

世界建筑 2011年12期

1 外景效果图/Rendering, exterior view

2 总平面/Site plan

喷气推进实验室的新教育行政大楼,是为从事建造和操作机器人行星太空飞船工作的喷气推进实验室和美国宇航局的科学家提供的办公和行政支持空间。大楼位于加州帕萨迪纳市,面积8 918m2,是创新型新式办公大楼的典范,反映了喷气推进实验室的组织架构风格和积极进取的精神。




3 首层平面/Ground floor plan

4 二层平面/First floor plan

5 三层平面/Second floor plan

6 四层平面/Third floor plan

7 五层平面/Fourth floor plan

8 六层平面/Fifth floor plan





The Jet Propulsion Laboratory's new Education& Administration Complex provides offices and administrative support spaces for JPL and NASA scientists who build and operate robotic planetary spacecraft. The 96,000 sf building in Pasadena,California is an innovative new office building model that reflects the organizational structural and progressive sprit of the JPL institution.

An Environment for Teamwork

The building transforms the traditional model of the workplace into a dynamic, interconnected structure, reflecting and supporting the creative spirit of the institution it houses. Rising above the entrance to the Lab's hillside campus, the project departs from the hyper-rational, hierarchical structure that typifies the standard office building.Instead, it constructs a new series of spatial relationships that are flexible in organization and morphology that can transform the workplace environment by offering its users a setting that encourages multiple connections-to each other,to the activity occurring around them, and to the larger campus.

Connecting to A Broader Campus

9 门厅效果图/Rendering, lobby

10 中央空间效果图/Rendering, center space

11 剖面/Sections

12 剖面/Sections

In both form and setting, the project is interwoven into the creative life of JPL. On the ground floor, the open space of the Mariner Mall runs uninterrupted beneath the building form lifted above, creating a seamless threshold linking the entry to the lobby, exhibition areas, and conference spaces. As the landscape rises away from the Mall, a series of public spaces ascend through the building's conference center, linking meeting rooms,gardens, and terraces in a network of visual and physical connections.

Dynamic New Workspaces

Confronted by a program of 200 enclosed,individual offices, the project creates an interior landscape from a mix of atria, courtyards, and connecting stairs that interrupt the homogenous texture of the cellular offices. Breakout areas and lounges cluster along these openings, draw natural light deep into the building. This sequence culminates in a scattering of outdoor terraces at the uppermost levels.

Across the facade, a constellation of windows maps the spatial relationships between workspaces and public zones within the build. A shifting pattern of density, color, and light broadcasts the individual spaces within to visitors as they approach the building. The facade's smooth white surface is animated by the pattern of mirrored glass that provides shade to offices along the south and west elevations. Similarly, the intense hues of the double-height spaces mark these key collaboration spaces.□

13 上层庭院效果图/Rendering, upper courtyard

14 三角形庭院效果图/Rendering, triangle courtyard

类型/Type: 政府大楼和会议中心/Administration building & conference center

面积/Size: 8 918 m2/96 000 sf

造价/Cost: $52 M

状态/Status:将在2014年完成/To completed 2014

