韩素音与中国有不解之缘。她1917年生于中国河南信阳,父亲是一位早年留学西方的中国工程师,母亲是比利时人。她的中文名字叫周光瑚,英文名字是Rosalie Elisabeth Kuanghu Chow(罗莎莉·伊丽莎白·光瑚·周)。她后来成为英国公民,改名伊丽莎白·库默。
韩素音以小说一举成名。她的长篇小说《A Many-Splendoured Thing》于1952年出版,1955年被好莱坞改编拍摄成电影《生死恋》,1956年即获得最佳服装、最佳音乐和最佳电影插曲三项奥斯卡大奖。这本书有好几个中译本,书名作《瑰宝》或《繁花似锦》或《爱情至上》。她的其他作品亦有不少在上世纪80年代被翻译成中文。
Han Suyin and
Cultural Dialogue
By Wei Daguo
Chinese-British writer and physician Elizabeth Comber, whose pen name was Han Suyin, died at the age of 95 on Friday at her home in Lausanne, Switzerland. She was born Rosalie Elisabeth Kuanghu Chow or 周光瑚 in Chinese. We at Cultural Dialogue in Hangzhou, the capital of eastern Chinas Zhejiang Province, were deeply saddened to hear about her death. Han Suyin was engaged with Cultural Dialogue in her lifetime.
For a long time in the 20th century, Han Suyin was a household name in China. She visited China almost annually from 1956 on and she was one of the few westerners who visited China after the founding of the Peoples Republic in 1949. In 1974, she spoke as a featured speaker at the founding conference of US-Sina Peoples Friendship Association in San Francisco. Official newspapers in China in those years often featured reports of her visits to China and photos in which she posed with Chinese leaders. She was well known in China also because her friendship with Premier Zhou Enlai. She wrote a biography of the premier and she served as a special messenger between Premier Zhou Enlai and French President De Gaulle. In China, the writers pen name was best known whereas her passport name Elisabeth Comber was little known, as her works are largely concerned with her roots in China.
Since the reform started in the late 1970s, Han Suyin has been a name well known among young translators in particular. China Translation, a national monthly, started an annual translation competition in 1986 for young translators. In 1989, Han Suyin provided a fund and the competition was renamed after her. Up to 2012, Han Suyin Translation Competition for Young Translators has been held 24 times. It is the most important, most influential and longest translation competition ever held in China. Han Suyin supported the translation prize primarily because she believed, based on her own experience, that one effective way to break the language barrier for Chinese writers was to write in English directly.
Han Suyin and Cultural Dialogue, now a monthly distributed to readers at home and abroad, shared a long time together. In 1992, Han was invited to give lectures at Hangzhou University, which merged with Zhejiang University in September 19998, and established a foreign literature scholarship. During her stay in Hangzhou, she formed friendship with provincial leadership and staff and students of the university and she became a reader of Cultural Dialogue, which was a quarterly back then. Jin Yukun, our deputy editor-in-chief, took a train trip to visit Han Suyin during her visit to Beijing one of these years in the 1990s.
In August 1997, she wrote a letter in English to Cultural Dialogue to express her appreciation of the magazine and her congratulations on the publishing of the third issue that year.
In 1999, Qiu Jian, our special reporter in Beijing, interviewed Han Suyin at Beijing Hotel during her visit to the capital. Qiu Jians story appeared in the fourth issue of Cultural Dialogue in 1999. In the 5,000-characger story, Qiu said she was deeply impressed by Han Suyins charming personality. The story covered Han Suyins life and career. In particular, Qiu Jian wrote about Han Suyins ties with China in three major aspects.
In the summer of 2003, Professor Zhu Jiongqiang of Zhejiang University and his assistant Jiang Xiyin were invited to be guest scholars at Berne University. On August 2, the two came to Geneva to visit 86-year-old Han Suyin at her home. Professor Zhu conveyed the warm greetings to Han Suyin from her friends in Zhejiang: Shen Zulun, former provincial governor, president of Zhejiang Peoples Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and honorary director of Cultural Dialogue, Professor Xue Yanzhuang, retired CPC Hangzhou University Secretary, Professor Shen Shanhong, former president of Hangzhou University, Zhang Junsheng, CPC Secretary of Zhejiang University and special advisor of Cultural Dialogue, former editor-in-chief of Cultural Dialogue Wu Yaomin and incumbent editor-in-chief of Cultural Dialogue Fu Tongxian. Professor Zhu also presented the gifts from the old friends: a stamp album, ginseng, silk scarves, Dragon Well tea, and sandal fans.
Professor Zhu and his assistant Jiang Xiyin came to visit Han again on August 4. She showed them through the house and said she loved the scenery and sunshine of Geneva. They chatted. She said her published books and letters were in the keep of Boston University. Then she mentioned that Chinese young people should see more of the world for a comprehensive worldview. She talked about the importance of cultural exchanges. Zhu and Jiang took some very valuable photographs of Han Suyin. When the professor came back to Hangzhou, he wrote a complete account of his visit to Han Suyin. His story appeared in the 6th issue of Cultural Dialogue in 2003. Cultural Dialogue at that time published six issues a year. This story enabled our readers to see how Han Suyin lived in her evening years.
Cultural Dialogue has been around for nearly 30 years, growing from a quarterly to bimonthly and now a monthly. An important witness to the growth of Cultural Dialogue, Han Suyin herself has become an important chapter of our publication. We appreciate her ties with China, her literary achievement, her concern and care for Cultural Dialogue. Her life was a many-splendored thing, as suggested by the title of her best known novel published in 1952.