The Red Ribbon红丝带
江西省南昌市 苏迪 供稿
The Red Ribbon is an international symbol of AIDS awareness.It is worn by people all year round and particularly around World AIDS Day.It can demonstrate care and concern about HIV and AIDS,and remind others of the need for their support and help.红丝带是艾滋病认识的国际符号。人们可以常年佩戴红丝带,尤其是在国际艾滋病日期间佩戴。它可以表现出对艾滋病毒和艾滋病的关心和关注,提醒大家他人需要支持和帮助。
The red ribbon started as a“grass roots”effort,and as a result there is no official red ribbon,and many people make their own.红丝带始于“草根”们的努力,因此没有官方的红丝带,而是人们自制的。
To make your own ribbons,get some ordinary red ribbon,about 1.5 cms wide and cut it into strips about 15 cms long.要做红丝带,先找到一些普通的红色丝带,大约1.5厘米宽,然后把它剪成大约15厘米长的长条。
Then fold at the top into an inverted“V”shape and put a safety pin through the centre which you use to attach the ribbon to your clothing.然后在顶端打一个反着的“V”形,用一个安全别针在中间钉住,这样就可以把红丝带别在你的衣服上了。
1.We should prevent and cure HIV together.防治艾滋病,你我同参与。
2.If there is love,they will have more courage to resist the illness.有了爱的滋润,他们将多一份与病魔抗争的勇气。
3.They are afraid of unconcerned rather than illness.他们惧怕病魔,可更怕冷漠。
4.We should love each other,and enjoy the life together.相互关爱,共享生命。
5.There is the red ribbon between HIV and being loved.“艾”与被爱,连着红丝带。