考试周刊 2011年22期
摘 要: 古今明老师在英汉翻译基础这本书中曾对翻译这样定义:翻译是把一种语言所表达的思维内容用另一种语言所表达出来的语言活动,它包含着一个对原文含义的理解逐步深入,对原文含义的表达逐步完善的过程。在翻译中,毛荣贵老师说,对比阅读翻译是学习翻译的一个捷径,通过对比翻译可以萌“曲径通幽”之文思。本文就英语翻译对比阅读进行了研究。
关键词: 英语翻译 对比阅读 古今明 毛荣贵
最近在读毛荣贵老师的《译然自得》时受益颇多,觉得英语翻译在对比阅读时更容易记得原文用词的美妙与汉语译文的精彩。其中有篇文章在《译然自得》的第一篇,题目名是“Kiss Lands Iranian Actress and Directors in Court”,首先在这个题目里“Land”这个词用得非常的生动,他没有采用“Send”或者是“Cause”等,因为“Land”使文章整体更具有美感。
其整篇文章是这样的:A Kiss planted on the forehead of a young Iranian directors by a well-known actress has landed the pair in court and sparked heated protests in the Islamic Republic over physical contact between the sexes.
Under Iran’s strict Islamic laws,implemented after the 1979 revolution led by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini,touching between unrelated men and women,even a handshake,is forbidden.So there was stunned silence at a film awards ceremony in the central city of Yazd last Friday when respected actress Gohar Kheirandish kissed the forehead of Ali Zamani and shook his hand when presenting the prizes for top director.
“I was chosen as the best film maker in the festival,I was a student of Kheirandish’s late husband,and she became emotional and kissed my forehead,”Zamani was quoted by the Etemad daily as saying on Thursday.The pair apologized for their actions and insisted it was spontaneous gesture not intended to cause offence.“She kissed me like a mother kisses her child,”he said.
But conservative authorities present at the ceremony saw it differently.The local justice department chief ordered their arrest for disturbing public morality.Zamani,who was in his 20s,appeared in court in Wednesdayand released on bail of $2,500,Kheirandish,who is in her 50s,was reported to be returning to Yazd to face the charges.On Monday,Moshen Talebpour,representative of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei in Yazd,organized a protest to condemn the kiss,the official IRNA news agency reported.“Today the enemy has targeted our Islamic beliefs,”he said.
Isranian cinema has an uneasy existence.Although lauded at international festivals around the world,Iranian films often struggle to make it past stict local censors.Conservative media lambasted the pair.“Our enemies are trying to harm Islam through culture and this event is an example of that effect,”an editorial in Ya Lessarat weekly said.A local Culture Ministry official was also arrested,accused of being “accomplice ”in allowing the pair to leave yazd.He was later released on $6,250 bails.“Although we condemn the move it should be underlined and considered that the event happened in a very emotional atmosphere and it was not preplanned,”a senior Yazd Culture Ministry official said.
Social restrictions have relaxed somewhat since moderate President Mohammad Khatami stormed to 1997 election win.Dress codes,particularly for women,have become more liberal with lipstick and scandals now tolerated,although they still have to cover their heads with scarves and loose fitting ankle-length clothing.But physical contact between sexes remains taboo,something one official found awkward when meeting Western women.“During ceremonies,I hold a glass in one hand and my bag in other hand to avoid shaking women’s hands,”Iran’s former representative to the United Nations Hadi Najid Hosseinian was quoted as saying by the Ya Lessarat weekly newspaper.“Foreign women are not aware of Islamic rules and when you don’t shake their hands they become red and yellow.”
Najiad hosseinian said he had written to supreme Leader khamenei to ask whether,under certain circumstances,it was permissible to shake a woman’s hand.The answer was a firm “no.”
文章中还有一句话是这样的“she kissed me like a mother kisses her child”原译成“他亲吻我,就像母亲亲吻他的孩。”,毛荣贵老师改译成了“她吻我,如母吻子。”,我觉得虽然改译的更简洁明了了,但也少了些温情的感觉,所以我认为改译成:“她亲吻我,就像一个母亲亲吻自己的孩子。”这样感觉会更细腻,而且也能将当时她的心情刻画出来。
[3]Eugene A.Nida.The Theory and Practice of Translation,E.J.Brill,1982.