福建省厦门市 刘丽梅供稿
There was a table tennis match in the school.Lala,Guoguo and Kangkang performed well.They three got a medal respectively.学校组织乒乓球赛,拉拉、果果和康康表现突出,他们三人都获得了一枚奖牌。
One got the Gold medal,one the Silver medal,one the Bronze medal.其中一人获金牌、一人得银牌,一人得铜牌。
Their good friend Doudou missed the match.Afterwards,he called them asking the result.他们的好朋友豆豆错过了观看他们的比赛,事后打电话问他们的战绩。
They three asked Doudou to have a guess.Doudou said,“Lala got the Gold medal,and Guoguo didn’t get the Gold medal,and Kangkang didn’t get the Bronze medal.”于是他们三人要豆豆猜一猜。豆豆说道:“拉拉得了金牌,果果没有得金牌,康康没有得铜牌。”
In fact,only one of the above was correctly guessed by Doudou.Who got the gold medal?结果豆豆只猜对了一个。那么他们三个到底是谁得了金牌呢?