中学生英语 2011年16期
湖北省潜江市园林高中 倪达虎供稿
Footprints in the Snow
湖北省潜江市园林高中 倪达虎供稿
On a cold w intermorning,the road was covered w ith 30cm-thick snow.在一个严寒的早晨,路上的积雪厚达30厘米.
Tom killed a person in his home,walked through a vacant lot and carried the body to an em pty room under construction.汤姆在自己家中杀人后,穿过一片空地,将尸体扛到附近一所正在建造中的空房内。
Then Tom walked the same way back and called the police,reporting that he found someone was killed by accident.然后汤姆原路返回家中,拨通了报警电话,装着若无其事的样子说发现有人被害了。
The detective arrived soon.He checked the footprints in the snow and cried:“You are lying.You are the murderer!”侦探赶到后,查看了那个人往返现场时留在雪地上的脚印,便厉声呵斥说:“你在说谎,凶手就是你!”
How did the detective know the fact?你知道侦探是怎么判断的吗?