

科技传播 2012年16期


1919.0 6.20~

物理学家。四川成都人。1943年毕业于西南联合大学。1951年获美国伊利诺州立大学物理学博士学位。中国科学院物理研究所研究员。中国固体物理理论研究的开拓者之一。40年代中期利用合金有序化的普适仿化学近似方法首次得出面心立方合金Cu3Au 有序化的一次近似理论,并研究了合金和反铁磁性的有序—无序相变的统计理论。50年代对过渡族元素氧化物的磁结构超交换作用等作了一系列研究。1964首次预见到非线性光学中相角不匹配的倍频辐射喇曼效应。70年代以来对激光技术晶体作了比较研究,并对有关现象作出了理论解释。


Physicist. Born in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Graduated from the Southwest Associated University in 1943. Received Ph. D. in physics from Illinois State University, USA in 1951. Research professor, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Li is one of the pioneers in the theoretical study of solid state physics in China. In the mid 1940s, by means of universal imitated chemical approach using alloy ordering, he presented for the first time the first ordered approximate ordering theory of the facecentered cubic alloy, Cu3Au, and studied the statistic theories of ordered-disordered transformation for alloys and antiferromagnets. In the 1950s, he carried out a series of studies on the magnetic structure super-exchange effect of the meta-element oxides. He was the first to predict phase angle an-mated octamonic radiation Rammon effect in nonlinear optics in 1964. In the 1970s, he launched the comparative investigations on the laser crystals and presented theoretic explanations to the corresponding phenomena.

He was elected Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1980.


1920.0 7.19~1984.02.20



Experimental nuclear physicist. Born in Changsha, Hunan Province. Graduated from Southwest Associated University in 1944. Received MS from California Institute of Technology, USA in 1948. Research professor, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Xiao was mainly engaged in experimental investigations on the physics of basic particles and made plenty of important achievements. In his early research career, he carried out research on the neutral heavy meson and hyperon. He was in charge of the preparation and construction of China’s early observatories of cosmic ray in Beijing and Luoxueshan, Yunan and directed the observational studies of the intensity of cosmic ray. He led the design and construction of the magnetic cloud chamber and the development of the first cosmic ray prober for Chinese scientific expedition satellite and proposed the corresponding observation program. He organized and guided the design, construction and debugging work of the grand cloud chamber at Gaoshan Station, Yunan and made many achievements in cosmic particle physics.

He was elected Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1980.


1923.5.27 ~2009.02.27



Theoretical physicist. Born in Yihuang, Jiangxi Province. Graduated from Tongji University in 1944. Received Ph. D. from Illinois University, USA in 1951. Professor, Jilin University.

Wu is mainly engaged in the research and education of the theory of atomic nucleus, especially the nuclear multibody theory. In the 1950s, he applied the theory of shell model to the investigation of μ-meson and photo-nuclear effects, and the model was then acknowledged as “ Wu‘s model ”. He established and advanced the Green function method and theories of nonlinear integral equations along with the generalized group state hybrid method. By using Green function method, he systematically studied the nuclear characteristics, unclear structures under zero temperature and finite temperature, and the relative multi-body problems as well, which led to the strict expressions of finite temperature and the relative equivalent interaction. He proposed a new phase dielectric approach for oilwell measurement, which solved problems for determining the inundated layer in oil field.

He was elected Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1980.


1914.0 3.20~2011.06.20

核物理学家。女。原籍山西灵石,生于江苏苏州。1936年毕业于清华大学物理系。1940年在德国柏林高等工业大学获工程博士学位。1945年至1948年在法国法兰西学院工作,其间与著名核物理学家钱三强一起发现铀核三分裂与四分裂现象,深化了人们对核裂变的认识。 1948年回国投身于创建中国原子能事业。中国科学院高能物理研究所研究员。几十年她一直用“立足常规着眼新奇”八个字指导科研工作。根据我国国情,她大力提倡自力更生、因陋就简地发展祖国科学事业,她呼吁重视科学工作者的素质培养;勉励青年人要有创造性,要有新发现,要有严谨的科学作风。她把毕生精力献给我国原子能事业。


Nuclear physicist. Female. Born in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. Graduated from the Department of Physics, Tsinghua University in 1936. Received Doctor of engineering from Berlin Advanced University of Technology. Research professor, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

He joined the Laboratory of Siemenz, Germany in 1940 and transferred to the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg Imperial Academy of Germany in 1942. Then, she worked in France Institute, France from 1945 to 1948. During this period, she and Prof. Qian Sanqiang, a well known nuclear physicist, discovered the phenomenon of the tri- and quadri-partion of uranium, which furthered the understanding of nuclear fission. She returned to China in 1948 and dedicated herself to the foundation of China in 1948 and dedicated herself to the foundation of Chinese research cause of nuclear energy. From then on , she insisted on her academic rule of“ base on regularity and focus on unregularity”to direct research work. She promoted the development of Chinese science and technology with the principle of self-reliance and doing things simply and thriftily according to the Chinese condition. She addressed to pay great attention to the training of qualified scientific researchers and inspire young people to have creativity, to make new discovery and to hold a strict style of doing research. She is one of a few outstanding female scientists. She devoted her whole life to the Chinese nuclear energy undertaking. At the age of over 80, she still keeps doing her research on space physics and cosmic rays.

She was elected Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1980.

