

重庆与世界 2011年2期

文/本刊记者 李静 译/胡然


文/本刊记者 李静 译/胡然





曾经在美国JP摩根大通担任副总裁的她,是一名优秀的管理者,工作了26年,2003年退休以后,本可以与家人一起享受天伦之乐,但她却不甘于这样无聊而平凡的日子,希望可以做一些有意义的事情,一次偶然的机会,她看到了和平志愿队的宣传单,让她萌发了成为一名志愿者的念头。“起初我也只是抱着试一试的心态申请的。当我看到他们‘just do it’的口号时,突然有种激情萌发,让我深受鼓舞。我相信我应该也能做到,让自己的人生更有意义。”也正是带着这样的热情,JoAnn开始了自己的志愿者工作。





从一个全球著名的跨国金融服务集团副总裁到异国他乡的一所大学的教师,巨大的身份转变也让人对她的工作心理产生很多疑问。“两份工作性质不同,肯定是不一样的。以前我做管理工作,很多时候会要求你做很多重大决定,人会时刻处于紧张状态;而现在我也做管理,不过我管的是我的学生们。” JoAnn风趣地回答,“现在我觉得更放松。我很享受这种感觉。”



“中国的学生很努力,但课堂上的主动性不够,他们害怕犯错误。但我要让他们知道,错误是无可避免的,每个人都可能犯错误。” JoAnn对教育有自己的见解,她也经常鼓励学生们坚持自己的意见,积极地和老师讨论问题,增强学习主动性。她希望学生们能更独立,可以应付各种生活和学习上的难题。学生们很喜欢这位慈祥的老人,在她过生日时一起为她送上生日蛋糕,和她在重庆度过了一个难忘的生日。从学生身上,JoAnn学会了耐心,理解到了中国的传统美德,孩子对父母的孝心。




“All Am e ricans ho ld s a m ixed idea to China. Twen ty yea rs ago, a lm ost no one liked things m ade in China. Bu t righ t now, things a re d iffe ren t. You can find them eve rywhe re in US. I cam e he re as a vo lun tee r because I have been eage r to know this coun try.”JoAnn has a lo t to say when speaking o f China and Chongq ing.

Be fo re 2003, she wo rked in J.P. Mo rgan as the vice-p residen t. Afte r tha t, instead o f en joying fam ily b liss, she wan ted to devo te he rse lf to o the r m eaning fu l things. He r ac c iden ta l receip t o f a handou t o f Peace Co rp s insp ired he r to becom e a vo lun tee r. “At first, I just wan ted to g ive it a sho t. When I saw their slogan -'just do it', I fe lt ove rwhe lm ed and insp ired. I be lieve I can do it, I can m ake m y life m o re m eaning fu l.” It is w ith such en thusiasm tha t JoAnne em ba rked on a new pa th o f being a vo lun tee r.


The first p lace she se rved was the Kingdom o f Tonga, an a rchip e lago d irec tly sou th o f Weste rn Sam oa. Com pa red w ith he r own coun try, Tonga is no t a deve loped coun try whe re JoAnn was no t ac custom ed to m any things a t first. Even she cou ld no t buy a pair o f shoes suited to he r. Diffe ren t cu ltu ra l backg round s m ixed w ith o the r p rob lem s casted a doub t on he r be lie f o f m aking a d iffe rence. She, howeve r, m ade it because she he ld tha t if you cou ld no t change it, adap t you rse lf to it. Two yea rs la te r, she wen t back to Am e rica w ith m em o rab le expe rience o f Tonga. Afte r a sho rt stay a t hom e, sh e, on c e ag a in, a p p lie d fo r ano th e r vo lun tee ring job, and tha t tim e she wen t to Guyana, a Sou th Am e rican coun try. He r first expe rience in Tonga he lped he r vo lun tee ring job the re fruitfu l and she a lso se rved fo r two yea rs.

This tim e, JoAnn fina lly cam e to he r d ream ed p lace, China, a land o f wonde r. “Am e ricans don't know m any p laces in China excep t Beijing and Shanghai. Upon know ing I wou ld go to Chongq ing, I loca ted it in the m ap o f China, fee ling it was so b ig.” In Sep tem be r, 2009, JoAnn toge the r w ith o the r vo lun tee rs wen t to Chengdu first fo r training and then cam e to Chongq ing fo r teaching. Tha t was the ve ry first tim e she se t he r fee t on this land, fe lt it and began to fa ll in love w ith Chongq ing. “He r m agnificence is fa r beyond wo rd s.”

Onc e be ing the v ic e-p resid en t o f a w o rld renowned in te rna tiona l financ ia l institu tion, now she is a fo reign teache r in a unive rsity, which fo r su re has posed cha llenges to he r. “They a re d iffe ren t in som e way. As a vice p residen t, I have to m ake m any c ritica l dec isions. Tha t was in tense. And now I am still a 'm anage r', cha rg ing w ith m y studen ts. ” JoAnn said w ith a sm ile.“It is fun. I love it!”

JoAnn teaches Eng lish, Com p u ting Sc ience and Da ta Prog ramm ing in Chongq ing Un ive rsity. She loves this job. “In Tonga, I taugh t 30 studen ts, while he re I have to teach m o re than 80 studen ts. So it is d ifficu lt fo r m e to ta lk to eve ry one o f them.” Desp ite o f tha t, JoAnn still try to rem em be r he r eve ry studen t and ge t to know them.

Th rough he r teaching exp e rience, she find s tha t the ave rage Eng lish p ro fic iency o f Chinese studen ts is good, bu t som e studen ts from ru ra l a reas a re shy and se ldom ta lk to he r. To he lp them, the re fo re, she com es up w ith an idea -d ining ou t w ith them. W ithou t the d isc ip line o f the c lass, they fee l free to ta lk, which no t on ly im p roves their o ra l Eng lish bu t m o re im po rtan tly enhances their pe rsona l re la tions. JoAnn has a lways been p roud o f tha t idea.

小朋友喜欢和 JoAnn交谈

“Chinese studen ts wo rk ha rd, bu t they a re no t tha t ac tive in c lass. They a re a fraid o f m aking m istakes. Bu t even Hom e r som e tim es nod s.” JoAnn has he r unde rstand ing on educa tion. She o ften encou rages he r studen ts to stick to their own ideas as long as they a re righ t, and m o re engagem en t w ith he r. She a lso ad voca tes ind ep end en t and c ritica l th inking and insp ires he r studen ts to be p rec ise and c lea r. He r studen ts love he r and he ld a b irthday pa rty in he r hono r last yea r. It was indeed a m em o rab le nigh t. From he r studen ts, she's lean t pa tience, filia l p ie ty and o the r Chinese trad itiona l m o ra lities.

In he r sixties, JoAnn is still ene rge tic, like a young wom an. She likes p laying m ah jong w ith he r friends in spa re tim e. She loves Chinese food, reunion d inne r in p a rticu la r, be cause eve ry tim e she sees fam ily m em be rs busying w ith ded ica te d ishes, cha tting and he lp ing each o the r, she fee ls m uch a t hom e. Ove r the past one yea r in Chongq ing, she has visited a lo t o f scenic spo ts, such as Dazu Rock Ca rvings, Ciq ikou and Wushan. She wan ts to go to Wu long next tim e. “The scene ry is go rgeous, and eve ry tim e I just wan t to stay the re.” She ce leb ra ted Ch ristm as a lone in Chongq ing and m issed he r fam ily so m uch, bu t she still fe lt b lessed when seeing the trees do tted w ith illum ina tions.

On New Yea r's Day, she, w ith o the r vo lun tee rs in Chongq ing, ce leb ra ted it in Nanshan Moun tain, tasting de lic ious food, ap p rec ia ting the n igh t scene and cha tting w ith them. She w ill re tu rn to Am e rica soon, bu t as the be ll rings in the New Yea r, he r eve ry m om en t he re w ill ac com pany he r in to the yea r o f 2011.

From the Vice-p residen t o f J.P. M o rgan to a US-China Friendship Vo lun teer

W ritten by Aggie Translated by Kenneth Hu

