

科技传播 2011年24期





Prehistoric archaeologist and paleontologist. Born in Fengnan,Hebei Province. Graduated from the Department of Geology, Beijing University in 1927. Received Ph. D. from Paris University, France in 1937. Research professor, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthrolology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Pei took charge of and participated in the excavation and investigation in Zhoukoudian, Beijing in 1929 and was the finder of the first skull of Sinanthropus. He confirmed the existence of stoneware and ashes remained by using fire in 1931, which provided an important archaeological basis that Zhoukoudian is a relics of paleoanthropoid.He managed the exploration of the site of Upper Cave Man and obtained a lot of highly valuable fossils and other cultural remains of Upper Cave Man. Since 1949, he was keen on the synthetic research on Mesolithic Age and Neolithic Age and made significant contributions to the development of archaeology of Paleolithic in China.

He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.





Ore deposit geologist. Born in Jiaohe, Hebei Province.Received MS from the University of Wisconsin, USA in 1929.Chief engineer, Department of Geology, Ministry of Coal Industry, and research professor and director, Institute of Geology, Beijing Academy of Coal Science.

Wang was engaged in geological research for 60 years,during which he studied many fields of geology, especially coal geology, and put forward many unique ideas. In his early geological career, he presented the idea that heavy minerals are taken as marks to distinguish volcanic rocks, discovered the new mineral “hsihutsuite” in Changping County of Beijing,surveyed systematically major coal fields in Shandong, Hebei,Jiangxi, Shanxi, Henan, Suiyuan (present Inner Mongolia),Shaanxi, Liaoning, Hunan, Yunan and Guizhou provinces,and established bases for subsequent large-scale surveys and exploration. In the 1950s, he studied the formation conditions and distribution pattern of Late Permian coal fields in South China, which was of exampling Chinese coal, and he was the first to put forward the contact metamorphic classification of coal, which not only had practical importance in the development of coal, but also made active contributions to the geological theories of coal fields.

He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1957.





Mineral deposit geologist. Born in Tanghe, Henan Province. Received MS from the Department of Geology,Columbia University, USA in 1921. Professor, Beijing Geology College.

Feng took part in the exploration of copper ore in Sichuan, Gansu and Yunan provinces and the investigation of minerals along the Yunnan-Burma railway in the 1940s.During the 1950s, he directed the evaluation of Pingdingshan coal mine and bauxite mine in Zhuxian, Henan Province and participated in the compilation of the proposal of site selection for Sanmenxia Dam. He made geological investigations in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces, northern Shaanxi Province and areas along the Shenhai and Longhai railways, which laid a primary foundation for the geological work in these areas.He put forward creative suggestions on the classification of the origin and secondary enrichment of copper ore deposited in Sichuan, Gansu, and Yunnan provinces.

He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1957.





Geophysicist. Born in Beijing. Graduated from Tsinghua University in 1933. Received MS from McGill University,Canada in 1941 and Ph. D. Geophysics from CIT, USA in 1944. Research professor and honorary director, Institute of Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Fu is an expert in solid geophysics, seismology and geophysical prospecting. He is one of the pioneers who first studied the theory of seismic wave propagation in the world.He made special contributions to the theories of seismic body wave, surface wave, head wave, seismic ray and the origin of earchquakes. He is one of the founders of the Chinese Geophysical Society. He has been the chief editor of Acta Geophysica Sinica for a long time and has made significant contributions to the cause of geophysics in China.

He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1957.

