going-out strategy has injected fresh blood into the citys fashion and silk industry.

New Talents, Marketing Differentiation

Zhao Jing, a Chinese French and a typical girl born in the 1980s, came to Hangzhou and worked as a designer for a silk business in Hangzhou after she graduated from a design college in Italy. Asked why she works in Hangzhou, she answers in not very fluent Chinese: “I can grow up here as the company lets me do whatever I want. Moreover, I love silk made in Hangzhou. The material is more expressive than any other fabric I find anywhere else.”

Zhao is not an exception. A large group of excellent Chinese and foreign designers are now working for fashion and silk businesses in Hangzhou. Their passion, inspiration, and individuality help Hangzhous fashion and silk industry grow and compete on the domestic and international market.

Hangzhou City implemented a strategy of turning the city into fashion capital in 2001 and adopted preferential policies for the prosperity of the citys fashion industry.

Latest data indicates that Hangzhou now boasts more than 2,000 silk and fashion businesses including large-size manufacturers. These businesses promote themselves through 350 brands. The industry employs about 200,000 people and sells products worth 20 billion a year.

Since 2002, Hangzhou Fashion Week has been part of the annual West Lake Expo, witnessing the rapid growth of the silk and fashion industry of the city. This year, Chinese supermodels were engaged to show off latest designs. At the closing ceremony, supermodels from Canada and Mexico also walked the catwalk. Nathan Jenden, a British fashion designer, made his China debut in Hangzhou Fashion Week in 2012.

