“China’s potential growth rate will remain at a high level in the future on the back of the deepening process of industrialization and urbanization, as well as accelerated economic restructuring, which will release huge domestic demand.”
Li Pumin, spokesperson with the National Development and Reform Commission of China, in an interview with Xinhua News Agency in Beijing on August 2
“The work of Central Government departments is mainly about policy making. What the public cares about more is the local governments’ expenditures on the three items, as the amount they spend on those items directly affects how much is spent improving people’s livelihoods.”
Xu Guangjian, Vice Dean of the Public Administration and Policy School of the Renmin University of China, remarking on Chinese Government departments’ publicizing their spending on overseas trips, official vehicles and receptions, in Beijing on August 1
“Strategic mutual trust is the foundation for cooperation, exchanges and common security. It is also the precondition for greater transparency.”
Zhang Qinsheng, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the People’s Liberation Army of China, calling on countries in the Asia-Pacific region to enhance strategic trust at the Seventh Pacific Armies Chiefs Conference held in Singapore from July 28 to 30
“While resources will remain a key component of our trade, there is growing demand for a range of other products and services that Australia is well-placed to supply.”
Australian Federal Trade Minister Craig Emerson, speaking to reporters on Sino-Australian trade in Canberra on August 2 before his visit to China
“We support the renewal of the African Union/UN Hybrid Operation in Darfur to continue to implement the Security Council mandate ... We hope to attain early peace, prosperity and development in Darfur.”
Wang Min, China’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, at the UN Headquarters in New York City on July 29
“The modern economy has been globalized, all countries depend on each other and the U.S. economy is one of the global economy’s engines. If there is a system malfunction, there is nothing good.”
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, speaking to an informal gathering of his supporters in Tver region, Russia, on August 1